How bad does Kentucky beat Auburn today

Sorry to hear that Lurk.
That was easy. I have a home monitoring cams set up and as soon as I posted it, I started going though footage. It was my white neighbor. Cops showed up, I showed them the video, they went and arrested him. I already have my xbox back. The Dr. Pepper is what stood out. I went to the fridge and noticed it was gone. thought wtf? Came into the living room and noticed xbox wires. My tv and computer is almost 20 years old. Looked at the footage, dude took a shit in my 1/2 bathroom. Cop showed up, went immediately to my neighbors house and asked if I wanted to press charges. "of course I want to press charges". apparently he was just practicing breaking into my house. What a f'n asshole. I do have to fix my back door frame.
That was easy. I have a home monitoring cams set up and as soon as I posted it, I started going though footage. It was my white neighbor. Cops showed up, I showed them the video, they went and arrested him. I already have my xbox back. The Dr. Pepper is what stood out. I went to the fridge and noticed it was gone. thought wtf? Came into the living room and noticed xbox wires. My tv and computer is almost 20 years old. Looked at the footage, dude took a shit in my 1/2 bathroom. Cop showed up, went immediately to my neighbors house and asked if I wanted to press charges. "of course I want to press charges". apparently he was just practicing breaking into my house. What a f'n asshole.
Glad he was nailed. Did he flush?
That was easy. I have a home monitoring cams set up and as soon as I posted it, I started going though footage. It was my white neighbor. Cops showed up, I showed them the video, they went and arrested him. I already have my xbox back. The Dr. Pepper is what stood out. I went to the fridge and noticed it was gone. thought wtf? Came into the living room and noticed xbox wires. My tv and computer is almost 20 years old. Looked at the footage, dude took a shit in my 1/2 bathroom. Cop showed up, went immediately to my neighbors house and asked if I wanted to press charges. "of course I want to press charges". apparently he was just practicing breaking into my house. What a f'n asshole. I do have to fix my back door frame.

So basically he caught a charge for a Dr. Pepper? Insert Will Ferrel whatanidiot.gif
It'll be interesting to see if Pearl keeps the press going with Hagans back in.

UK should get dunks, if so.
I've been told if you live in or around Memphis, you'll have your house/car broken into. I shrugged it off for 13 years. The longer I sit here the more angry, I'm getting.
Auburn might shoot 50 free throws before this one is over.I sure hope we get same whistle when they come to RUPP.UK would win by 20.
I've been told if you live in or around Memphis, you'll have your house/car broken into. I shrugged it off for 13 years. The longer I sit here the more angry, I'm getting.

Hell, even in Lawrence, I’ve had my car broken into twice in about 6 months. And I’m on the nice side of town.
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They did let them play for awile so it could have been worse. They gonna get their whistles in near the end though.

They shot 44 free throws. Did they play a quick game at halftime when nobody was watching?