I wasn't arguing about the decision. As I stated in one of my earlier posts, the NCAA has made their ruling and it is final. I may not agree with it but arguing about it is pointless.
I simply thought it odd that a UNC fan would start a thread on the subject of UNC's academic fraud scandal unprompted because that behavior is 180 degrees out of phase with the UNC graduates I know personally. So my question was to ascertain whether the UNC fans here had any vested interest in the academic issues at all because that would just be weird. After a period of silence, my suspicions were confirmed and all three vocal supporters admitted they did not attend UNC. Just to be clear, that doesn't mean you can't be a fan, it just means you don't have an academic connection to UNC.
Your constant shouting back with a "no sanctions" response, while true, doesn't do much but reinforce the position that your only connection to UNC is from a fan perspective. And that is fine. But it does not change the fact that UNC's academic reputation was and continues to be questioned and will be for some time in the eyes of many people.
So go ahead and respond "no sanctions, not guilty" for the 27th (or however many times it has been posted in this thread) if it makes you feel better.