I wish some of those duke kids would've given Coach K the bird while that was going on. That would've been awesome. Duke probably would've expelled the student which would've made K look like even more of an ass.
Random story about middle fingers and Cameron...
So my sophomore year, I can't remember why, but for some reason I was on the wrong side of the court. I was sitting right behind the scorers table. It's maybe 30, 40 minutes before the game. So I look across the court and I see my roommate there in the Crazies. Now my roommate was a good dude, but SUPER dopey (of course, he is now some executive manager board member something or other at Goldman). He is looking like RIGHT at me, but doesn't seem to register that it is me. So I wave. Nothing. I wave with both hands. Nothing. I turn to our friend next to us, and we are both like "WTF, I know Chuck is clueless, but he is looking like RIGHT at us?" So we BOTH wave, big, hands over our head. Nothing. At this point we are both starting to laugh... like, everyone knows he is dopey, but wtf? So finally I'm like "**** it, I'm giving him the finger." So I do. Nothing. And at that moment I decide that I am going to give him the finger until he notices. **** it. Operation Make Charlie Notice Me Giving Him The Finger commences. He is still standing there, looking around, just clueless, as we are all busting out laughing and I'm standing there giving him the bird. And I will NOT stop till he notices.
About two minutes in, a producer from ESPN comes right up to the scorers table and LACES into me. Like, UNHINGED. So apparently I hadn't noticed because I was so focused on my roomie, but they were doing a segment RIGHT in front of the scorers table, and there was idiot me, seemingly giving the camera the finger for the ENTIRE segment.
I was mortified, but also the slightest bit amused.
And my dope roommate never noticed.
There you go; random story of a crazy getting chewed out and giving the finger.