It is pretty amazing the perception we have taken on about Championships or bust. Not just for Calipari but all coaches. HOF be damned, Runner up's be damned, FF, Regional Finals, Wins, etc. be damned. There is only one coach/team per year who had a successful season. EVERY ONE ELSE has failed miserably.
UK has only had 8 successful seasons in their entire history. KU has only had 3 in their history,never mind all the tradition, coaches tree, wins, rules etc. All meaningless. Duke 5 in their history, K has been coaching for ~40 years, he's only had 5 succesful seasons, UNC, also rich in tradition only 6 successful seasons, etc. etc. etc.
Nevermind draft picks, wins, graduation rates, all time records broken, etc. It's all meaningless without a title. And, even if you win a title, you should have won more. As fun it was watching Duke play last year. Complete failure of a season. Roy's entire time at KU was a failure. Dean Smith only had two successful season in his entire time at UNC with all his talent.. Nevermind he was once the coach with the most wins. Mark Few, Sean Miller, Bruce Pearl, on and on, complete failure as coaches. All time winnest percentage, meaningless.