Schools, just as other things, are part of the problem. And that "silly school stuff" usually leads to that "true bullying" you are speaking of. I understand you teach. I understand your stance. But some schools just turn a blind eye to this stuff. My granddaughter came over the other day, crying. Asked what was wrong. Said a kid at school made fun of her teeth being crooked. Said her mommy/daddy were to poor to have her teeth fixed. My daughter just shrugged it off.
I did not. I contacted the school. Asked what was done. Told me---"its just kids being kids". No, its not. Its kids being mean. Its kids being disrespectful. Let that go, and what does it turn into at a later date? Or....Or.....speak with the child and make her aware that type of behavior is not acceptable. SIlly school stuff? Sure. But that doesn't mean you ignore it.
Look Cory, I'm nt JUST blaming schools. I understand the restrictions and guidelines they live under. But I also know schools here waaaaay to often tuck this stuff away. Can't do that. Just can't.
I think you misinterpret what I mean by silly school stuff. Silly school stuff is too 6 year old friends getting mad at each other and one saying something dumb to the other. What you are talking about is not what I'm referencing. It takes some experience to differentiate for sure and isn't always easy.
We had a situation similar to what you are talking about happen at our school today. I promise it was dealt with, lol. The one who did it was not only remorseful but tried to make it right afterwards. Another student who I never thought would be helpful actually stepped in and tried to help the other kid. We do a lot of stuff with bullying where we are at though. We have to.