Wood You Wednesday 8/12

Wood you?

  • Wood

    Votes: 16 53.3%
  • wood knot

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • wood, wood knot tell anyone

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters
I can't believe hail doesn't have the pigtails comments in his TheDude01 Dossier.

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I think they’re probably taken out of context. I do think that pedophilia is disgusting, but I don’t agree that Thedude is a pedophile. That term seems to be loosely thrown around these days.
Kinda like "racist' and 'racism' and 'privelage'.
For next WYW, we need one that walks the line of being bangable but also “I’d be embarrassed if anyone found out” type chick.
Kinda like "racist' and 'racism' and 'privelage'.
Was wondering what took you guys so long. Not very analogous but A for effort.
Calling someone a pedo is fun? You’re a strange little man. But you are in the running for most popular poster on the board which should be a wake up call.
@TheDude1 has also joked about it before on here. He knows his pigtail comment(among others) were a bit f^cked.

Also, I'm sure he doesn't need or want anyone sticking up for him.
I’m not really sticking up for anyone . Just pointing out the irony ( I know most of you are too stupid to understand irony) of a guy posting a poll about whether you’d bang an underage girl calling someone else a pedophile. I know there is some unwritten “I’m a complete dumbass code” that exists with your frat brothers that makes this seem ok. Bottom line - you are a ****ing clown. Just an observation from a relative conservative person with an IQ above 100.

Grrrrr. Laughing You're silly, and congrats on your perfectly normal IQ and above average sensitivity. .
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Neither are too appealing at their current age. Heels Up probably had the better body in her prime. Conway was probably a bigger freak. So...

Pretty much what I was thinking. I’d prob do both. As Bmore said, Kellyanne prob a boring lay, but who knows.
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I think they’re probably taken out of context. I do think that pedophilia is disgusting, but I don’t agree that Thedude is a pedophile. That term seems to be loosely thrown around these days.
Not sure you guys should worry about terms "loosely thrown around these days" considering how many times I've heard people called racist or a white supremacist.
Which is what I did. TheDude and I are not buddies or anything close. We don’t really get along for the most part, until some of this political stuff we actually never did. Kinda like us.

Do I think it’s kinda creepy, sure. But, I also think you think he’s an actual pedophile. It works better as schtick.
I don't think he's a full blown pedophile, but it honestly wouldn't shock me in the least if he's had feelings for or potentially acted on those feelings with a prior student (male or female).
Not sure you guys should worry about terms "loosely thrown around these days" considering how many times I've heard people called racist or a white supremacist.
Toonces beat ya to the punch. Hell, Bert even called himself a racist as if he was proud of it almost. Doubt Thedude is a pedo.
This seems like selective memory and overly dramatic. I may have missed you calling out posters for calling others homos and cocksuckers but I doubt it. Meanwhile defending racists is pretty cool apparently. I have “friends” here too - they just aren’t as loud and don’t post every time they fart.
I don’t call people names like cocksucker and homos because I’m not an insecure child. No one here is upset like you seem to be.
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I dont think the age of consent works like that. Even though its 16 in KY, I think the other person has to be under 21. So 19yo and 16yo is fine, but 40yo and 17 is a no go.
i think it is +5 years
i think if a kid is in state custody (foster care) they have to be 18 along with some other rules
if a girl can not buy her own beer stay away from her
I’ll go with cigarettes lol. JK it depends on how old u are.

And there’s a difference imo in thinking a 16-17 YO girl is attractive, and hitting on a 16-17 YO girl bc she’s attractive. That’s where you start talking pedophile imo. When u start to act.
Why does a thread that ask who you will vote for on Nov 3 get removed from this site but a thread that ask weather or not you would fvck a 17 year old women/child/girl with pics is OK for discussion? Asking for my wife.