Welcome back Dickie V!


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2021
I know some do not like him and for some, he gets on their nerves, but I am a fan and always have been. Really glad he appears to be doing ok health wise again and getting back to doing what he loves! There is no one I would rather hear calling a game. Go get 'em Dickie V!!

He is fine. He should be appreciated for what he did for the game, cancer research, and also how good of a dude he apparently is.
I had lunch with him once. It was myself, my GM, Dickie V, Tubby, and Pitino at a hotel outside of Freedom Hall. I was there to see a Brian Tracy seminar UK was playing @ Freedom Hall, and my boss knew Pitino and we all had lunch. I don't think I said a word the entire lunch. But yeah, he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.
A friend of mine sat next to him on a plane ride and had his son of around 8 or 9 years old with him. He said Dickie V talked to his son non stop the whole flight. before the flight was over, he said Dick asked for their mailing address and said he would send his son some stuff. My buddy didn't think anything would really show up, but he said sure enough, a couple weeks later they got a box full of jerseys, banners, pennants, ETC.
A friend of mine sat next to him on a plane ride and had his son of around 8 or 9 years old with him. He said Dickie V talked to his son non stop the whole flight. before the flight was over, he said Dick asked for their mailing address and said he would send his son some stuff. My buddy didn't think anything would really show up, but he said sure enough, a couple weeks later they got a box full of jerseys, banners, pennants, ETC.

Yeah, I've heard many stories like that about him.
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Dicky V always brings his best and there is no denying his love for college basketball.
Welcome back Mr Vitale
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Dickie V. As of last week didn’t have Mizzou in his top 25. I’m sure an intern fills it out. But come on.