The Vilest of Basketball Programs

Okay, then I assume, because you hold the abilities and ethics of the NCAA so highly there isn't any past examples where they screwed up completely? Am I correct to assume that you actually DO believe Pitino when he says he didn't know about the prostitution and also about giving money out at UL?

Also do you agree with them when they didn't punish UNC for the academic scandal that was going on for over a decade?

The NCAA has shown poor judgment time after time throughout the years...time after time.

But okay, let's act like since the NCAA didn't find the smoking bullet, there isn't one...

can you honestly say there was a smoking bullet without seeing what the investigation had?
if your answer is yes the maybe we should apply that to every person that has ever been investigated

do a little work and educate yourself on what the NCAA actually said

Please explain to me how the NCAA could prove someone innocent/guilty with no subpoena power without A. a paper trail, B. a whistleblower or C. A recording of a conversation?

Seriously, it's not like you have to rely on a crazy unrealistic situation to explain how someone can beat a NCAA investigation. People with money do this type of stuff all the time. Have someone who is either loyal, or trusted handle all communication.....that's it.

But if your willing to accept that the NCAA couldn't of screwed up here...sure. I just hope that you're not hypocritical when it comes to everyone NOT your coach.
Okay, then I assume, because you hold the abilities and ethics of the NCAA so highly there isn't any past examples where they screwed up completely? Am I correct to assume that you actually DO believe Pitino when he says he didn't know about the prostitution and also about giving money out at UL?

Also do you agree with them when they didn't punish UNC for the academic scandal that was going on for over a decade?

The NCAA has shown poor judgment time after time throughout the years...time after time.

But okay, let's act like since the NCAA didn't find the smoking bullet, there isn't one...

This is what I've always thought also. Seems like Kentucky fans are guilty of selective outrage most often but all fans are guilty of it.

The NCAA is an organization of incompetent boobs or corrupt enablers until they investigate your guy or your program and don't find anything - then they're a beacon of ethical integrity full of elite investigators.

Exactly! I'm pretty confident that anyone who posts here who isn't a fan of UNC thinks they screwed up with their scandal. But if it's your team, if you get a clean bill of health then its the bible.
Whatever criteria you choose. Academics, coach, fans, scandals etc. Who do you think has the absolute most-despicable reputation and why ?

I had been thinking about this since the Tom Crean thread, which led to how many people not liking Bobby Knight, then the vitriol about UNC, then UL having their issues. Some hate Calipari, and some even still hate Rupp. Then you have the whole Duke entitlement haters.

It's a lot to process. Just kinda wanted to put a visual on it all.

Louisville then UNC. Both are as crooked as you can get.
I think its funny to hear fans of other teams say that they should be fired because they should have known, or because it looks suspicious.

However, you have:

Louisville fans used to say that Pitino shouldn't be fired because he didn't know that there was a prostitution scandal happening in the players dorms.

Kansas fans say that they were the victim in this current scandal.

UNC fans say that Roy shouldn't be punished because the academic scandal happened so many years before he got there he didn't know about it.

Duke fans say that the player who bought that very expensive jewelry a few years ago, really could afford it.

And the very best one is....Calipari isn't a cheater because he never was named by the NCAA when his final 4s were vacated at his 2 previous school's.
I’m pretty sure UNC fans say Roy shouldn’t have been punished because UNC did nothing wrong... now you can continue on.
Read up on UK's history before you call anyone crooked.

If you search Google for lists of the dirtiest college basketball programs, Kentucky is always mentioned and often #1.

They do hypocrisy well.

Long history of scandals, even if you want to give them the benefit of the doubt for guys like Calipari and Pitino. But I think we all know those two aren't/weren't likely to have their hands clean.

I doubt there's an easier place in the world to sweep athlete dirt under the rug than Lexington.
Read up on UK's history before you call anyone crooked.

If you search Google for lists of the dirtiest college basketball programs, Kentucky is always mentioned and often #1.

They do hypocrisy well.

Long history of scandals, even if you want to give them the benefit of the doubt for guys like Calipari and Pitino. But I think we all know those two aren't/weren't likely to have their hands clean.

I doubt there's an easier place in the world to sweep athlete dirt under the rug than Lexington.
You're wrong....we learned in this thread that if the NCAA can't find the dirt then there isn't any.
Kentucky got the death penalty for players shaving points...and still won the championship that year. Let's compare that to the scandals that have happened the past 10 years and see how it ranks.

Next, they were paying a player through the mail. Again, not exactly the worst thing ever.

I'd take that over rape and murders any day.
UNC for me! Got away with the biggest scandal in sports history in my opinion.
Michigan State. Employees of that school have sexually assaulted countless women, and even a dog, and seemingly every coach and many other employees have allegedly played a part in covering it up. I don't know how it's not Michigan State.
you are such a tool. troll. lol
If you search Google for lists of the dirtiest college basketball programs, Kentucky is always mentioned and often #1.

They do hypocrisy well.

Long history of scandals, even if you want to give them the benefit of the doubt for guys like Calipari and Pitino. But I think we all know those two aren't/weren't likely to have their hands clean.

I doubt there's an easier place in the world to sweep athlete dirt under the rug than Lexington.

That’s cute coming from a Kansas fan. If you want me to post the 2003-2009 forum post I will but Kansas is about as dirty as it gets as well.
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Kentucky got the death penalty for players shaving points...and still won the championship that year. Let's compare that to the scandals that have happened the past 10 years and see how it ranks.

Next, they were paying a player through the mail. Again, not exactly the worst thing ever.

I'd take that over rape and murders any day.

Getting the death penalty ranks up there but it doesn’t trump rape and murder.
I find it amazing that people are fans of a certain program that has been been caught MULTIPLE times cheating & yet they pick a program that has exactly ONE probation for ONE year as the dirtiest program ever.
I think jealousy has blinded them.
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you are such a tool. troll. lol
He’s uneducated.

When I asked for specific examples of any of the coaches covering up a sexual assault, I got nothing.

All he did was bring up the Adrian Payne case, where as, when no charges are filed, according to team policy, no action could be taken.
That’s cute coming from a Kansas fan. If you want me to post the 2003-2009 forum post I will but Kansas is about as dirty as it gets as well.

Got a lot of inside info do ya?

Everybody thinks everybody is dirty. Most of it is speculation. I prefer facts. And based on facts, Kentucky is a historically dirty program. Based on speculation, they're currently dirty. Yet their fans are constantly casting stones and taking the holier than thou road. Pitiful.
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Please explain to me how the NCAA could prove someone innocent/guilty with no subpoena power without A. a paper trail, B. a whistleblower or C. A recording of a conversation?

Seriously, it's not like you have to rely on a crazy unrealistic situation to explain how someone can beat a NCAA investigation. People with money do this type of stuff all the time. Have someone who is either loyal, or trusted handle all communication.....that's it.

But if your willing to accept that the NCAA couldn't of screwed up here...sure. I just hope that you're not hypocritical when it comes to everyone NOT your coach.

if you are asking me if i have more faith in believing the people that investigated it over some random guys opinion on a message board, then i think the answer is very obvious

again go read the letters sent to both Umass and Memphis
i am sure you agree that before you form an opinion or make accusations you should educate yourself on the situations
knowledge is a beautiful thing

i think every school/coach works in grey areas and at times cross the line
I've skimmed through this thread and haven't seen a mention of Penn State. Seems odd.

I mean what Louisville did was bad but not even close to the same level as Penn State.

Still think Baylor is my #1 seed.
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I've skimmed through this thread and haven't seen a mention of Penn State. Seems odd.

I mean what Louisville did was bad but not even close to the same level as Penn State.

Still think Baylor is my #1 seed.

You're right, in not going to lie....I completely forgot about them. How many years ago was that?
It has to be Kentucky and for Kentucky fans to call anybody a cheater is some funny shit.

I don't think cheating is worse than murder and molestation, so I cant say Kentucky is the worst. But its hysterical to hear anyone who supports a university who named their arena after a open and blatant racist call another fan out for anything they do.
Let's move the goal posts like everyone does with championships, wins, final fours etc. Let's keep it in this century. Just sayin

BTW its not over for Louisville yet. Remember that little org the FBI. I'm sure all the activation money being received from Adidas is being sorely scrutinized. Its odd that other Universities don't have activations in their contracts. That said, I'ld put PSU and UNC ahead of them...
Just back up your quote. Spill out the facts. Anybody can play an R card. I think you're racist. See how it works... They're saying you're ignorant to the facts...
I've gotten lazy over the years. I used to try and help and educate, now I just let them remain ignorant and say dumb things over and over.
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So, are you saying that you don't think Rupp was a racist, or that your happy they named the arena after an openly blatant racist?
Rupp was a polarizing figure because of his success. Don't let your ignorance about him get the best of you. He was a product of the era in which he lived, just like everyone else. I am sure he used the word negro/nagger...just like everyone else. That doesn't mean he hated black people. Do you realize he helped black kids get scholarships to schools in the north before integration in the south? Do you realize all the other southern teams were "all-white" just like UK until the late 60s? Do you realize UK was one of the first SEC schools to integrate in college basketball? Do you realize the all-white UK team that lost to Texas Western in the 1966 title game beat an all-white Duke team to get there? You don't care about any of that though because you're just here to flame and spew ignorance about someone you know nothing about.
So, are you saying that you don't think Rupp was a racist, or that your happy they named the arena after an openly blatant racist?

Just back up your quote. Spill out the facts. Anybody can play an R card. I think you're racist. See how it works... They're saying you're ignorant to the facts...

Dude seriously, are you really going to act like he wasn't a racist? It's been well documented over the past 50 years.

Below is from an article I found from a UK fan who's a journalist.

1. Rupp allowed Sports Illustrated writer Frank Deford to stand in the Wildcats' locker room at halftime. Deford said he was stunned by Rupp's racist halftime exhortations.

"He said, 'You've got to beat those coons, ' "Deford said. "He turned to (center) Thad Jaracz. 'You go after that big coon.' . . . He talked that way all the time. . . A chill went through me. I was standing in the back of the room, and I looked around at the players. They all kind of ducked their heads. They were embarrassed. This was clearly the type of thing that went over the line."

2. The second documented racial slur attributed to Rupp is found in a quote from Harry Lancaster, long-time assistant to Rupp, in his book Adolph Rupp As I Knew Him (Lexington Productions, 1979). Rupp said after a meeting with Dr. John Oswald, UK President at the time, "Harry, that son of a bitch is ordering me to get some ******s in here. What am I going to do ? He's the boss.

3.One story which does indeed demonstrate that Rupp was prejudiced against blacks is related by Ron Grinker in the book Loose Balls. This book, by Terry Pluto, attempts to harness the flavor of the ABA during its short-lived life. Grinker relates a story when he was escorting the aging college coach down to Memphis for a promotion of the local ABA franchise.

Once, I was on a flight with Rupp and sat with him in the first-class section. He had about six Kentucky bourbons in less than an hour and was about halfway to the wind. I told him that I was an attorney who represented some basketball players. Now, I had never met the man, and the first significant thing he said to me was, "The trouble with the ABA is that there are too many ****** boys in it now." I sat there just stunned. That just killed my image of Adolph Rupp the great coach. Maybe it was because he had too much to drink, but even so... - Loose Balls by Terry Pluto,
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So, are you saying that you don't think Rupp was a racist, or that your happy they named the arena after an openly blatant racist?
Rupp was a polarizing figure because of his success. Don't let your ignorance about him get the best of you. He was a product of the era in which he lived, just like everyone else. I am sure he used the word negro/******...just like everyone else. That doesn't mean he hated black people. Do you realize he helped black kids get scholarships to schools in the north before integration in the south? Do you realize all the other southern teams were "all-white" just like UK until the late 60s? Do you realize UK was one of the first SEC schools to integrate in college basketball? Do you realize the all-white UK team that lost to Texas Western in the 1966 title game beat an all-white Duke team to get there? You don't care about any of that though because you're just here to flame and spew ignorance about someone you know nothing about.

He started to recruit black players because he knew he had to if he wanted to keep winning! I believe his first black recruit was 3 or 4 years AFTER his team of white kids lost in the championship to a team in Texas with a starting 5 of all blacks.

Do t act like he was recruiting them out of the kindness of his heart, it was only because it benefited him!
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He started to recruit black players because he knew he had to if he wanted to keep winning! I believe his first black recruit was 3 or 4 years AFTER his team of white kids lost in the championship to a team in Texas with a starting 5 of all blacks.

Do t act like he was recruiting them out of the kindness of his heart, it was only because it benefited him!
Wait a second, so you're saying coaches typically recruit out of the kindness of their heart and not to benefit themselves? RollLaughRollLaughRollLaughRollLaughRollLaughRollLaughRollLaughRollLaughRollLaughRollLaughRollLaughRollLaugh

Again, don't be so naive. Do you realize how hard it was to get black kids to play at a southern school? Would you want to go somewhere your life was in danger? Educate yourself before you speak, it will really help your argument. You're also wrong about his recruiting (not shocking) He had offered guys like Unseld and Beard before the '66 season even happened.