Place to put my Nonsense Thread.


Just seeing this now lol. So, what are they going to replace the standardized tests with? Diversity scores?
So what happens when we alienate America's greatest assets?

Collective effort to get back to even? Then apologize and bring in the heavy hitters?
1, 2 or 3?




Is number three pointed at me because I posted that a while back?
🤣 🤣
If so that's cool brother, I love it. 🤣🤣
If not let me enjoy the self reconciliation. (spelling) :rolleyes:
I think you are a good man, I do really mean that, I enjoy reading your posts.😎
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Is number three pointed at me because I posted that a while back?
🤣 🤣
If so that's cool brother, I love it. 🤣🤣
If not let me enjoy the self reconciliation. (spelling) :rolleyes:
I think you are a good man, I do really mean that, I enjoy reading your posts.😎
Lol. No. It wasn't aimed at you. I have seen that a lot. Just wasn't remembering it from this thread.

Back at ya, brother. As long as you know there is no ill will towards you for liking scrawny women with no hips.

But here's one for you.

Watched this the other day. Almost forgot about this wonderful scene.

I have a wonderful wife, but she just seen this and me loving it.
She said, what would you do with something like that?
I said, sweetheart, it would be like last week when we went to Texas Road House and they brought me that big thick bone in ribeye, just as I started cutting it I realized that I left my false teeth at home by the kitchen sink. So how did that work out honey?
And for anyone wondering, yes I keep my teeth in the kitchen, I am not leaving my teeth where someone flushes a toilet. 👍