Place to put my Nonsense Thread.

Written by Oprah, directed by Lebron, starring Kevin Hart. Kiefer Sutherland will play the head klansman staked out outside of the DMV intimidating the black people who are trying to get an ID. Then Matthew McConaughey will step in and convince the klan to leave. It's bringing a tear to my eye just thinking about it.
You need to find a way to work cameos in for Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Spike Lee.
It's such a slow burn time of year. It's great we don't have to worry about these Betsy Ross type threads being deleted.

Can't wait for next election year.
You can bet on Musk bring up dogecoin tonight on SNL.

Seems an easy bet for for some fast cash.

One the second bet, I'm going no it reaching a dollar. ' hope it does. but I don't think it will.
