SHit is crazy.....
I go to ER for possible separated shoulder...Which it was, with some other shit going on,
NP(Nurse pract) notices my HR is low(48). Which is sort of low, but i take medications that keep my HR low, plus I officiate a ton of games, athletic, and have a physical job. SO in decent shape---ANd not abnormal to have a low, resting HR. Anywho.....SHe then tells me my BP is low as well---107/65. Again, not really. She wants to admit me. I tell her I have a game @ 7:30, and its now 2:30, so no chance get a replacement...Tell her I feel fine, look at my chart, my history, it will show you this isn't abnormal. She's adamant that I stay----SO I ask for a cardiac consult, or for her to get in touch with my cardiologist. If they say to stay----I wll.
About 30 minutes rolls by, and I ask my nurse about pain meds---Tells me it on the way. Great. She comes back about 15 minutes later, with pain meds, and..................a COVID swab. I ask about that---Said they wanna make sure I don't have COVID, b/c that could be causing my symptoms----
Ummm, what symptoms?
Well your plapations, low HR, BP, and chest pain that you complained of...
Huh? I never mentioned that---I came here for MY SHOULDER. Which is SEPARATED. So , well me being be me, I asked----"Are separated shoulders a new symptom of COVID"? Lady next me laughed so hard---as did one of the nurses at the table..
So---NP comes back, tells me still waiting on cardiac to get back to her. But that I needed to stay, get evaluated, and needed to take COVID test...
BUT I came here for MY SHOULDER. Which is SEPARATED. So again I ask----"Can I get something for pain"? She ask if I plan on staying---I said, dunno. She walks over to my nurse and tells her, "If he leaves AMA, do not give him anything for pain..."---And then states, "He needs to at least take COVID test, due to his symptoms...."
What symptoms?
Anyways, I left. No pain meds, no prescription for home...Nothing. TOld me once I left AMA, their treatment stopped. Huh? Treatment for what?
I came here for MY SHOULDER. Which is SEPARATED.
TOld me sorry, hospital protocol...Huh? So, well, being me, I ask----"So, if I came here needing stitches to close a gash in my head, and you then wanted to keep me b/c of low HR, etc, etc....and I said no, thats normal-----you wouldn't give me stitches"?
Sir, please sign here, and you can go..
I go to ER, for a separated shoulder, and end with COVID symptoms.....