Commas are importantThis reads two ways. Those are gross tits, or gross, tits.

Commas are importantThis reads two ways. Those are gross tits, or gross, tits.
We'll see how the decriminalization of hard drugs works out in Portland. They are a good guinea pig. I don't expect good results.That’s a big reason why I’m in favor of legalizing a lot of drugs so they can be regulated and taxed. Most overdoses are accidental. They meant to do heroin, they didn’t mean to do THAT much heroin. Legalize it, standardize it, heavily regulate it, move money away from penalizing use and put it into education, rehab, medicine.
There isn’t strong evidence that legalizing drugs increases drug use appreciably, so I don’t think that will be an issue.
We'll see how the decriminalization of hard drugs works out in Portland. They are a good guinea pig. I don't expect good results.
I don't see how heroin or hallucinogens' can ever be legalized.We will see. I should mention that opioids and heroin are a unique case because they actually treat or can treat something, instead of being purely recreational. There probably isn’t a path to legalizing heroin, on second thought. Too addictive.
I don't see how heroin or hallucinogens' can ever be legalized.
maybe shrooms with micro dosing, but how would that be monitored?
I can see Shrooms, and coke, have a hard time seeing LSD. Don't get me wrong, had a few good times with LSD, but anything that makes you lose consciousness of time being legal.Shrooms, coke, and even acid I could see being legalized in a distant future.
I can see Shrooms, and coke, have a hard time seeing LSD. Don't get me wrong, had a few good times with LSD, but anything that makes you lose consciousness of time being legal.
I don't think LSD is possible to OD on. I could be wrong, but I can't recall a single person from the 60's/70's oding from LSD. Sure they may jump off a roof, but not from the drug itself.A big hurdle is the risk of overdose. It’s one thing to set limits on how potent a drug is allowed to be and other thing to get people not to take a billion doses and die.
It takes effort to overdose on alcohol and overdosing on THC is damn near impossible. Coke is comparatively easy to OD on and I’d assume LSD is, too. Shrooms are harder to OD on. Eat a whole bag and you’ll be real fvcked up and probably barf but won’t die.
I don't think LSD is possible to OD on. I could be wrong, but I can't recall a single person from the 60's/70's oding from LSD. Sure they may jump off a roof, but not from the drug itself.
I think this is in order.True, taking too much LSD probably just results in permanently being a hippy.
I couldn't give two shits about the confederates. Oddly it is democrats removing statutes of democrats. I know, I know.. pArTy fLiP...
The point is, it does nothing to improve anything to remove statutes of democrats that represented the US, regardless of whether you care about them or not. I am actually okay with the do nothing democrats doing nothing. We have a long way to go, but if they keep focusing on stupid unimportant things, we may be able to run the clock out for the next 17 months.
I believe it’s like a half a person a year killed by sharks in the US. Talk about a bad rep.People swim with sharks all the time and usually don't even know it. Getting killed by a shark is about as likely as winning the Powerball jackpot.
LSD or shrooms. It’s also not easy to OD on coke. Not sure dude has tried a drug before or what.I don't think LSD is possible to OD on. I could be wrong, but I can't recall a single person from the 60's/70's oding from LSD. Sure they may jump off a roof, but not from the drug itself.
LSD or shrooms. It’s also not easy to OD on coke. Not sure dude has tried a drug before or what.
And aren’t shrooms already legal in Colorado?
I’ve seen a lot of coke, and a good amt of people fall victim to it. Nobody has died though. While it’s anecdotal, I’d bet the data backs it up. I’ve also known two people who have OD’d and died. Both were opiate related. Those are the true killers, imo. **** opiates.Haven’t had the chance to drop acid. Shrooms once, coke a few times. Comparatively, coke is the easiest of the bunch to OD on, including alcohol, because you don’t know the purity. That’s all.
I've tried weed, acid, shrooms, and coke before.
Honestly, my favorite one was shrooms. Coke was okay, but I didn't like how it made me feel after I came down. Acid is just meh
Same as far as coke goes, except my first time with it. Only tried it like 3 times, but the first time was the only time it did anything fun for me.Coke was a letdown each time I tried it. Hardly felt anything. Compared it to chugging a Redbull. Shrooms were a fun experience.
Gingers with too much energy is a dangerous thing. I call it Ginergy.Never was into coke, didn't like all the pent up energy.
Yea thats so garbage. Let them free.This is a good point. What's y'alls thought on letting out non-violent marijuana prisoners?
You got some bunk ass coke lolCoke was a letdown each time I tried it. Hardly felt anything. Compared it to chugging a Redbull. Shrooms were a fun experience.
Multiple times I have seen sharks in the waves. I don't even really get nervous anymore. The beach we go to has really clear water. Most shark "attacks" are in murky water at feeding time. 90% of them are mere bites where the shark realizes quickly that it bit the wrong thing. We don't have great whites and a low bull shark population, so not worried at all. Also, whenever people down here do get bit, they are tourists. It's as if the sharks know.People swim with sharks all the time and usually don't even know it. Getting killed by a shark is about as likely as winning the Powerball jackpot.
Basically. LolIf anyone feels strongly about preserving statues, this might be an effective strategy.
This post got me thinking so I asked my wife when she got home. There's no needles, it's a dissolvable waffer. With their doses, they can't get "high" of it, what they give them blocks the receptors, it's just to keep them from getting sick. I could go on, but that the jest.The fact that there are clinics to begin with baffles me. They very likely do more harm than good. Now we are to the point where states are offering safe places for people to shoot up, with doctors on site to administer life-saving measures if needed. WTF is going on in this country? We just cater to it now.
Exactly. Even when bites occur it's a case of mistaken identity almost every time and the shark will immediately let go knowing you're not the prey is was looking for (even though it could've devoured you if it wanted to). People are just ignorant to shit like that, especially tourists. They should be way more worried about things like box jellyfish or man-of-war but yet you see people picking them up on the beach and taking pics with them. 😆Multiple times I have seen sharks in the waves. I don't even really get nervous anymore. The beach we go to has really clear water. Most shark "attacks" are in murky water at feeding time. 90% of them are mere bites where the shark realizes quickly that it bit the wrong thing. We don't have great whites and a low bull shark population, so not worried at all. Also, whenever people down here do get bit, they are tourists. It's as if the sharks know.
I think my post was a little confusing. The first part I was talking about methadone clinics. The rest was about places where they let druggies come and shoot up their own drugs (usually heroin) in the presence of a doctor.This post got me thinking so I asked my wife when she got home. There's no needles, it's a dissolvable waffer. With their doses, they can't get "high" of it, what they give them blocks the receptors, it's just to keep them from getting sick. I could go on, but that the jest.
Yea but from experience they def do give you a buzz or high. Its just it kinda tops off, whereas most drugs, the more you do the higher u get. Thats kind of true for wafer or subs but theres just a certain level ur gonna get to and if u keep pushing it ur never gonna get higher bc like u said it blocks the receptors (which is also not quite effective as they say as ive done opiods and subs the sane day and def got high off the opiods)This post got me thinking so I asked my wife when she got home. There's no needles, it's a dissolvable waffer. With their doses, they can't get "high" of it, what they give them blocks the receptors, it's just to keep them from getting sick. I could go on, but that the jest.
Actually invented by the germans during one of the world wars iirc.It's also used for pain. Some of my wife's clients have never touched heroin.
I've had too many friends to count die from drugs over the past 20 years or so. Used to be oxys and now it's heroin. Fentanyl is in everything now it seems. Not worth the risk. You would think after seeing so many people close to them die it would wake others up, but it doesn't. Very few people make it out alive once they take that path. It's just playing Russian roulette and eventually it will land on the loaded chamber. It's sad to see. Plenty of people are ones you would never expect either. Not your typical "junkie" stereotype.And while the clinics are def not the solution they are still much better than people doong heroin that could be dirty or pills made in a press with fentanyl. Had s friend die last year like that. Thought he got a oxy off the street it was fentanly pressed into an oxy smdh.
Oh yea my friend who OD, lots of people didnt even know he partied(pills). I didnt even know, we werent super close just a small town and ran with a few of the same people but still its soo sad and just a system shock like why him and not me ya know, crazy.I've had too many friends to count die from drugs over the past 20 years or so. Used to be oxys and now it's heroin. Fentanyl is in everything now it seems. Not worth the risk. You would think after seeing so many people close to them die it would wake others up, but it doesn't. Very few people make it out alive once they take that path. It's just playing Russian roulette and eventually it will land on the loaded chamber. It's sad to see. Plenty of people are ones you would never expect either. Not your typical "junkie" stereotype.
Glad to hear it, man. Stay off that shit! Don't trust anything you get off the streets.Oh yea my friend who OD, lots of people didnt even know he partied(pills). I didnt even know, we werent super close just a small town and ran with a few of the same people but still its soo sad and just a system shock like why him and not me ya know, crazy.
Its the cartels pressing out fake oxys with fentanyl in them. And they look legit AF. I almost was a stastistic a few years ago. Luckily good samaritan called 911. Then a week later my friend died and he had the same type pill I took. A fake, full of fentanyl. Luckily a whole lot more ppl didnt od when those were around bc they looked super legit. Ive seen some low quality pressed stuff with no drugs at all in em, and these werent that. These were professional.
Cleaned my dumbass up though, even if im in pain inwont take shit unless i see the pharmacy bottle.
You all have provided a great service to the board! Well done, these are making me tear up. And I’ve got 60 pages left to scan!reread this thread and there's so much good stuff in it. A lot got deleted, but make no mistake @Random UK Fan is the funniest guy on this board.
I'm more like a jokes to the lowest bidder for low hanging fruit. Random is straight funny.