Place to put my Nonsense Thread.

First of all, don’t act like I mock you or others out of the blue. Practically everyone who posts here gives and gets plenty of attitude, or whatever we want to call it.

Second of all, I don’t qualify things with “in my opinion” because I think that phrase is a waste of letters. I don’t know what to do to present my arguments differently. All I can say is that when I decide to comment on something, I do so from an informed standpoint. Whether that means I just looked it up or knew it previously. If that comes across as something other than my interpretation of the facts (therefore, an opinion), I don’t know what to do about that.
C) I’m right and you’re wrong.
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I think everyone knows which one of us is more likely to be angry here. Just so you know, I have enough decency to know someone more personally than an internet message board before determining whether I don't like them based on differing political opinions. I would have a beer with you. Because I am a grownup capable of separating politics from whether or not someone is a good person. Maybe it is you that needs to take deep breaths.
Brooky doesn't strike me as a beer guy. I'd guess a cosmopolitan, wine cooler, or seltzer of some sort.
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The information is available on the inter webs. I know you work in medicine (I think?). I linked an article reviewed by a doctor which supported my statement. Let me know if she was mistaken.
You are factually correct that someone COULD live for days and maybe weeks. People can also die in hours. The fact is, a very large percentage of diabetics do not take care of themselves. Many are on dialysis. Missing injections is very dangerous. I get the point you were trying to make on not taking someones life for petty reasons. I think the ins and outs of every situation have to be looked at. I guess it just seems like liberals have a really hard time with placing blame on the actual criminal a lot of times, or so it seems.

Source: Im not a nephrologist, but I deal with diabetic patients on a daily basis that most often do not take care of themselves at all. My dad was type 1 his entire life, took great care of himself......still had an in home dialysis machine, still had to have a kidney transplant, still had to have his leg amputated......didn't make his 37th Bday. If someone steals a months supply of insulin from someone that cannot easily obtain more---it could easily be a death sentence.
I think everyone knows which one of us is more likely to be angry here. Just so you know, I have enough decency to know someone more personally than an internet message board before determining whether I don't like them based on differing political opinions. I would have a beer with you. Because I am a grownup capable of separating politics from whether or not someone is a good person. Maybe it is you that needs to take deep breaths.

The interactions with you have gone beyond politics. There have been enough insults in both directions and I’ve read enough to have a pretty good idea that it would not be an enjoyable experience for either of us.

I’ve said it before; I grew up in a very red county in central NY. I have good friends who are Conservatives. It isn’t just a political differences thing.
You are factually correct that someone COULD live for days and maybe weeks. People can also die in hours. The fact is, a very large percentage of diabetics do not take care of themselves. Many are on dialysis. Missing injections is very dangerous. I get the point you were trying to make on not taking someones life for petty reasons. I think the ins and outs of every situation have to be looked at. I guess it just seems like liberals have a really hard time with placing blame on the actual criminal a lot of times, or so it seems.

Source: Im not a nephrologist, but I deal with diabetic patients on a daily basis that most often do not take care of themselves at all. My dad was type 1 his entire life, took great care of himself......still had an in home dialysis machine, still had to have a kidney transplant, still had to have his leg amputated......didn't make his 37th Bday. If someone steals a months supply of insulin from someone that cannot easily obtain more---it could easily be a death sentence.

Point taken. I’m very sorry to hear that about your father.
The ‘Liberals don’t blame criminals’ point has come up a few times. There’s a disconnect between blame, sympathy, and punishment.

I’m the resident Liberal here, right? So I can speak for Liberals like myself and my friends? Normal Liberals who make up the majority of the Party. Not the hippy Liberals who run around being woke and edgy.

When Liberals see a criminal commit crime, they want the criminal punished accordingly. That’s been pretty consistent. In the cases we’ve seen when officer conduct is in question, the criminals haven’t gotten a free pass, it’s typically noted from the jump that they were committing or did commit some crime and resisted arrest. Nobody goes into it unaware that those things happened and that they’re wrong.

Where does the ‘Liberals don’t blame criminals’ narrative come from? Is it because they take issue when they think officers overstep their bounds?
The ‘Liberals don’t blame criminals’ point has come up a few times. There’s a disconnect between blame, sympathy, and punishment.

I’m the resident Liberal here, right? So I can speak for Liberals like myself and my friends? Normal Liberals who make up the majority of the Party. Not the hippy Liberals who run around being woke and edgy.

When Liberals see a criminal commit crime, they want the criminal punished accordingly. That’s been pretty consistent. In the cases we’ve seen when officer conduct is in question, the criminals haven’t gotten a free pass, it’s typically noted from the jump that they were committing or did commit some crime and resisted arrest. Nobody goes into it unaware that those things happened and that they’re wrong.

Where does the ‘Liberals don’t blame criminals’ narrative come from? Is it because they take issue when they think officers overstep their bounds?

Ok you convinced us
The sheriffs we hear legends about back in the Wild West days were usually bad guys. We agree that we don’t want a police force like what we had back then, right?
Point taken. I’m very sorry to hear that about your father.
And I didnt post that for any other reason than that it def could be a serious situation---in a more than likely low percentage hypothetical situation. Im pretty sure most here recognize, and have admitted, they wouldn't blow someone away for petty theft. I think most guys on here are just fed up with the recent glorification of criminals that have lost their life in somewhat unfortunate situations. When guys repeat all the old school sayings---it doesnt mean they are itching to gun someone down for stealing their amazon package, its just that they were raised to not do that kind of BS and had parents that warned them what kind of consequences COULD happen for trespassing and stealing. You mess with someones livelihood or family, you know the consequences could be crazy. The current media dominated, liberal climate, seems to advocate for criminal rights, instead of american rights in a lot of these hot button stories---which is counter intuative to how most republicans have grown up.
The interactions with you have gone beyond politics. There have been enough insults in both directions and I’ve read enough to have a pretty good idea that it would not be an enjoyable experience for either of us.

I’ve said it before; I grew up in a very red county in central NY. I have good friends who are Conservatives. It isn’t just a political differences thing.
You make zero effort to engage in anything other than politics. So don't try to fool me or more importantly, yourself. It is about politics. Which is whatever, you do you. Future reference. If you're going to throw insults, you can take them back. Just don't accuse other people of being "triggered" or worked up and then act like a sensitive lil fella. Imagine taking anonymous conversations so serious that you're going to judge someone so personally without knowing them. Forgive me, though you are an expert on many things, judging characters is no way one of those things.
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And I didnt post that for any other reason than that it def could be a serious situation---in a more than likely low percentage hypothetical situation. Im pretty sure most here recognize, and have admitted, they wouldn't blow someone away for petty theft. I think most guys on here are just fed up with the recent glorification of criminals that have lost their life in somewhat unfortunate situations. When guys repeat all the old school sayings---it doesnt mean they are itching to gun someone down for stealing their amazon package, its just that they were raised to not do that kind of BS and had parents that warned them what kind of consequences COULD happen for trespassing and stealing. You mess with someones livelihood or family, you know the consequences could be crazy. The current media dominated, liberal climate, seems to advocate for criminal rights, instead of american rights in a lot of these hot button stories---which is counter intuative to how most republicans have grown up.

See, when I’m advocating that there needs to be more restraint in certain situations when officers use their firearm, situations where I see just as good or better alternatives that both keep the officer safe and result in justice, I see it as advocating for American citizens, good and bad. I think police officers have very long leashes and by virtue of that fact need to be scrutinized heavily. Either that, or shorter leashes. I don’t think we can give them the leeway they have and also just trust that they handle situations ideally.

For me, it comes down to making moral judgements with people’s lives and that doesn’t sit well. Officers have a right to protect themselves, which I understand. I don’t want to see more police officers shot. They sign up for a dangerous job that a lot of people do not want to do or plainly cannot do. I don’t want to see, “I’m going home to my family” turn into instances where a police officer sees a truck rolling toward him and a kid get out with an oil can and the officer gets away free and clear for shooting the kid. They need to be held to a higher standard than that.
You make zero effort to engage in anything other than politics. So don't try to fool me or more importantly, yourself. It is about politics. Which is whatever, you do you. Future reference. If you're going to throw insults, you can take them back. Just don't accuse other people of being "triggered" or worked up and then act like a sensitive lil fella. Imagine taking anonymous conversations so serious that you're going to judge someone so personally without knowing them. Forgive me, though you are an expert on many things, judging characters is no way one of those things.

Thankfully Brooky disclosed his profession before trying to pretend to be an expert on everything. Saved us a lot a time we might’ve wasted taking him seriously.
See, when I’m advocating that there needs to be more restraint in certain situations when officers use their firearm, situations where I see just as good or better alternatives that both keep the officer safe and result in justice, I see it as advocating for American citizens, good and bad. I think police officers have very long leashes and by virtue of that fact need to be scrutinized heavily. Either that, or shorter leashes. I don’t think we can give them the leeway they have and also just trust that they handle situations ideally.

For me, it comes down to making moral judgements with people’s lives and that doesn’t sit well. Officers have a right to protect themselves, which I understand. I don’t want to see more police officers shot. They sign up for a dangerous job that a lot of people do not want to do or plainly cannot do. I don’t want to see, “I’m going home to my family” turn into instances where a police officer sees a truck rolling toward him and a kid get out with an oil can and the officer gets away free and clear for shooting the kid. They need to be held to a higher standard than that.

Sadly the left goes too far by acting like criminals like Jacob Blake were hunted down.
You make zero effort to engage in anything other than politics. So don't try to fool me or more importantly, yourself. It is about politics. Which is whatever, you do you. Future reference. If you're going to throw insults, you can take them back. Just don't accuse other people of being "triggered" or worked up and then act like a sensitive lil fella. Imagine taking anonymous conversations so serious that you're going to judge someone so personally without knowing them. Forgive me, though you are an expert on many things, judging characters is no way one of those things.

I engage in politics, yes. Syracuse basketball isn’t that exciting to talk about and I don’t give a damn about what other college basketball teams are doing. But our political discussions have spilled over into personal insults on more than one occasion. I’m as guilty as you are.

For me, enough lines were crossed that I just wouldn’t be interested in a beer and conversation with real life Ghost. I don’t think either of us are too hurt by that. I’m not making a judgement on you as a person so much as I’m making a judgement that talking with you wouldn’t be fun.

You could be a wonderful person, IRL. I don’t know that nor do I care.
I probably wouldn’t enjoy a beer with hail either, based on his trolling, but I’d do it just to see what he’s really like. He’s an enigma to me.
Sadly the left goes too far by acting like criminals like Jacob Blake were hunted down.

And the Right goes too far by acting like every person they shoot was just moments away from killing them and their partner and running amok through society.
I engage in politics, yes. Syracuse basketball isn’t that exciting to talk about and I don’t give a damn about what other college basketball teams are doing. But our political discussions have spilled over into personal insults on more than one occasion. I’m as guilty as you are.

For me, enough lines were crossed that I just wouldn’t be interested in a beer and conversation with real life Ghost. I don’t think either of us are too hurt by that. I’m not making a judgement on you as a person so much as I’m making a judgement that talking with you wouldn’t be fun.

You could be a wonderful person, IRL. I don’t know that nor do I care.
I tell you what, brooke. I knew you had a touch of LMS, I just had no idea that you were so thin skinned. I won't bother engaging with you anymore, even though it is about always you quoting me. No sense in chatting with someone who gets their fellings hurt so easily when I am kind of a, fvck your feelings kind of guy. That doesn't mean that I intentionally want to hurt your feelings. I just don't want to hear about them. Best of luck to ya.
I tell you what, brooke. I knew you had a touch of LMS, I just had no idea that you were so thin skinned. I won't bother engaging with you anymore, even though it is about always you quoting me. No sense in chatting with someone who gets their fellings hurt so easily when I am kind of a, fvck your feelings kind of guy. That doesn't mean that I intentionally want to hurt your feelings. I just don't want to hear about them. Best of luck to ya.

I enjoy the arguments. I wouldn’t post here so much - pretty much all day today - if I didn’t. Don’t worry about my feelings, Ghost, I’m not much of a ‘feelings guy’ either. I didn’t think stating that I wouldn’t have a beer with you was going to turn into a big thing.
And the Right goes too far by acting like every person they shoot was just moments away from killing them and their partner and running amok through society.
I think most pubs first look at the actual event that happened. Then they look at previous behavior patterns. Do you find it a tad ridiculous and mostly misguided...that george Floyd has a statue and t shirts?
I mean the cops do everything right for 30 yrs, Floyd does everything wrong, and the cop crosses the line and we get this. Never mind Floyd had crossed the decent human being/trash criminal line dozens of times.
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Alabama is so ****ing ugly....10 minutes into the state----nothing but trailers. I mean trailer after trailer----a modular here, or there. I started to tihnk----everyone in Alabama lives in a trailer/trailer park.....It was crazy. Then we see a house, probably $400K, gated, just beautiful. On the other side of it---I mean damn near right next to this house---Yep, a fukin trailer. 🤣

To be fair though, there was some beautiful scenery. Birmingham was not one of those spots.

I wanted to shoot about 50 mutherduckers while driving through Nashville. Those mutherduckers are idiots. Cannot drive worth a ****.

Ran into a terrible thunderstorm in Alabama; just outside of Greenville. Nasty storm.

Our hotel though is nice. Nothing great. But the location is great---The bay is right across the street. Literally 100 feet away. Best news is----the ballpark is only 10 minutes away. Even better news---found out I only have games Mon-Thurs. So Friday is a free day.

Ate at GI Jade's, tonight. I highly suggest if you are ever in Ft. Walton---eat there. Food was fantastic.
I will def concur ppl in and around nashville cannot drive worth a shit.
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So that’s what Ghost does with the 7 year old lollipop thieves.
Im not in this but his post clearly states POS criminals. Which i guess a 7 year old would be a criminal if they were stealing, but i doubt many consider any 7 yos pieces of shit, but who knows.

edit: should have kept reading as it was already discussed, my bad.
Killing somebody when the law forbids it doesn’t equate to murder? Excellent point, chief.
Im not a lawyer by any mean, but doesnt “stand ur ground” states mean you can absoulutely kill someone if they are on your property basically doing anything you dont like without your permission? Or do they have to impose immediate harm or however its worded?
It’s doesn’t matter who the blame is on. That doesn’t do anything to justify or not justify killing them.

It’s the criminal’s fault for stealing. If he gets shot, that’s partially the criminal’s fault. It’s the homeowners fault for shooting somebody for a petty crime. Trespassing by itself usually results in zero jail time. Petty theft usually results in zero jail time. Shooting somebody for doing both is a pretty fvcking big leap.

If you wound the thief, the perfectly just outcome would be a prison sentence for the homeowner for attempted murder and either a light prison sentence for the thief and/or fines and community service, depending on criminal record.

You can’t kill people to protect your stuff (different from protecting yourself). And the rules change when we’re talking about a home intruder because the underlying crime is vastly different and intent is different.
At that point it would be criminal tresspassing, if not burglary(felony).
I have some nice things. I like my car. My TV isn’t bad. Both are easily replaceable through insurance. I’m not going to fvcking put holes in a human being over them.
Whats ur addy, i need a new whip. I gotta tv tho.