Place to put my Nonsense Thread.

I had a 1984 Mazda b2200 when I was in college. I changed the alternator, water pump and injectors on that thing myself with very little knowledge of cars. I wouldn't even attempt that now.
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I had a 1984 Mazda b2200 when I was in college. I changed the alternator, water pump and injectors on that thing myself with very little knowledge of cars. I wouldn't even attempt that now.
They have definitely made things more complicated since then, for no reason.
Then I’m the exception haha. I’m pretty good with car repairs.
I get 50% off vehicle repairs and pay 10% over cost on tires and batteries through my employer, which is nice. I basically get stuff fixed for a little more than it would cost me to do it myself, without the wasted weekend hours and frustration.
Do at least handle their cranks while working on your car?
Ya see, thats the kind of shit that catches a dude a fukin murder charge...

That, and a surprise penis. Like that Virginia Tech linebacker encountered.

I’ll never understand the logic of a transsexual who hides it from somebody when they hook up then surprises them with it as if the straight dude is going to be like, “well, I like your personality so I’ll suck your dick.”
I just replaced my headlight fluid myself. So suck it.
It wasn't the rear main headlight was it?

A common thing to do with rookies is when we're having a lot party (rearranging the entire inventory), is to send them to service to the get the "Lot stretcher". "yeah, they keep it in the back, they'll know what you're talking about".

The mountain lion he killed wasn't very big, but the guy is about half my size. I think I could take one, anything less than like 140 lbs. Not sure how big they get
I dont remember the exact weight either but a dude from that area said that was like a juvinile or a sick/malnutrition bc it wasnt exactly full size but it wasnt super far away and they do get bigger, which you alluded too. And obv thats bigger than like half sized or a pup so its impressive to say the least. Its obv not impossible so youve got that going for ya 👍
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How is that possible? You do work to ot or something? Im just curious, but was under the impression it universally worked the exact opposite.

My guess is it’s due to Covid. Supply of new cars is down and demand for used cars is up (I think). If he bought the car just before Covid or right at the beginning of it, I could see it being worth more now.
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