Paranormal Activity.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2014
This probably won't last long, but has anyone witnessed something they can't explain? Ghost, Aliens, etc.

I've never seen anything. The only thing that freaked me out happened when I was ~12. My parents had a few rental properties and one was an old funeral home. When they completely remodeled our home, we moved into the funeral home.

I had my own room and my tv was an old floor model tv with push/pull knob to turn the tv on and off. I had a cable box hooked up to it but it wouldn't turn on the tv, you had to pull the knob. I went to bed one night watching MTV. I turned off the tv and laid down. After about 10 minutes or so, the tv came back on and the dial (which had to be on 3 for the cable box to work), was turned so it was just static. I slept in the den that night. Nothing ever happened again in the few months we were there, but it did creep me out.
Just this past summer. Not sure if it was paranormal or not, but I still can't really explain it. Wife and I were driving from CO to MI, as we were going to be there for a couple weeks and wanted to bring our dogs instead of boarding them.

We left CO in the late afternoon and planned to drive as long as we could. We were in the middle of Nebraska but not yet to Lincoln, as it was already pretty late and pitch black out. As we're driving on i80 - I notice a bit ahead this red light. I figured it was just a light on an electrical tower or something... but as we're driving I can tell it is coming up quick (faster than something stationary that you are heading towards at ~80mph). All of a sudden this red light goes from being like 30ft off the ground to just goes straight vertical into the sky for a few hundred feet before it disappeared.

So... not sure what that was.
I was doing security work for a coal company. Take a road to no where, then go a mile up a dirt road kind of place. Sitting there listening to some Sirius talk show(Stern/Jay Thomas/etc..)about dusk. Suddenky there was a bright ball looking thing fly through the air, stop at what looked about 50 foot above the trees then take off extremely fast.

No clue what it was. All I know is while I was working there before and after the "ufo" military jets would fly a couple times a week in the same direction. They would fly very low, seemingly barely above the tree lines. When asked the locale said it was part of "training" route. The military flew all the time around there.
Only once, and I still can’t explain it.

4 or 5 years ago, I had a room at the Seelbach hotel in Louisville, which is pretty famous on Louisville’s “ghost” radar - lots of weird history there.

I hate silence, and can’t sleep in it, so I anyone who knows me knows that I always sleep with the TV on.

Anyway, wake up at 6 am or so to grab a shower - was staying there for work, alone-, walk into the bathroom, open up the shower door, turn on the water.

BAM, freezing cold water hits me dead in the face/chest. I’m standing outside the shower at this point, and once I get the water off, I realize that the entire shower head is turned in the wrong direction, towards the outside of the shower - not something a maid in a 4* hotel would do.

I also notice something else. It’s dead silent. The TV is off.

I went back out, turned the tv back on, turned on every light in the room, adjusted the shower head, and showered with my eyes open. I got dressed, checked out, and that’s the last time I’ve ever stayed there.
Another one that I just remembered... went to a buddy's wedding at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, which was the "inspiration" for the Stephen King book; The Shining.

The only weird thing that happened to me personally, was when a group of friends and I went walking the halls late at night. On the top floor, you could hear what sounded like footsteps on the floor above you - but there was no floor above us. It sounded like kids running / playing. Could've just been the echoes from people walking elsewhere, though.

That said, I have a few "hearsay" stories from my friends about the Stanley. The couple who was married there, said that they have video from 2 different angles when they were giving speeches of "floating orbs" in the room. I haven't seen the videos though. My good buddy's wife stayed there with her family before year prior to this wedding, and said that she woke up at like 3am and the faucets were running in their bathroom.
Another one that I just remembered... went to a buddy's wedding at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, which was the "inspiration" for the Stephen King book; The Shining.

The only weird thing that happened to me personally, was when a group of friends and I went walking the halls late at night. On the top floor, you could hear what sounded like footsteps on the floor above you - but there was no floor above us. It sounded like kids running / playing. Could've just been the echoes from people walking elsewhere, though.

That said, I have a few "hearsay" stories from my friends about the Stanley. The couple who was married there, said that they have video from 2 different angles when they were giving speeches of "floating orbs" in the room. I haven't seen the videos though. My good buddy's wife stayed there with her family before year prior to this wedding, and said that she woke up at like 3am and the faucets were running in their bathroom.
It's funny you mentioned the orbs. We celebrated christmas in the ex funeral home and in some of the polaroids, it was hard to make out what we were looking at due to all the balls of light in the pictures. I'll see if my mom still has any of those old pictures she can upload.

edit: I looked through some of my old pictures and my brother lived there for a while years later, and even using a digital camera it's hard not to have these circles/orbs in any picture.

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Weird story. Probably about age 14 or 15, we had a mouse in our house. It started though when I’d sit in my room watching tv at night with the lights off and door shut, and I’d see a shadow go along the bottom of the door like there was someone outside the room. I’d ask who was there and no one ever responded. A few other incidents occurred. Eventually, my parents figured out it was a mouse and got traps.

The night they get the traps, I was in the kitchen while my mom was setting up a trap before heading to sleep. I was eating a Ritz cracker and kept making bad jokes about ghosts. So, after she set it up, I took the crackers and made the symbol of the cross with them. Then I took one more cracker and put it like 2 feet away from the cross. I told my mom that if it’s a ghost it’d eat the cracker away from the cross. No idea why I even did that. It was a weird thing to do.

Didn’t think anything of it. Went to bed. Woke up. Cross was perfectly in tact, but the odd cracker was gone. No mouse in mouse trap. But there was definitely a mouse. We caught it maybe two weeks later.

Now, I’ve put a lot of thought into this. One possibility is that God exists and was calling me by messing with my Ritz cracker patterns. If that was the case, did God possess the mouse to eat the cracker?

Another possibility is that the ghost was real, heard me say that, and decided it was going to play.

And then the third possibility, that the mouse crossed the kitchen floor, happened to run into the wayward cracker, got his fill and went back to his home.

99% sure it was the third possibility, in which case, you totally wasted your time if you read all of this.
Weird story. Probably about age 14 or 15, we had a mouse in our house. It started though when I’d sit in my room watching tv at night with the lights off and door shut, and I’d see a shadow go along the bottom of the door like there was someone outside the room. I’d ask who was there and no one ever responded. A few other incidents occurred. Eventually, my parents figured out it was a mouse and got traps.

The night they get the traps, I was in the kitchen while my mom was setting up a trap before heading to sleep. I was eating a Ritz cracker and kept making bad jokes about ghosts. So, after she set it up, I took the crackers and made the symbol of the cross with them. Then I took one more cracker and put it like 2 feet away from the cross. I told my mom that if it’s a ghost it’d eat the cracker away from the cross. No idea why I even did that. It was a weird thing to do.

Didn’t think anything of it. Went to bed. Woke up. Cross was perfectly in tact, but the odd cracker was gone. No mouse in mouse trap. But there was definitely a mouse. We caught it maybe two weeks later.

Now, I’ve put a lot of thought into this. One possibility is that God exists and was calling me by messing with my Ritz cracker patterns. If that was the case, did God possess the mouse to eat the cracker?

Another possibility is that the ghost was real, heard me say that, and decided it was going to play.

And then the third possibility, that the mouse crossed the kitchen floor, happened to run into the wayward cracker, got his fill and went back to his home.

99% sure it was the third possibility, in which case, you totally wasted your time if you read all of this.
Wife and I were driving at night in the middle of nowhere. Nothing but thickets and woods on either side of the road for a hundred miles.

It was foggy and kind eerie out.

I see a person..... well something in the shape of tall and lanky person..... walking across the road. I slow down but when I get close I don’t see the person anymore.

I’ve almost hit hundreds of deer in my life so I’m use to trailing things into the woods with my eyes as I pass them. This thing was just gone. I drive off thinking to myself that my eyes were playing tricks on me.

About 15 seconds later my wife (who I didn’t think saw it) says “that looked like person”.

To this day I can’t explain what it was. It was too tall to be a deer. Too slender to be a moose. My best bet is beer walking on two legs which is something I’d expect to see as I passed it. I have no idea.
Luckily, I’ve never experienced anything like this and pray I never do. I’m fascinated by it but would shit my pants if I ever saw anything paranormal. I take an agnostic approach to this stuff. I know a few of you are aware of it but Bobby Mackey’s aka hell’s gate is 20 mins from where I live in wilder ky. Been in there a few times and I never want to go back with all the stories and history behind it. If you’re ever in town please make sure you visit as I’m sure you will see shit you can’t unsee. Place creeps me out just driving past it
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Luckily, I’ve never experienced anything like this and pray I never do. I’m fascinated by it but would shit my pants if I ever saw anything paranormal. I take an agnostic approach to this stuff. I know a few of you are aware of it but Bobby Mackey’s aka hell’s gate is 20 mins from where I live in wilder ky. Been in there a few times and I never want to go back with all the stories and history behind it. If you’re ever in town please make sure you visit as I’m sure you will see shit you can’t unsee. Place creeps me out just driving past it
Never heard of this place. Can you elaborate some on what you know?
Never heard of this place. Can you elaborate some on what you know?'s_Music_World

The hole is a well that is the portal to hell. People leave there and take things home with them in a bad sense they end up sick or bad things happen to them. Scary shit. Some dude thought it would be smart to jump in the well with a wiji board and a box of razor blades and started cutting himself. No thanks dude every ghost hunter out there has visited that place.'s_Music_World

The hole is a well that is the portal to hell. People leave there and take things home with them in a bad sense they end up sick or bad things happen to them. Scary shit. Some dude thought it would be smart to jump in the well with a wiji board and a box of razor blades and started cutting himself. No thanks dude every ghost hunter out there has visited that place.
If I ever find myself driving through Kentucky I would stop there to get drunk and mock/tease any ghostly spirits. I’m like 93% sure I would mock and tease them.
If I ever find myself driving through Kentucky I would stop there to get drunk and mock/tease any ghostly spirits. I’m like 93% sure I would mock and tease them.
Don’t do it dude if u can check it out jack osbourne was just there filming portals from hell I highly suggest u watch it
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Don’t do it dude if u can check it out jack osbourne was just there filming portals from hell I highly suggest u watch it
haha, no shit. I was just watching Jack's show ep 2 when I started this thread. I just looked and boom that's ep 3. I might as well watch it now since there's not any NBA/NHL games on.
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Don’t do it dude if u can check it out jack osbourne was just there filming portals from hell I highly suggest u watch it
It would be fun. If this place is as popular as the Internet is saying I’m willing to bet that people come in for the experience all the time. With that sign about them not being liable it seems like the bar owners are inviting that type of business.
It would be fun. If this place is as popular as the Internet is saying I’m willing to bet that people come in for the experience all the time. With that sign about them not being liable it seems like the bar owners are inviting that type of business.
There is true evil in this world and it exists there. I have been there a few reined and will never go back the hill jacks around here think it’s great. No way in hell would I go back there. A man died near the bar years ago. He got knocked out and hit his head on a generator and his it’s by the the bar. His ghost is seen there all the time. Read up on it and if you have the balls to go then you’re a Bigger man than I. Some say it’s the most haunted place in America. Plus the playpen is a half mile done the road if you want to hit up a strip club .
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You Louisville guys ever do that Waverly Hills Sanitarium tour? I remember wanting to break in there at night and explore.

I used to be HUGE into all things paranormal, cryptozoological and just plain weird. I’ve never had any experiences before though. I’ve always wanted to believe so badly but, sadly, I don’t believe in just about any of it. Still fascinated by the stories though.
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When I was a 11 or so, we moved into a new house that always just gave off a weird vibe. I really don't know how to explain it, but just one of those places that makes your hair stand up on your neck if you are alone. So, from the moment we moved in, everyone in the family, not just myself, would see what I can only describe as a shadow that you could only see out of the corner of your eye. And always in the living room. If my parents hadn't experienced the same thing as my brother and I, I would probably just chalk it up to being an impressionable kid who didn't know any better. But, they noticed it too.

Now, the biggest event in my life that I attribute to the paranormal was this one night when my family had been out to eat and we came home late. So, I went to my room and was playing around with something on my floor when I felt something hit me in the back, and when I jumped up startled, there was nothing there. So, I went back to playing and it happened again. Something hit me right in the back. This time, I jumped up freaking out, and I saw my pet hamster sitting on the floor. Just sitting there. I went to his cage and it was closed and latched, but he had got out somehow. I still have no idea, and I still can not understand why, or how, it was jumping into my back. So, thoroughly creeped out at that point, I put him up and went to put my stuff up and go to bed, and I remember so vividly, that I had some GI Joes out and somehow there was a duplicate of one that I did not have. I can honestly say, that was so traumatizing to me that its been burned into my memory forever.

Now, I have never experienced anything like that since, and I'm not sure if I even really believe in that sort of thing. But, that never really left me.
There is true evil in this world and it exists there. I have been there a few reined and will never go back the hill jacks around here think it’s great. No way in hell would I go back there. A man died near the bar years ago. He got knocked out and hit his head on a generator and his it’s by the the bar. His ghost is seen there all the time. Read up on it and if you have the balls to go then you’re a Bigger man than I. Some say it’s the most haunted place in America. Plus the playpen is a half mile done the road if you want to hit up a strip club .
There used to be some place outside of Lawrence that supposedly was a gateway to hell. I remember going to look for it a couple of times when I was a freshman. We never found anything though. Legend has it there was a church there that got struck by lightning, burned down and killed everybody inside. I can’t remember the name of the town though.


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You Louisville guys ever do that Waverly Hills Sanitarium tour? I remember wanting to break in there at night and explore.

I used to be HUGE into all things paranormal, cryptozoological and just plain weird. I’ve never had any experiences before though. I’ve always wanted to believe so badly but, sadly, I don’t believe in just about any of it. Still fascinated by the stories though.
I haven't, but my brother-in-law married an Arkansas girl. They're both odd. They had a Halloween themed wedding and went to Waverly Hills (Kentucky in general) on their honeymoon. He didn't see anything despite really wanting too.
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One time me and this dude roomed together in this house. He was dating this girl pretty seriously so was never there, always stayed with her. One night I heard 'Flight of the Valkyries' playing from his room so went in there and searched all over to turn if off. Nothing against the music as I'm a fan of that piece but I was trying to sleep. Anyway, there was very little in there and I searched and searched for the source. Finally it just stopped. No biggie. I asked him what he had that played that and he didn't even know what that was. There was nothing electronic at all in the room. Probably just in my head as I don't believe in that supernatural mess like that but it was kind of neat.
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There used to be some place outside of Lawrence that supposedly was a gateway to hell. I remember going to look for it a couple of times when I was a freshman. We never found anything though. Legend has it there was a church there that got struck by lightning, burned down and killed everybody inside. I can’t remember the name of the town though.


I have never seen an elusive pic of kistek, but I would venture to say I would have no problem being alone with her in any place that is haunted. I think I’m the only one who has never seen her pic, but I picture Kate Upton for some reason
I used to seek and try to go to any local haunted places. They are fun. They aren't haunted. We have a local place that is pretty cool called 'The Statues'. Some dude made all these statues in the middle of nowhere and some are pretty weird. Devil worshipers apparently used it for various things that goth (cough, cough, devil worshipers) people do. Like I said, cool and creepy place to go. Like other haunted ain't haunted. It is the fear inside us that makes all these places worth going. Let's be honest, any place in the dark can creep people out.
I don't remember the whole story, but I remember my aunt (who's 81 now), talked about when she was a young girl (early 40's), my uncle fell against a wood stove and was immediately burned really bad on his face, arms and hands. My grandfather went to the neighbors for help...get help (again very rural area in the 40's. and they got a hold of a lady that came and covered the burns, and said whatever, and my aunt swears up and down he was perfectly fine the next day.
It would be fun. If this place is as popular as the Internet is saying I’m willing to bet that people come in for the experience all the time. With that sign about them not being liable it seems like the bar owners are inviting that type of business.

It's funny on the show, everyone, including a local bishop just says "don't go. Just don't do it." It seems it draws ppl whose curiosity outweighs warnings.

With all this said, I am a skeptic. Outside of the OP, I've never seen or heard anything else and even my taste in horror movies leans towards stuff that can really happen, compared to supernatural.

Edit: I typed that story above, but deleted it.I didn't mean to post it, but since it's there....
I’ve heard stories, but I never want to ever see anything I can’t explain. The creepiest are the stories you hear about someone picking up a hitchhiker and dropping them off at their destination only to find out that person had been dead for years. There’s always a place I don’t recall where, there is a girl who is a ghost that will show up and hitchhike for a ride. If you stop to ask for help all is good but if you continue on, bad things happen. Shit creeps me out. The ones I have a hard time believing are aliens and those that have been allegedly abducted by aliens. Some dude in Nevada claims that aliens have tried to abduct his wife and he has to use a samurai sword on them to cut their heads off and fight them off so they don’t take his wife. Creep shit
You Louisville guys ever do that Waverly Hills Sanitarium tour? I remember wanting to break in there at night and explore.

I used to be HUGE into all things paranormal, cryptozoological and just plain weird. I’ve never had any experiences before though. I’ve always wanted to believe so badly but, sadly, I don’t believe in just about any of it. Still fascinated by the stories though.

Knew some guys in high school that tripped LSD on Halloween at Waverly. Back then you either had to know someone or sneak in. Now, they do guided ghost tours and sell t-shirts. There’s actually a great mountain bike trail right next to there. It is a spooky place.
Let's be honest, any place in the dark can creep people out.

I'm sure some here did as well, but I used to creep myself out as a kid all the time. I'd imagine someone was 3 inches from my face while my eyes were closed at night, and also imagined touching the back of someone's hand when reaching for the light switch.
I'm sure some here did as well, but I used to creep myself out as a kid all the time. I'd imagine someone was 3 inches from my face while my eyes were closed at night, and also imagined touching the back of someone's hand when reaching for the light switch.

I had legit night terrors as a young child. Pretty hardcore ones. Maybe that is why I like scary stuff so much now (and even did when I was young).

There is this awesome mental health facility in Kentucky called Western State Hospital. It can be seen from the back nine of this course I play sometime. It's huge but looks like you would think a creepy mental hospital should look.
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I had legit night terrors as a young child. Pretty hardcore ones. Maybe that is why I like scary stuff so much now (and even did when I was young).

There is this awesome mental health facility in Kentucky called Western State Hospital. It can be seen from the back nine of this course I play sometime. It's huge but looks like you would think a creepy mental hospital should look.

I know the place and it's definitely is creepy looking.

OT, but for some reason I always thought you lived on the eastern part of Tennessee. My niece (pic above) lives in Ft. Campbell. I'm in that area all the time.
There used to be some place outside of Lawrence that supposedly was a gateway to hell. I remember going to look for it a couple of times when I was a freshman. We never found anything though. Legend has it there was a church there that got struck by lightning, burned down and killed everybody inside. I can’t remember the name of the town though.


Stull Cemetery is the only one I can recall atm..
But there's a few hauntings/urban legends in the Lawrence area.
I know the place and it's definitely is creepy looking.

OT, but for some reason I always thought you lived on the eastern part of Tennessee. My niece (pic above) lives in Ft. Campbell. I'm in that area all the time.

I live in Clarksville so Ft. Campbell is a huge part of our community. I used to work on post there all the time in both of my summer jobs actually. The school I have taught at for years is about 50% military so we have a ton of FC families. We'll have to get together and have a beer or play some golf sometime when you are around.
We left CO in the late afternoon and planned to drive as long as we could. We were in the middle of Nebraska but not yet to Lincoln, as it was already pretty late and pitch black out. As we're driving on i80 - I notice a bit ahead this red light. I figured it was just a light on an electrical tower or something... but as we're driving I can tell it is coming up quick (faster than something stationary that you are heading towards at ~80mph). All of a sudden this red light goes from being like 30ft off the ground to just goes straight vertical into the sky for a few hundred feet before it disappeared.

So... not sure what that was.
I live in Clarksville so Ft. Campbell is a huge part of our community. I used to work on post there all the time in both of my summer jobs actually. The school I have taught at for years is about 50% military so we have a ton of FC families. We'll have to get together and have a beer or play some golf sometime when you are around.
I'm in.