Weird story. Probably about age 14 or 15, we had a mouse in our house. It started though when I’d sit in my room watching tv at night with the lights off and door shut, and I’d see a shadow go along the bottom of the door like there was someone outside the room. I’d ask who was there and no one ever responded. A few other incidents occurred. Eventually, my parents figured out it was a mouse and got traps.
The night they get the traps, I was in the kitchen while my mom was setting up a trap before heading to sleep. I was eating a Ritz cracker and kept making bad jokes about ghosts. So, after she set it up, I took the crackers and made the symbol of the cross with them. Then I took one more cracker and put it like 2 feet away from the cross. I told my mom that if it’s a ghost it’d eat the cracker away from the cross. No idea why I even did that. It was a weird thing to do.
Didn’t think anything of it. Went to bed. Woke up. Cross was perfectly in tact, but the odd cracker was gone. No mouse in mouse trap. But there was definitely a mouse. We caught it maybe two weeks later.
Now, I’ve put a lot of thought into this. One possibility is that God exists and was calling me by messing with my Ritz cracker patterns. If that was the case, did God possess the mouse to eat the cracker?
Another possibility is that the ghost was real, heard me say that, and decided it was going to play.
And then the third possibility, that the mouse crossed the kitchen floor, happened to run into the wayward cracker, got his fill and went back to his home.
99% sure it was the third possibility, in which case, you totally wasted your time if you read all of this.