Starting a new job on Monday and I needed to brush up on my advanced Excel skills somehow, so I decided to practice with Big Ten basketball, lol. Figured I would dump this here for people's entertainment. This is ONLY going back to the 1980 season, as I didn't want to spend the time going further back quite yet:
Overall Winning Pctg.
1. Michigan State - .671
2. Purdue - .657
3. Illinois - .653
4. Indiana - .645
5. Ohio State - .643
6. Michigan - .641
7. Maryland - .639
8. Iowa - .606
9. Wisconsin - .599
10. Minnesota - .565
11. Nebraska - .532
12. Penn State - .501
13. Rutgers - .466
14. Northwestern - .402
Wisconsin's winning pctg. from 1980-1999 was .470, and they have gone .700 since the 2000 season. As a mirror image, Indiana was .717 during the first half of this period and only .580 since 2000. Michigan and OSU have also fluctuated quite a lot, with Michigan being .688 since the 2010 season and .519 from 2000-2009. Not that I should talk! From 2000-2009, Illinois was .735 (the best 10-year stretch in the period, as far as I can tell), and from 2010-2009 we were .532. Underwood really did take over a dumpster fire.
Conference Play Winning Pctg. (Excluded Newbies)
1. Purdue - .615
2. Michigan State - .612
3. Indiana - .587
4. Illinois - .571
5. Ohio State - .561
6. Michigan - .555
7. Wisconsin - .507
8. Iowa - .505
9. Minnesota - .427
10. Northwestern - .242
Maryland would be first since joining the conference (.621), while Nebraska (.330), Penn State (.327) and Rutgers (.280) would slide in between Minnesota and Northwestern.