Three starters?Iowa is having to play two walk-ons right now, down 5 guys including 3 starters... How well do you think they should be doing?
Which 3 starters are out?Iowa is having to play two walk-ons right now, down 5 guys including 3 starters... How well do you think they should be doing?
Dudes.....this game is FAR from over. TBH, wouldn't at all be shocked if we lose.
Three starters?
Bohannon, Nunge, and CJF. Then backups Pemsl and P. Mccaffery are out too.
That was a gil post.
Stop this. It will get to 30 if anythingDudes.....this game is FAR from over. TBH, wouldn't at all be shocked if we lose.
I just turned it on. What happened to him?No. It's over. I just pray CJ is ok.
Got damn you're dumb. Nunge was a starter all season until his injury.
All season? Gil Jr? And he was playing like shit.
We could use his rebounding I guess
Wtf does him playing like shit have to do with being a starter? He started the first 5 games and then went down to injury. That's a starter out.
5 games = all season. Ok
That's how many games he played until injury.. so yes it was his entire season. RollLaugh
Ok, Gil...LaughingBohannon, Nunge, and CJF. Then backups Pemsl and P. Mccaffery are out too.
And we beat you. Lololol. Suck on that you penis.
Dude----We have multiple scoring droughts. Its what we do.Stop this. It will get to 30 if anything
The refs bailed you out. The most fouls we’ve had on us was at Iowa. By. A. Mile.
IU is bitch slapping you. We beat them by 20.
God this sucks
Nope. Enjoying the shit out of this game.
We have like 2 good players left and he STILL disappears. I can’t believe itDid Joe Weiskamp quit the team?
Triggered because you can't beat us
I hope we get the chance to whoop yore ass in Indy or wherever the tourney is this year.
Dude, when you mention missing 3 starters, and list Nunge as one? Yeah, that is Gil like shit. Not to mention, JB has been missing for a while now. Just a bad take, brother. Quit posting like Gil.
Its who he is, Toast. Dude is so inconsistent. Always wants the HR, instead of bunting the guy over.Devonta is the man. Draining threes and throwing multiple alley oop passes into the stands.
His legend grows by the day.
Shit in one hand and wish in the other, then tell me which one fills up first.
The February slide continues.
Dude, when you mention missing 3 starters, and list Nunge as one? Yeah, that is Gil like shit. Not to mention, JB has been missing for a while now. Just a bad take, brother. Quit posting like Gil.
Plus, Pemsl averages like 1.9ppg..