First time I've seen a good online Newton trashing outside of HROT. Good vibes.
Yes....I stay regional for the most part: Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Tenn, Illinois. Sometimes West Virginia, Georgia, or South Carolina.Do you travel alot?
Yes....I stay regional for the most part: Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Tenn, Illinois. Sometimes West Virginia, Georgia, or South Carolina.
It is, for the most part. SOme places it gets a little crazy. It can get heated.Speaking from complete ignorance but college baseball umping is probably a pretty good gig isn’t it? Less idiot fans (parents) yelling at you?
No. Pay for my hotel, and a per-diem. Unlike basketball, I can reach most places by car.Do they pay for travel?
No. Pay for my hotel, and a per-diem. Unlike basketball, I can reach most places by car.
They're better than both those teams@Iowa and MSU as not many will sweep a series from MSU.
- Indiana only makes 5 three pointers a game
- They already have 5
This team is so pathetic
I’ve noticed. This one will get ugly. Iowa is fragile mentallyWe make every team look like Golden St
- Indiana only makes 5 three pointers a game
- They already have 5
This team is so pathetic
Its unreal....Dude could be All Big 10. I;ve never seen anything like it.I don’t understand Devonte Green. Honestly.
You know this script with him....You'' get this out of him every once in a while. he's totally capable.Not your night when Devonte Green is 4-4 from 3 lol.
Well, so far looks like we have "good Devonte". Dude can be so good---Yet so bad. Unreal.
Not your night when Devonte Green is 4-4 from 3 lol.
It will come.I am waiting for the bad
Halfcourt....LaughingThis heat check from Green is going to be something special I can feel it
Yeah he can go apeshit, like that OSU game last year.This isn't the first time Green has done this. He always capable
Does IU normally play this good on D?
@hawkit3113 — our friend boilerzz is looking for that Iowa D. Feels like a job for you.Iowa D = the cure for what ails ya’!