NBA Bubble Thread

Well, lets discuss this....

Yep, LBJ was 22, and made it in Year 4...Some 4-5 years younger than MJ, and a few years quicker...Cannot argue that. As you said, "You are using facts". And well, brother, thems are the facts.

BUT........................Lets continue.

Yes LBJ led Clev to the Finals in a mere 4 years as a Pro...Great. But, he also missed the playoffs in 2 of his first four seasons...MJ never missed the playoffs---And yes, before you ask, that was before AND after Pippen.
So there is that...

But there is more..

In his first 7 seasons, LBJ went to the Finals----ONE TIME. And was swept.
In Jordans first 7 seasons, he went to the Finals ----ONE TIME. And won the title, 4-1

So,there is that.....But I know, I know....Scottie Pippen. Which , OK, is fair, so well it leads to this....

In 2010 LBJ, as we know, took his "talents" to South Beach, and teamed with Chris Bosh and DWade.....And lost in the NBA FInals, 4-2.

So, 2 NBA Finals.....Two losses. Firs time, OK, I get it---had a bunch of turds. But seocnd time around? Dude---He had his own "Pippen", in DWade----And lost.

MJ in his 2nd NBA Finals----Won 4-2. I know, I know----Pippen...

Lets flashback....

2008-09, and 2009-10 Season....Clev wins 66 games and 61 games...How far those teams go? I'll help----66 win team lost in ECF.....61 win tem lost in ECSF...

Just an interesting tid-bit...

So, anyways.....Back to the "getting to the Finals, quicker, thingy....."

So afer going to Miami, and creating a "super team", LBJ and the Heat went to 4 NBA Finals, in 4 years....Winning 2 titles. Losing to the Mavs in 6 games, and the Spurs in 5..Tell me, when Jordan got his Pippen, how many Finals did he lose? LBJ had Chris Bosh, Wade, and even Ray Allen....Went 2-2.

How? He had DWade, bro. I mean, that dude is Pippen level, right? Or no?

Anyways....I mean at the end of the day, well...

LBJ did get to the Finals quicker...
It's a new day and you didn't go off the Irrational Rails so I will reply again.....Not gonna mention as a rookie Lebron led his team to more wins the previous season than did MJ and won 36 games, while MJ made the playoffs once with a 30-52 record? Lebron has never lost 50 games in a season.

Glad you at least remembered he had Pippen in that first Finals trip (never mind he had another couple guys who might have been the Cavs second best player) and knew that was fair to remember.

as for 2010 Lebron, wont get a disagreement from me. As I have mentioned numerous times this is the one instance MJ makes a difference as he would not have cared about Wade and would have made it clear he was The Man.

Can we get back to MJ and Magic wanting so badly to win, but how it only helped them as players and not execs?
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Id say they are pretty comparable to Theo Ratliff and Aaron Mckie who Iverson drug to the finals.

Your flaw in logic in this line of thinking is that getting to the finals is not the same as winning the finals.
How is that a flaw in this argument between Lebron and MJ? OK...add another elite player who could get scrubs to the Finals and isn't named MJ.
I don't think Kobe gets enough credit for his wins in 2009 and 2010. Dude had one other all star on his team during those runs. Andrew Bynum? Metta World Peace? I'll admit they did have a deep bench, but those two might have been Kobe's best accomplishments.
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How is that a flaw in this argument between Lebron and MJ? OK...add another elite player who could get scrubs to the Finals and isn't named MJ.
I would argue KD could. In fact, I would argue if he didn't have Westbrook he would have had at least one other trip to the finals in OKC
I would argue KD could. In fact, I would argue if he didn't have Westbrook he would have had at least one other trip to the finals in OKC
Not sure I agree, but not a crazy argument....would depend on replacement for Westbrook.
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He had more turnovers than field goals in the last game. 7 turnovers. 4 made shots. 4 assists.
agree...a bad game. But he also played OK in the game they won. We'll be disagreeing on this one as while he has flaws I think overall he gets a bad rap by many.
Addition by subtraction. You think that OKC team makes the playoffs with Westbrook instead of Paul? I don't. He's a team killer.
I do like CP when healthy....and props that he has been this season. But I would not have bet on that. You do realize they badly wanted to deal CP before the season, right?

and, yes, I think OKC makes playoffs with Westbrook.
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Addition by subtraction. You think that OKC team makes the playoffs with Westbrook instead of Paul? I don't. He's a team killer.
Probably not the right guy to ask, as I'm kind of a Westbrook fan. Love his energy.
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Right? I mean, I get he has some flaws but I really don't get the angst towards him by some.
No doubt. And when OKC's run ended it was because Durant is a bitch, not on Russ at all. I know who I'd rather have in my foxhole.
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It's a new day and you didn't go off the Irrational Rails so I will reply again.....Not gonna mention as a rookie Lebron led his team to more wins the previous season than did MJ and won 36 games, while MJ made the playoffs once with a 30-52 record? Lebron has never lost 50 games in a season.

Glad you at least remembered he had Pippen in that first Finals trip (never mind he had another couple guys who might have been the Cavs second best player) and knew that was fair to remember.

as for 2010 Lebron, wont get a disagreement from me. As I have mentioned numerous times this is the one instance MJ makes a difference as he would not have cared about Wade and would have made it clear he was The Man.

Can we get back to MJ and Magic wanting so badly to win, but how it only helped them as players and not execs?

Lmao like any team executive has as much say as the players on the floor lol too rich.
How is that a flaw in this argument between Lebron and MJ? OK...add another elite player who could get scrubs to the Finals and isn't named MJ.

Bc ur acting like when Lebron did it, it was some grand accomplishment that couldn’t be matched.

Losing in the finals is still losing.
Lmao like any team executive has as much say as the players on the floor lol too rich.
No...and not surprised the point was over your head. But I'll help.

Many say it is MJs will to win as to another reason he is so great. I say MJ is just a great player (and had great tammates when he actually won). same as Magic.

Now, if it was all about will to win does that mean they do not want to win as badly off the court as an exec. where both have been beyond bad at their jobs?
Bc ur acting like when Lebron did it, it was some grand accomplishment that couldn’t be matched.

Losing in the finals is still losing.
Nope...I acted like it was something Lebron did and MJ did not as this was a Lebron/Mj comparison. Do try and keep up please....though I guess I shouldn't stop you if you try and enhance my point.
I used to not care for Westbrook but he’s grown on me over the years. Especially sticking with OKC for so long. Dude shows a lot of heart out there, and you can tell he plays his ass off game in and game out.
No...and not surprised the point was over your head. But I'll help.

Many say it is MJs will to win as to another reason he is so great. I say MJ is just a great player (and had great tammates when he actually won). same as Magic.

Now, if it was all about will to win does that mean they do not want to win as badly off the court as an exec. where both have been beyond bad at their jobs?

You don’t have a point. Comparing their careers as players to their career as executives is beyond stupid.

It would be like holding last year against Lebron, when he was hurt, bc he could still sit on the sideline and be apart of the team.
Not particularly angst, I think he hurts teams typically more than he helps them. Especially if surrounded by better players than himself
as I said I guess I can see thinking that, but hard to believe a guy who passes and hustles like he does can hurt teams that much.

would be better if he had a better outside shot, though. Maybe even unstoppable.
You don’t have a point. Comparing their careers as players to their career as executives is beyond stupid.

It would be like holding last year against Lebron, when he was hurt, bc he could still sit on the sideline and be apart of the team.
We can just stick to MJ (even though applies to Magic) you think he wants to win more as a player than he does as an owner? Even though as an owner he can profit more if they win more? Please answer A or B

A) Yes, I believe he cared more about winning as a player than as an owner

B) No, he cares just as much as an owner but maybe sucking at his job instead of being arguably the best ever is why he had success as a player and none so far as an owner.
Heat mood.

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It's weird. As much as I'd like a UK player to get a ring. Especially Davis, and as much as it's in my nature to root for a dynasty....I find it hard to root for the Lakers.
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It's weird. As much as I'd like a UK player to get a ring. Especially Davis, and as much as it's in my nature to root for a dynasty....I find it hard to root for the Lakers.
Probably bc bron just got away with his 5th charge in 15 min. Bailed out again and again.
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AD doesn’t deserve a ring anyways. Clipps in 6.

The Miami/Boston (if they take care of biz against the craptors) will be a hell of a series. Very intrigued.
17 years in, and still the baddest player on the planet. Showing some serious defense.
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Fouled twice on the last layup. Shaq rules at play w Bron it seems. I’d bitch too.
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