I have come to realize---No matter how I explain, the theme won't change. But, heck its fun. So thats probably why I continue to try.
When I say "more training", I mean that in a sense of elder officials needing to "tune up" their craft. To many of them are to comfy.
I don't agree with officials being easily influenced by home crowds. MOF, I strongly disagree with such. I think fans see the home team go on a run---crowd gets going---there's a bang/bang call, and the official calls it in favor of the home team. Folks immediately assume its b/c of the crowd. ANd look, in some cases, sure that happens. But for the most part, thats not the case at all. Fans see an official make the call with some extra "umph", and assume---"they are doing so b/c of the crowd". False. We are trained that when there is a bang/bang, 50/50 call, to add some emphasis to our call. Especially late in games. THis is taught to show confidence in what you are calling. You are letting the coach know---"I've got this. I am sure of this", etc, etc.... I could explain this all day, and yet----it will fall on deaf ears. And thats ok.
NBA officials are terrible. How someone can watch an NBA game, and be happier with how its called, opposed to a college game, is beyond me. You damn near have to stab someone to get a foul called....Take at least 5 steps for a travel. Its a mess. NBA officials rarely upstage the game, b/c they are told---"this is a business. Let these dudes play." I've been to an NBA officials camp. And that is exactly wht is said, and taught from Day 1. You abide by it---or you don't have a job. Its that simple. I hate the NBA.
I enjoy officiating. MOF, I love it. Love calling baseball as well. Couldn't imagine not doing so.