It's not basketball season until the CATS/CARDS football game has been played.

It seems, according to scandal and the creation of a legend, that the artist hired to create that Wildcat logo for the University of Kentucky was Gay, and to serve a personal, private, agenda, he chose to include a man’s private parts in the mouth of the hardy UK Wildcat.

Yes, the Kentucky Wildcat mascot had a penis for a tongue!

it goes on

I guess the Gay artist confessed his penis-tongue design later when nobody in Kentucky noticed his political handiwork. You can’t value a scandal if no one knows they’ve been offended.

Here is the redesigned Wildcat logo with the penis tongue now fatter and wider and more “tongue like” but likely even more sexually exciting if you’re into spitting and licking.

Even in this corrected logo I still see two penises. Or should that be “penii?” Do you see them? Here’s the answer: One is a bent, blue, penis hooking downward to the left between the “U” and the
“K” and the second is a white-hot erect penis sticking up from the
bottom to penetrate the middle of the “K.”
Ahhh, so YOU were the artist. That explains it!
  • Haha
Reactions: lurkeraspect84
The world is getting back to normal, Trump was re-elected and Louisville is back to being the ruler of the state.
Well that's one in a row for you lil brother. The law of averages says that you will win one every now and then. Turrible game!
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It’s been a good week for Cardnation, 28 point win against Indiana in basketball, and a 27 point football win over Kentucky.