Thats a really long article, written by a lawyer who started a magazine...but really good...for a small part of the populace. I still dont think it tells the whole story of a larger cross section of working America.
Heres the thing - Ive both worked in Corporate America for years with many protected and privileged people, and the other side, where I now build homes with my father (my own choice) with many unprotected and underprivileged people. What I dont get after 20 years in both environments, is why the working class just doesnt up and rebel against these labor and income disparities. The uber rich continue to take much more responsibility with regards to management of people, decisions, etc...however have no real ultimate responsibility should bad decisions be made - go bankrupt, get more money in 4 a company into the ground, get a fat severance package and a new job...destroy the economy, get a government bailout. While on the other side, the poorer folk cant get a break, no matter how hard they try (or how hard they dont). There is literally no middle class anymore...and the people clammoring that they get all the breaks...are supporting the rich, who could care less about how you live...and disregarding the poor...who many work really hard to just survive. I could go on and on about the socioeconomics in todays society, but Ill wait until more people post here.