How Baby Boomers Broke America

Thankfully we have the right man to make us great again.

I am a boomer, and while I don’t agree with everything, the premise is right. Us boomers are/were a selfish bunch and basically started the the Liberal tilt. Mainly because so many went to college(I did not). The draft dodgers (I did not) the Vietnam protestors, we also gave birth to millennial and spoiled our kids too much. But we are dying and we will be gone for good.
I am a boomer, and while I don’t agree with everything, the premise is right. Us boomers are/were a selfish bunch and basically started the the Liberal tilt. Mainly because so many went to college(I did not). The draft dodgers (I did not) the Vietnam protestors, we also gave birth to millennial and spoiled our kids too much. But we are dying and we will be gone for good.
It might not be so much about spoiling the kids as it is about not properly disciplining the kids.
kids today are very spoiled (mine included)
we start giving them their own cell phones almost as soon as they can talk

we are building a generation that wants everything handed to them
that is why so many young people wanted Bernie
The war ended September 1945. I was born in June 1946 along with three other first cousins that were born within two weeks of me. So I guess I am one of the first baby boomers.

Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Donald Trump were all the first year baby boomers. So we will all drag down the U.S. but it will not be our fault. LB Johnson detatched SS from the trust and fvcked up everything to pay for his adventures in Vietnam.

I will plead innocent on bankrupting SS because I don't draw it, nor does my wife.
It might not be so much about spoiling the kids as it is about not properly disciplining the kids.

I had no problem whipping my kids. My son got his ass kicked going into his senior year in HS. My daughter was 10 the last time she got one. They both are outstanding kids married and have beautiful families. I see parents all the time negotiating with their kids when they act out and they wonder why their kids have no discipline.
kids today are very spoiled (mine included)
we start giving them their own cell phones almost as soon as they can talk

we are building a generation that wants everything handed to them
that is why so many young people wanted Bernie

Kids today didn’t vote for anyone in 2016. Kids today aren’t even millenials.
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Thats a really long article, written by a lawyer who started a magazine...but really good...for a small part of the populace. I still dont think it tells the whole story of a larger cross section of working America.

Heres the thing - Ive both worked in Corporate America for years with many protected and privileged people, and the other side, where I now build homes with my father (my own choice) with many unprotected and underprivileged people. What I dont get after 20 years in both environments, is why the working class just doesnt up and rebel against these labor and income disparities. The uber rich continue to take much more responsibility with regards to management of people, decisions, etc...however have no real ultimate responsibility should bad decisions be made - go bankrupt, get more money in 4 a company into the ground, get a fat severance package and a new job...destroy the economy, get a government bailout. While on the other side, the poorer folk cant get a break, no matter how hard they try (or how hard they dont). There is literally no middle class anymore...and the people clammoring that they get all the breaks...are supporting the rich, who could care less about how you live...and disregarding the poor...who many work really hard to just survive. I could go on and on about the socioeconomics in todays society, but Ill wait until more people post here.
Thats a really long article, written by a lawyer who started a magazine...but really good...for a small part of the populace. I still dont think it tells the whole story of a larger cross section of working America.

Heres the thing - Ive both worked in Corporate America for years with many protected and privileged people, and the other side, where I now build homes with my father (my own choice) with many unprotected and underprivileged people. What I dont get after 20 years in both environments, is why the working class just doesnt up and rebel against these labor and income disparities. The uber rich continue to take much more responsibility with regards to management of people, decisions, etc...however have no real ultimate responsibility should bad decisions be made - go bankrupt, get more money in 4 a company into the ground, get a fat severance package and a new job...destroy the economy, get a government bailout. While on the other side, the poorer folk cant get a break, no matter how hard they try (or how hard they dont). There is literally no middle class anymore...and the people clammoring that they get all the breaks...are supporting the rich, who could care less about how you live...and disregarding the poor...who many work really hard to just survive. I could go on and on about the socioeconomics in todays society, but Ill wait until more people post here.
This should get it going:

You voted for Bernie Sanders.

You are advocating against capitalism. I have heard that argument for the last 54 years. We are our brothers keeper (hint: we steal from the workers and give to the lazy), everyone deserves a good life (whether they made bad decisions or not it can’t be their fault) and failure is only because society screws over some folks.

Since Karl Marx invented his socialist economic model everywhere it has been installed it has totally failed. Look at the Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, Cuba Socialism destroys society because human beings are not ants and bees we are thinking animals with big brains that can't be programmed to work as one unit. The USSR and China killed 100,000,000 people collectivizing those two countries because you can't steal people’s property and expect them to take it without a fight. That fight ends only if the collective is brutal enough to kill millions.

When the Marx model is installed the net effect is equality in that eventually everyone in those countries become equally poor except for the ruling elite.
It comes down to personal accountability and discipline. I had a good childhood, but I didn't agree with all of my mom/dads parenting. I would think most people have the internal drive to want to do better than their parents instead of copycatting their mistakes. Why not give your kids what you didn't have and change the things you hated about your upbringing. Nothing on this planet is a bigger key to success than working hard. Work hard in your profession, you move up. Work hard on your relationships, they prosper. Work hard on parenting, your kids will thrive. Jobs, marriages, kids------everything can be hard----but if you put in the work that nobody else almost always come out on top.
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This should get it going:

You voted for Bernie Sanders.

You are advocating against capitalism. I have heard that argument for the last 54 years. We are our brothers keeper (hint: we steal from the workers and give to the lazy), everyone deserves a good life (whether they made bad decisions or not it can’t be their fault) and failure is only because society screws over some folks.

Since Karl Marx invented his socialist economic model everywhere it has been installed it has totally failed. Look at the Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, Cuba Socialism destroys society because human beings are not ants and bees we are thinking animals with big brains that can't be programmed to work as one unit. The USSR and China killed 100,000,000 people collectivizing those two countries because you can't steal people’s property and expect them to take it without a fight. That fight ends only if the collective is brutal enough to kill millions.

When the Marx model is installed the net effect is equality in that eventually everyone in those countries become equally poor except for the ruling elite.'re going to get scolded for not being okay with forced charity!!
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It comes down to personal accountability and discipline. I had a good childhood, but I didn't agree with all of my mom/dads parenting. I would think most people have the internal drive to want to do better than their parents instead of copycatting their mistakes. Why not give your kids what you didn't have and change the things you hated about your upbringing. Nothing on this planet is a bigger key to success than working hard. Work hard in your profession, you move up. Work hard on your relationships, they prosper. Work hard on parenting, your kids will thrive. Jobs, marriages, kids------everything can be hard----but if you put in the work that nobody else almost always come out on top.
Fantastic post Toonces.
Here's a large part of the problem:

Many of the greatest generation came back from the war with some serious PTSD. It didn't prevent them from working hard and providing for their families, but it did make them some effed up parents. It also created a sense of entitlement among Boomers who were well provided for, but often lacked the deep understanding of exactly what the generation before them went through.

So the Boomers became even worse parents and as the author points out well, basically lived in the moment and only considered what helped them profit the most in the short term.

Fortunately, studies and surveys demonstrate that millennials' spending and saving habits are essentially the complete opposite of their Boomer parents. Much more like the saving habits of the people who lived through or were born just after the Depression.
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This should get it going:

You voted for Bernie Sanders.

You are advocating against capitalism. I have heard that argument for the last 54 years. We are our brothers keeper (hint: we steal from the workers and give to the lazy), everyone deserves a good life (whether they made bad decisions or not it can’t be their fault) and failure is only because society screws over some folks.

Since Karl Marx invented his socialist economic model everywhere it has been installed it has totally failed. Look at the Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, Cuba Socialism destroys society because human beings are not ants and bees we are thinking animals with big brains that can't be programmed to work as one unit. The USSR and China killed 100,000,000 people collectivizing those two countries because you can't steal people’s property and expect them to take it without a fight. That fight ends only if the collective is brutal enough to kill millions.

When the Marx model is installed the net effect is equality in that eventually everyone in those countries become equally poor except for the ruling elite.

Wait, what? Im a Gen X'er, now a self employed business owner, who am fiscally conservative and socially liberal. I worked in a corporate money management firm for 15 years pre-building, and enjoyed the benefits earned there. I now am taking over a good business started by my father, and freaking dig ditches and help frame when its 120 degrees. Dont misconstrue what I wrote...because you did. I want to keep my money and guns...and could give a rats a** about abortion and gay marriage. I did not vote for Bernie, I didnt vote for Hillary, I didnt vote for Trump. None. I voted Republican down the ticket and left President blank.

Regardless, theres no dispute that the middle class is disappearing, benefits for the working class are being supressed and the income gap between the rich and poor is the highest in generations. Theres NO dispute to that. Theres also NO dispute that this country chooses to waste its money on fancy toys, horrible medical care oversight and terrible decision making...wasting money that could be used more appropriately.
It comes down to personal accountability and discipline. I had a good childhood, but I didn't agree with all of my mom/dads parenting. I would think most people have the internal drive to want to do better than their parents instead of copycatting their mistakes. Why not give your kids what you didn't have and change the things you hated about your upbringing. Nothing on this planet is a bigger key to success than working hard. Work hard in your profession, you move up. Work hard on your relationships, they prosper. Work hard on parenting, your kids will thrive. Jobs, marriages, kids------everything can be hard----but if you put in the work that nobody else almost always come out on top.

This is a good solid post. Dont disagree. But what about kids that were born to horrible parents, one parent, no parents, are foster kids or adopted, or super unfortunate? Just keep saying "be better parents"? That doesnt work. Not everyone goes to church. Parents dont need licenses to have kids. So...just forget about like 25% of the populace, who are poor kids mind you, because their terrible parents take drugs, while everyone over the age of 70 takes a plethora of drugs, goes and gets worthless $5000 MRIs paid for by the working class and has to spend like $3000 a month on long term care to live til they are 95 with half a brain and no body?
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This is a good solid post. Dont disagree. But what about kids that were born to horrible parents, one parent, no parents, are foster kids or adopted, or super unfortunate? Just keep saying "be better parents"? That doesnt work. Not everyone goes to church. Parents dont need licenses to have kids. So...just forget about like 25% of the populace, who are poor kids mind you, because their terrible parents take drugs, while everyone over the age of 70 takes a plethora of drugs, goes and gets worthless $5000 MRIs paid for by the working class and has to spend like $3000 a month on long term care to live til they are 95 with half a brain and no body?
There are always outliers. I guess I don't know how to answer that. Are they too damaged to overcome? I don't know if its the correct usage of the word, but whether we like it or not, some transference from our parents or upbringing always shows up---both good and bad. But I think that 99% of the population knows the difference b/t right and wrong and what is a healthy way of parenting and what is not----(As I typed that I realized just how ****Pd up some peoples parenting is.) I believe most people possess the innate thinking that they want to do better and in very rare cases don't have the actual ability to. You have to be willing to go all in or it doesn't work.

On the healthcare angle....I also have no answers except that it goes back to being accountable for yourself and those you bring into this world. I really do believe that if we focused on taking care of our own shit more often, it would clear up a lot of trouble for others as well. Take ownership of your own health---dont be a drain on the medical system. I venture to guess over 50% of the meds taken and health issues in america are avoidable if people took care of their bodies. The amount of health issues caused by obesity is staggering. Physical, mental, emotional. These 3 main areas have to be functioning at a high level if you want a good life imo.
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There are always outliers. I guess I don't know how to answer that. Are they too damaged to overcome? I don't know if its the correct usage of the word, but whether we like it or not, some transference from our parents or upbringing always shows up---both good and bad. But I think that 99% of the population knows the difference b/t right and wrong and what is a healthy way of parenting and what is not----(As I typed that I realized just how ****Pd up some peoples parenting is.) I believe most people possess the innate thinking that they want to do better and in very rare cases don't have the actual ability to. You have to be willing to go all in or it doesn't work.

On the healthcare angle....I also have no answers except that it goes back to being accountable for yourself and those you bring into this world. I really do believe that if we focused on taking care of our own shit more often, it would clear up a lot of trouble for others as well. Take ownership of your own health---dont be a drain on the medical system. I venture to guess over 50% of the meds taken and health issues in america are avoidable if people took care of their bodies. The amount of health issues caused by obesity is staggering. Physical, mental, emotional. These 3 main areas have to be functioning at a high level if you want a good life imo.

Great answers. Are we separated at birth? I agree with almost all of what you said here, save adding two things - in correlation with this original post, Medicare costs $1T a year, affording benefits mainly to those (with no oversight whatsoever) who are over 70. We owe our elders health, but why at the expense of destroying the economy? However...our retirement accounts are dependent on healthcare companies doing who am I to argue their profits? I also had corporate sponsored healthcare, until I was dropped by BCBS in Phx after Obamacare was pushed through...however I do believe a public-private healthcare system would be easly attainable if they came up with a decent plan - something like your last residency could be in the public system, one of your military requirements could be 9 months in public...etc. Its just a disgusting circle that no one cares to fix.
I am a boomer, and while I don’t agree with everything, the premise is right. Us boomers are/were a selfish bunch and basically started the the Liberal tilt. Mainly because so many went to college(I did not). The draft dodgers (I did not) the Vietnam protestors, we also gave birth to millennial and spoiled our kids too much. But we are dying and we will be gone for good.
Not sure why protesting that massive cluster**** called Vietnam is a negative thing. Might be the most impressively stupid thing ever done.
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Great answers. Are we separated at birth? I agree with almost all of what you said here, save adding two things - in correlation with this original post, Medicare costs $1T a year, affording benefits mainly to those (with no oversight whatsoever) who are over 70. We owe our elders health, but why at the expense of destroying the economy? However...our retirement accounts are dependent on healthcare companies doing who am I to argue their profits? I also had corporate sponsored healthcare, until I was dropped by BCBS in Phx after Obamacare was pushed through...however I do believe a public-private healthcare system would be easly attainable if they came up with a decent plan - something like your last residency could be in the public system, one of your military requirements could be 9 months in public...etc. Its just a disgusting circle that no one cares to fix.
The costs are staggering and I'm pretty sure a good portion of the costs aren't really improving the "quality" of life. I deal with patients that have a dead sea scroll list of meds that I always have to document and write down. Im not kidding you---75% of them are taking meds every single day and they have no idea what they are taking them for. The amount of damage people do to their bodies is shocking.
The insurance world is a cesspool. Higher deductibles, higher premiums, lower benefits-----its not sustainable.......which is exactly why it makes it irresponsible to keep paying for people that aren't paying in. It does zero good to overload and bankrupt the system.
This should get it going:

You voted for Bernie Sanders.

You are advocating against capitalism. I have heard that argument for the last 54 years. We are our brothers keeper (hint: we steal from the workers and give to the lazy), everyone deserves a good life (whether they made bad decisions or not it can’t be their fault) and failure is only because society screws over some folks.

Since Karl Marx invented his socialist economic model everywhere it has been installed it has totally failed. Look at the Soviet Union, China, Venezuela, Cuba Socialism destroys society because human beings are not ants and bees we are thinking animals with big brains that can't be programmed to work as one unit. The USSR and China killed 100,000,000 people collectivizing those two countries because you can't steal people’s property and expect them to take it without a fight. That fight ends only if the collective is brutal enough to kill millions.

When the Marx model is installed the net effect is equality in that eventually everyone in those countries become equally poor except for the ruling elite.
My biggest issue with Bernie is he always talks about high taxes on the top 2% Well the top 2% joint household income in America cuts off right at about $190k. My wife and I are just a little bit below that without even hitting our prime income earning potential in life yet. We want to have a family in the next couple of years as well , which by that time I am pretty sure we will be in the top 2%. We are not millionaires , we don't have vacation homes like Bernie. But he wants to tax me like a millionaire with vacation homes. We are people that didn't come from silver spoon lifestyles and we just want to build the best life possible for each other and our family going forward. We don't want to be treated like some socioeconomic pariah because we want to aspire to good things in our lives. If you actually listened to what that old man is selling on his campaign last year..... You can't take that guy serious one iota. No offense to old people Bert.
I don't care what side of politics you are on,

Although the U.S. remains the world’s richest country, it has the third-highest poverty rate among the 35 nations in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), behind only Turkey and Israel. Nearly 1 in 5 American children lives in a household that the government classifies as “food insecure,” meaning they are without “access to enough food for active, healthy living.”

is straight pathetic.