Hey Kentucky?! How does Cocks taste?

Talent and offense, yes. But the defense is garbage. All it takes is a bad shooting night and good opposing defense like tonight. Cocks are going in raw.
The effort has been the difference. Pretty impressive. This could be the year USC finally makes some noise.
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USC home court is hit or miss. One year we're hearing Go Big Blue chants and others are like tonight or '10.
That still doesn't excuse Jackwagon from coming here and slamming the Cats fans.
Thanks for sticking up for us Deller but let them have their fun. They only get a packed house, shirt night and game like this once a year. Let’s let the poor bastards enjoy it! We know next game they’ll have the usual 20 or 30 people in the stands and play like shit. Have at it Cocks, y’all earned it. Good game!
Thanks for sticking up for us Deller but let them have their fun. They only get a packed house, shirt night and game like this once a year. Let’s let the poor bastards enjoy it! We know next game they’ll have the usual 20 or 30 people in the stands and play like shit. Have at it Cocks, y’all earned it. Good game!
Eat shit fk stick.
😂. You were shittin' yella when I was posting on message boards. Sit down and shut the fk up.
I still shit yellow and I don’t usually stand up watching basketball games so I’m already setting down. Go enjoy your teams biggest win of the year, it doesn’t happen to often! GG
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I still shit yellow and I don’t usually stand up watching basketball games so I’m already setting down. Go enjoy your teams biggest win of the year, it doesn’t happen to often! GG
We will see you again. The result will be the same but nevertheless. I can't wait to taste the nervous perspiration on your neck as I lap it up with my tongue.