The bottom line is you think that it doesn't matter how much money the schools and coaches make, you don't want to pay the kids a fair share despite them being who plays the game.
Coaches use to make nothing for coaching in the beginning. Tons of money hasn't always been there. It is ridiculous to suggest otherwise.
In a sense kids are forced to play at college if they want to play in the NBA. That is the system that has been put forth, so stop with the "no one forces them to go to college" stuff.
I would be fine if the G league were expanded and all Pro prospects went there. That would leave college teams with players that go to college for colleges sake.
You are right---I don't care how much the school makes. I mean after all, money, and lots of it, is needed to sustain a university. Its money also used to provide athletes the amenities they enjoy.
Money has always been there---To ignore such, is just as ridiculous. No coaches were not amking now,what they made in 1950---but that doesn't change the fact they were still making money, and kids were not. So to you, its now only a problem since coaches are now getting paid more? Interesting.
You make a really good point---but not so sure its the point you really want to make: "Kids are forced to play in college, if they want to play in the NBA"---Yep. Well, sort of. And who provides that avenue? Who PAYS for that avenue? Yeah,thats right----the schools do. And what do they get in return? Maybe a year or two of making a few million....And what does that kid get? A free platform to perform on, that leads to or could lead to, millions and millions and millions of dollars.
If I told you this---"Della, you come 'work' for me. You wont get paid, but during your time here, I will provide you housing, food, clothing, medical care, free travel, etc-----and in a year, you will make millions of dollars..."
Would you take that offer? I bet you would----ANd its exactly why kids choose college---They know its the qucikest avenue to the NBA----Being a millionaire.
As for kids who go to college for "college sake"---Should they get paid?
And what about HS kids? What about revenue sharing for them?