I'm pretty sure he's saying that the vaccine is killing some people
Pointless. Some people can't be reached.
Frankly, I don't care if I'm viewed as a lunatic. It's important to me to do what little I can to help prepare people for what's coming.
The only reason that people lined up to participate in this global experiment is that they've been isolated and fearmongered 24/7 for a year and a half. It puts people in a vulnerable state and they're desperate for a solution. The truth is we didn't need a solution. Especially not a risky one. The solutions were there. Ivermectin with zinc is proven to be safe and almost 100% effective at treating Covid if used correctly and early enough. It's one of the easiest infections to treat if treated within the first few days, but can become very dangerous if untreated for over a week.
The NIH treatment guideline is to not treat Covid unless you're in the hospital and oxygen level is below 92. That's a policy for disaster. It's not consistent with any of the literature or common sense.
The vast majority of deaths could have been prevented just by taking a sensible approach.
Aside from the acute dangers of the vaccines, we have to worry about sub acute dangers too. ADE is a major concern. It killed the animals in trials. There was a period of immunity followed by a hyperinflammatory state in which they were killed by their own immune systems when reinfected. And there's evidence of titres that show it's already happening around the world. Wouldn't it have been sensible to rule out the possibility of this happening in humans before deploying it globally and mandating it? It wasn't done. We're the experiment. And now Fauci is talking about injecting babies.
It's become clear over the last two years that public health is not the priority of our health officials. Just about everything they've recommended since day one is backwards. Whether it's incompetence or corruption, it doesn't matter. Bottom line is that we have to fend for ourselves.
People need to quit falling for the lies about Ivermectin, HCQ, zinc, etc (did the Rolling Stone article not make it obvious enough?). Those are the solutions. Among others. Zinc is most important. The main function of ivermectin, hcq, quercetin etc is to get zinc into the cells. Anyone who's taken the vaccine needs to swallow their pride and start implementing some of these protocols.