Florida stand your ground law

I agree with all of that, but the punishment (death), doesn't fit the crime (a push). That's what we're arguing here. The shooter was not in a life or death situation.
I'm not arguing the punishment [dearh], fits the crime [push]. Not all. Senseless shootinh, and the shooter deserves a lengthy prison term.
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If you read the background story on the shooter .. he basically stalked that convenience store LOOKING for people who parked illegally in the handicapped space to give them grief. In this instance he escalated it .. and in my opinion at the very least should have been found guilty of some degree of homicide .. if not pre-meditated. That is not what stand-your-ground was established for. He used it as a pre-mediated plan to initiate an instance in which he would kill a guy he was pissed off at.
Agree 100%
The 3D chess move would have been the shover come out and slapped around his girlfriend. She will still love him, cause that's what baby mamas do and he would have gotten a new best friend.