Jesus, you are thick.
You'll be honest? Thanks for explaining your moronic attack on a post I did not make. So it is ok to take all the 5 star kids, like Zion, at the last second miraculously, because USC or Clemson have not had a player of note, lately??
First off, it wasn't moronic. Second, it wasn't about you. Most importantly... it is NOT okay to take a recruit? Are you nuts? So now the really good recruiters have to recruit in a way that is okay for the crappier schools? And last minute? How was it last minute? Guys are either not committed, or committed. The Duke staff was on Zion for years. What about it was last minute... just your dumbass "fan" point of view, where you think it was something that happened instantly?
You don't know me or have not come accross me?? Who cares - what r u talking about? Your logid re Zion is wrong, period.
Oh man. You were throwing around some thing about you being in my head. I'm merely pointing out thats obviously dumb, and should have been to you, given that we've never really had any interaction.
What kind of logic is that? Guinea pig?? What r u talking about??
How many players like Zion have USC or Clemson had? None. Ever. They have never had a top guy like that who is coming in with such hype. Would you want to literally be the first ever for a staff, crossing your fingers that they know what to do? No. You go to a place where they've years of experience with it. What, if you have to have a major surgery, you go to someone who has never done it before?
BTW, are you getting paid by the question mark?
Duke is cheating at recruiting. Period. You know how I know - because they have 4 of the top 10 players in the country on their roster - every spring. Police call that evidence. Calipari wont beat me anymore. Mike is so frikkin competitive - he refuses to lose to another massive cheater. How do I know Cal cheats - he gets the other top 4 HS players every year. Every year.
Uh, you appear to have literally no idea what "evidence" means. Like... none.
Could it be, just maybe, that a guy who might be the best coach of all time, who has experience with the best players of all time, at one of the greatest programs of all time, with some of the best facilities in the country at any level, with nearly every game on national television, with massive connections in the League and the national programs and in commercial areas like shoe companies and the like, and who has multiple slots available with a TON of playing time, might be able to land the best players?
I think you are just so used to cheering for a loser that it doesn't occur to you that some teams are winners.
If you cant beat them, join them, huh?? Your coach has no clothes on - I can say it because I am not brainwashed by K fever - I hope he retires before scandal destroys his legacy. He is a great coach - and I like him personally - yeah - I know that gets you fanboys.
Uh, that's dumb. Fanboys? I'm a alumnus, dumbass. And yes, I am sure you hope he retires before scandal destroys his legacy. Legit! And no, you liking Coach K doesn't "get" me... I don't actually care.
He needs to stop the one and done crap. Cue the batteries, MD fans are the worst, we are meth head trash people comments - but by all means look the other way while college hoops gets top heavy and boring and ultimately - losing viewers.
Ahhh, of course! So K has landed a top recruit in every class in a number of classes. But... In 2014 Duke got three OADs instead of the usual one, two of whom weren't expected to be OAD. In 2016 Duke got three OADs instead of the usual one, one of whom was hurt all year and one of whom wasn't expected to be OAD. In 2017 Duke got four OADs instead of the usual one, including one who shouldn't have been. In 2018 Duke got three or four OADs who haven't even finished their first season.
And because of these extra OADs... which was expected to be roughly THREE more expected OADs TOTAL over the years... Coach K has made college basketball lose viewers. I mean, Duke's games always get the highest ratings, but K shouldn't have recruited those guys and should have let USC and Clemson get them, so he wouldn't ruin college basketball. Or something.
At the bare minimum - he is a hypocrite. You say adjusting to the modern game - I say sell out to win - especially over the guy he hates in Lexington.
Please say I am an idiot, and that cannot EVER happen...hahahahahaha
Hahahahahahah, right?!?! And yes, getting the best players available is selling out. He isn't adjusting.
Woody, Joe, and Mike's mentor Bobby say hi. Hero worship does not end well in coaches.
WTF is hero worship? You think basketball coaches are heroes? Hey, maybe in your world...