Now that the regular season is finishing up


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Oct 5, 2004
Based on the eye test, who's the best to worst conferences this year in your opinion?

Here's my opinion:
  1. SEC
  2. B12
  3. B10
  4. BE
  5. ACC
  6. P12
The SEC is the deepest IMO, although it will be interesting to see how good Tennessee has really become considering they lost to almost all of the OOC good teams they played. They did beat Illinois but at home.

B12 is solid but nowhere near as good as previous years. They have two bad teams.

B10 has some good teams at the top and fairly solid play in the middle. A couple teams flirting with bad but only one really bad team.

BE has 3 good teams and the rest are ok (I've soured on Marquette recently too. They may be overrated). Two REALLY bad teams.

ACC just ain't what they used to be. Duke and UNC are good and the middle is ok. They have 3 really bad teams.

P12 is... well it's the P12. 5 teams below 100 in the metrics.