
Except that nobody excused it. It's shitty.

The lefties around here generally aren't going to excuse racist shit. It's a big no-no to us.
Glad you’ve finally moved away from calling yourself a “moderate” and have accepted you’re a full blown leftist liberal. Good for you. It was disturbing to see you lie to yourself for so long.
Everyone loves a good train wreck of a thread.

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I must have missed those posts hidden among all the posts where you take cheap shots and criticize hyperbolically. Now you want to play the butt-hurt hypocrite? lol

I stand behind it, and when dealing with someone who brags about how little he actually knows, I don't have to expend much energy defending it.
You only notice what you want to notice. I’ve tried playing nice with you a number of times and you won’t do it. You just skip to the posts where you can belittle people who don’t share your opinion or beliefs. I’ve actually never seen you post about sports around here. Just argue your political point of view. I hope you have more fun in person than you do on here. You come off as pretty miserable most of the time. Must be all the white guilt.
You only notice what you want to notice. I’ve tried playing nice with you a number of times and you won’t do it. You just skip to the posts where you can belittle people who don’t share your opinion or beliefs. I’ve actually never seen you post about sports around here. Just argue your political point of view. I hope you have more fun in person than you do on here. You come off as pretty miserable most of the time. Must be all the white guilt.

i am giving him until season starts and if he continues his political garbage i am putting him on ignore permantly
i agree i have not seen him post about anything but political stuff and insulting people for over a year
he is the poster child for being a useless poster
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Oh Jesus Christ.

So now Trump is mad at a former Republican Senator who served 20 years in the legislative branch, because the Justice Department didn’t delay criminal charges for political reasons.

Does he realize what he is saying, and he does this just to upset people? Or does he genuinely not understand what he is saying.

Oh Jesus Christ.

So now Trump is mad at a former Republican Senator who served 20 years in the legislative branch, because the Justice Department didn’t delay criminal charges for political reasons.

Does he realize what he is saying, and he does this just to upset people? Or does he genuinely not understand what he is saying.
It is purposefully done.
If charges ever do come about, it will be best to have already put doubt in his supporters minds, that anyone involved in the DOJ, FBI, judicial system, etc...are all part of the deep state.

Seriously dangerous rhetoric, but it’s okay...not invoking violence, just poking the libs.
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Oh Jesus Christ.

So now Trump is mad at a former Republican Senator who served 20 years in the legislative branch, because the Justice Department didn’t delay criminal charges for political reasons.

Does he realize what he is saying, and he does this just to upset people? Or does he genuinely not understand what he is saying.
See this is stuff I don't understand. Just not that educated with politics. What is he saying?
See this is stuff I don't understand. Just not that educated with politics. What is he saying?

He's talking about :

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-California, and Rep. Chris Collins, R-New York, were indicted within two weeks of each other last month on unrelated charges.

Those 2 would have probably retained their seats. He wanted this stuff to come out after mid-terms. Session is just doing his job. Trump has threatened to take over both the DOJ and FBI. I would hope that a president doesn't have that authority. If he does that, scary times ahead.
What "Bruce Ohr stuff" is "true"? Ohr is a DoJ operative who specializes in international organized crime. He's never worked for the Special Counsel, although I'm sure Mueller has consulted with him a time or two.

The reason he has Trump's full attention right now is because he's the top investigator of the Russian Mafia and understands how they launder their money through Trump's 'businesses'. His only 'crime' is investigating and/or indicting the Russian mobsters who line Trump's pockets (ie invest in his properties).

Why is it that every FBI/DOJ official who Trump publicly attacks is someone who can testify against him in some way or another? Seems fishy to rational people who are paying attention to the details...
Fake News
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He's talking about :

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-California, and Rep. Chris Collins, R-New York, were indicted within two weeks of each other last month on unrelated charges.

Those 2 would have probably retained their seats. He wanted this stuff to come out after mid-terms. Session is just doing his job. Trump has threatened to take over both the DOJ and FBI. I would hope that a president doesn't have that authority. If he does that, scary times ahead.
Thank you. One more question: Why did he want this to come out after mid-terms? And...what is mid-terms?:D Yeah, I know. Two questions.
Midterms are the midterm elections in November. Elections for congress; the entire house, and a third of the Senate. Almost all of the governorships. Some people think that this is one of the most important midterm elections in history. If the Democrats gain control of the Senate at least, there is a lot of speculation that the push to impeach Trump will follow. It would also possibly give an indication of what the 2020 presidential elections might look like, in terms of a “blue wave” in response to Trump or not.

Trump was saying that the Republican-led Justice Department should have waited until after the elections to arrest two Republican congressmen, because arresting them now might cause them to lose their elections. Obviously this is... well, crazy... given that the law is not supposed to be applied according to political reasoning. I can’t think of anything like this ever being put out by the White House, ever. Someone can correct me if I am wrong. It’s really jaw dropping.
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Midterms are the midterm elections in November. Elections for congress; the entire house, and a third of the Senate. Almost all of the governorships. Some people think that this is one of the most important midterm elections in history. If the Democrats gain control of the Senate at least, there is a lot of speculation that the push to impeach Trump will follow. It would also possibly give an indication of what the 2020 presidential elections might look like, in terms of a “blue wave” in response to Trump or not.

Trump was saying that the Republican-led Justice Department should have waited until after the elections to arrest two Republican congressmen, because arresting them now might cause them to lose their elections. Obviously this is... well, crazy... given that the law is not supposed to be applied according to political reasoning. I can’t think of anything like this ever being put out by the White House, ever. Someone can correct me if I am wrong. It’s really jaw dropping.

Oh Jesus Christ.

So now Trump is mad at a former Republican Senator who served 20 years in the legislative branch, because the Justice Department didn’t delay criminal charges for political reasons.

Does he realize what he is saying, and he does this just to upset people? Or does he genuinely not understand what he is saying.

Some responses, from some smart people. I don’t twitter, but this is pretty cray. Btw, a bunch of these are conservatives.

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No no... so, that statement from Trump... it’s brutal. That is the President of the United States, the top law enforcement official in our country, saying that the Attorney General, the top lawyer in the country, should not arrest criminals if they are of a certain party and it might impact an election. None of that is hyperbole or exaggeration.

That is one of the most insane statements from a President I’ve ever seen. If your *local police chief* said that, you’d want the guy fired, post haste... imagine Chief Smith issuing a public statement saying “We shouldn’t arrest Democrats this close to the election... we might lose!” Whhhaat? I mean, it is the definition of obstruction.

Just noting that a lot of people who know about this stuff, on both sides of the political spectrum, are horrified by it. It is also amazing how... used to this... some people have gotten.
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It's great when all the hot engines run out of steam, and we can reflect back on what they said during the day.
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No no... so, that statement from Trump... it’s brutal. That is the President of the United States, the top law enforcement official in our country, saying that the Attorney General, the top lawyer in the country, should not arrest criminals if they are of a certain party and it might impact an election. None of that is hyperbole or exaggeration.

That is one of the most insane statements from a President I’ve ever seen. If your *local police chief* said that, you’d want the guy fired, post haste... imagine Chief Smith issuing a public statement saying “We shouldn’t arrest Democrats this close to the election... we might lose!” Whhhaat? I mean, it is the definition of obstruction.

Just noting that a lot of people who know about this stuff, on both sides of the political spectrum, are horrified by it. It is also amazing how... used to this... some people have gotten.
I just like how he posts all those tweets from people like conservatives are going to give a shit. Shouldn’t it be abundantly clear by now, considering most have expressed this directly, that conservatives are more worried about policies than some of these issues that liberals constantly post?
Btw, I don’t remember who mentioned Shapiro, but...

Shapiro is a very reasonable guy imo. Even if you don't agree with everything he says, he really organizes his thoughts well and backs up every point he makes. Every time Trump tweets something like this---which at face value is absurd for the POTUS to be saying---as bad as it always seems like there is a backdoor for him to squeeze out of. I want your is it possible for someone to step in what appears to be a bucket of shit so many times and it never really sticks to him? We have seen powerful CEOS, political figures, hollywood elite, respected businessman.....say one of these things and it costs them nearly everything. What could touch DT? Omarosa having him using racial slurs on video?
Shapiro is a very reasonable guy imo. Even if you don't agree with everything he says, he really organizes his thoughts well and backs up every point he makes. Every time Trump tweets something like this---which at face value is absurd for the POTUS to be saying---as bad as it always seems like there is a backdoor for him to squeeze out of. I want your is it possible for someone to step in what appears to be a bucket of shit so many times and it never really sticks to him? We have seen powerful CEOS, political figures, hollywood elite, respected businessman.....say one of these things and it costs them nearly everything. What could touch DT? Omarosa having him using racial slurs on video?
Trump is draining the swamp. It definitely needs draining.
Shapiro is a very reasonable guy imo. Even if you don't agree with everything he says, he really organizes his thoughts well and backs up every point he makes. Every time Trump tweets something like this---which at face value is absurd for the POTUS to be saying---as bad as it always seems like there is a backdoor for him to squeeze out of. I want your is it possible for someone to step in what appears to be a bucket of shit so many times and it never really sticks to him? We have seen powerful CEOS, political figures, hollywood elite, respected businessman.....say one of these things and it costs them nearly everything. What could touch DT? Omarosa having him using racial slurs on video?

It is baffling. I would normally agree, that there is no way anyone else could survive this... but maybe they could if they went THIS extreme with it, and nobody has had the nerve to try it?

I think there are several elements to how he survives this.

First I think is that some conservatives (I think some here are in this group) hate the guy, but in the end will accept whatever because they just care about the policies that will get enacted with him as President. I do get baffled when he says things that are so clearly a violation of what it means to be President and people still support his Presidency... Mike Pence would do everything that Trump would do, so I am a bit surprised more Republican voters don't just turn on Trump since Pence is in the wings (Republican politicians don't because I think they are terrified of losing their base).

Some of it is also that I think a lot of people in SOME ways don't take him seriously. Like... him being President is just a funny thing that amuses people... and they don't necessarily think it is "important"?

Third, people know he is a bloviating, lying, immoral douchebag, and so they see stuff like this and just say "Eh, more of the same."

Fourth, I think there is a real element of "us vs them" in politics nowadays, and people are really reluctant to say 'Oh shit, I supported this guy, and now I believe he is bad and has to go' especially because they know that some people will respond by saying "Why couldn't you see that before? It was clear!" and nobody likes having that happen, having someone point out that others knew it was a mistake.

Fifth... he is a powerful, powerful man. He isn't a Hollywood executive or a CEO whatever who answers to stockholders and a Board of Directors; he is literally the most powerful man in the world. He is the literal head of our entire law enforcement community, and the man responsible for enforcing the law. He has layer after layer of protection, both literal and figurative. I mean... who is going to "get him in trouble?" I do think that the people who DO have the ability to do anything, as determined by our Constitution... namely, our Legislative branch... are willing to let him do this stuff in order to further their political agenda. Whether or not that is good is obviously a matter of opinion.

Finally, he has been smart in that he simply overwhelms the world with this stuff, and at a certain point people just shrug because there is SO much of it. I think there are several people here like that.

I remember when he said that thing about that he could shoot a person on 5th ave and not lose a vote. At the time it was just such over the top hyperbole. Now... shit, I think a good number of Trump supporters would still support him... "Well, he may have killed someone, and I don't like the guy, but he is making America better, so what can you do" or something?

It is pretty amazing. I certainly don't have any real answers, beyond my opinion, but yeah, I think a lot of us here who DO argue about politics are equally baffled by how he does survive stuff that we would traditionally think would doom a public figure.
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BTW, note that in the tweets above are several Republican members of the Legislative branch... but all guys who are not looking to get reelected. The game of politics is a pretty cringeworthy one at times.
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Oh I knew why you posted it.

Thanks, we all know about history.

And the 20s and 50s have nothing to do with where the parties are today. Obviously.

And I know the Republicans will disagree, but I see one side using negative, fear based race politics more than the other... Build that wall, don’t let Muslims in the country, illegals killed that girl and we need to stop them, Muslims want to create sharia law, Black lives matter is a bunch of terrorists, and so on and so forth.

I know the Republicans will disagree, so don’t bother saying so :)
It is baffling. I would normally agree, that there is no way anyone else could survive this... but maybe they could if they went THIS extreme with it, and nobody has had the nerve to try it?

I think there are several elements to how he survives this.

First I think is that some conservatives (I think some here are in this group) hate the guy, but in the end will accept whatever because they just care about the policies that will get enacted with him as President. I do get baffled when he says things that are so clearly a violation of what it means to be President and people still support his Presidency... Mike Pence would do everything that Trump would do, so I am a bit surprised more Republican voters don't just turn on Trump since Pence is in the wings (Republican politicians don't because I think they are terrified of losing their base).

Some of it is also that I think a lot of people in SOME ways don't take him seriously. Like... him being President is just a funny thing that amuses people... and they don't necessarily think it is "important"?

Third, people know he is a bloviating, lying, immoral douchebag, and so they see stuff like this and just say "Eh, more of the same."

Fourth, I think there is a real element of "us vs them" in politics nowadays, and people are really reluctant to say 'Oh shit, I supported this guy, and now I believe he is bad and has to go' especially because they know that some people will respond by saying "Why couldn't you see that before? It was clear!" and nobody likes having that happen, having someone point out that others knew it was a mistake.

Fifth... he is a powerful, powerful man. He isn't a Hollywood executive or whatever; he is literally the most powerful man in the world. He is the literal head of our entire law enforcement community, and the man responsible for enforcing the law. He has layer after layer of protection, both literal and figurative. I mean... who is going to "get him in trouble?"

Finally, he has been smart in that he simply overwhelms the world with this stuff, and at a certain point people just shrug because there is SO much of it. I think there are several people here like that.

I remember when he said that thing about that he could shoot on 5th ave and not lose a vote. At the time it was just such over the top hyperbole. Now... shit, I think a good number of Trump supporters would still support him... "Well, he may have killed someone, and I don't like the guy, but he is making America better, so what can you do" or something?

It is pretty amazing. I certainly don't have any real answers, beyond my opinion, but yeah, I think a lot of us here who DO argue about politics are equally baffled by how he does survive stuff that we would traditionally think would doom a public figure.
First off. I am not criticizing your post. I actually think it is very reasonable.

But is any of this a real surprise? I mean, we knew we were getting what was going to be the biggest idiot to hold the oval office. We knew about his immature behavior in how he responds to critics. We knew he loves him some him and wants everything about him to be shed in a positive light. Anybody who makes excuses for him is being disingenuous. But I can tell you from my perspective that it is a lot of the angry resisters that have made some people on the righ defend the indefensible. It is a shame, I don't think there is any denying that. but that's what you get when you have 95% negative coverage when in reality, we are not anywhere near that bad off as a country.

I don't know who will be running for the Democrats in 2020, or the Republicans in 2024. But I don't see a change in where people stand by either one of those elections. The right and the left have dug themselves so far in that I think they will be too proud to move back towards the middle.

Maybe the following elections will have more promise.
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Pretty messed up statement by DJT, to be honest. Can't defend that one, in any way... Looking more and more like the Dems are going to do really well in the mid-term elections.
BTW, note that in the tweets above are several Republican members of the Legislative branch... but all guys who are not looking to get reelected. The game of politics is a pretty cringeworthy one at times.
Well. It was a baffling thing to think. Let alone say as the POTUS. That's protecting the swamp, not draining it.
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It is baffling. I would normally agree, that there is no way anyone else could survive this... but maybe they could if they went THIS extreme with it, and nobody has had the nerve to try it?

I think there are several elements to how he survives this.

First I think is that some conservatives (I think some here are in this group) hate the guy, but in the end will accept whatever because they just care about the policies that will get enacted with him as President. I do get baffled when he says things that are so clearly a violation of what it means to be President and people still support his Presidency... Mike Pence would do everything that Trump would do, so I am a bit surprised more Republican voters don't just turn on Trump since Pence is in the wings (Republican politicians don't because I think they are terrified of losing their base).

Some of it is also that I think a lot of people in SOME ways don't take him seriously. Like... him being President is just a funny thing that amuses people... and they don't necessarily think it is "important"?

Third, people know he is a bloviating, lying, immoral douchebag, and so they see stuff like this and just say "Eh, more of the same."

Fourth, I think there is a real element of "us vs them" in politics nowadays, and people are really reluctant to say 'Oh shit, I supported this guy, and now I believe he is bad and has to go' especially because they know that some people will respond by saying "Why couldn't you see that before? It was clear!" and nobody likes having that happen, having someone point out that others knew it was a mistake.

Fifth... he is a powerful, powerful man. He isn't a Hollywood executive or a CEO whatever who answers to stockholders and a Board of Directors; he is literally the most powerful man in the world. He is the literal head of our entire law enforcement community, and the man responsible for enforcing the law. He has layer after layer of protection, both literal and figurative. I mean... who is going to "get him in trouble?" I do think that the people who DO have the ability to do anything, as determined by our Constitution... namely, our Legislative branch... are willing to let him do this stuff in order to further their political agenda. Whether or not that is good is obviously a matter of opinion.

Finally, he has been smart in that he simply overwhelms the world with this stuff, and at a certain point people just shrug because there is SO much of it. I think there are several people here like that.

I remember when he said that thing about that he could shoot a person on 5th ave and not lose a vote. At the time it was just such over the top hyperbole. Now... shit, I think a good number of Trump supporters would still support him... "Well, he may have killed someone, and I don't like the guy, but he is making America better, so what can you do" or something?

It is pretty amazing. I certainly don't have any real answers, beyond my opinion, but yeah, I think a lot of us here who DO argue about politics are equally baffled by how he does survive stuff that we would traditionally think would doom a public figure.
Thats fair. I don't have an answer myself. I just cant believe the attacks on Sessions like they are in the junior high hallway.
First off. I am not criticizing your post. I actually think it is very reasonable.

But is any of this a real surprise? I mean, we knew we were getting what was going to be the biggest idiot to hold the oval office. We knew about his immature behavior in how he responds to critics. We knew he loves him some him and wants everything about him to be shed in a positive light. Anybody who makes excuses for him is being disingenuous. But I can tell you from my perspective that it is a lot of the angry resisters that have made some people on the righ defend the indefensible. It is a shame, I don't think there is any denying that. but that's what you get when you have 95% negative coverage when in reality, we are not anywhere near that bad off as a country.

I don't know who will be running for the Democrats in 2020, or the Republicans in 2024. But I don't see a change in where people stand by either one of those elections. The right and the left have dug themselves so far in that I think they will be too proud to move back towards the middle.

Maybe the following elections will have more promise.

Maybe we knew we were getting a jerky egomaniac, but once he got into power... like, REAL power... I think most people hoped that he would improve?

But yeah, as DD said, that last one... that's bad. Not only because those two guys who got arrested were two of Trump's first endorsements, so it looks really bad, but man... the chief law enforcement officer saying that the law shouldn't be enforced if it will interfere with his political party (and, obviously, with the potential of a change in the balance of the Legislative branch and then a possible impeachment).

The President is still the most powerful person on earth. I feel like sometimes we forget that, or dismiss it a bit.

The other part you mentioned, about people not willing to give ground if they feel the resistance is too fierce, is sort of what I said above...

Fourth, I think there is a real element of "us vs them" in politics nowadays, and people are really reluctant to say 'Oh shit, I supported this guy, and now I believe he is bad and has to go' especially because they know that some people will respond by saying "Why couldn't you see that before? It was clear!" and nobody likes having that happen, having someone point out that others knew it was a mistake.

That totally happens.
Thats fair. I don't have an answer myself. I just cant believe the attacks on Sessions like they are in the junior high hallway.

I happened to see some Qanon stuff, where they insist this is all a scheme... like, the two guys who were arrested and Sessions were some of Trumps earliest supporters... and they actually have a plan... and that Trump is doing all of this to paint Sessions in a good light to everyone so Sessions can then stop the Mueller thing while saying "Hey, listen, Trump has been attacking me forever, clearly we are not on the same side... but this thing I did had to be done anyway."

It's a bit nuts that that is almost more believable than what is apparently happening:D
I happened to see some Qanon stuff, where they insist this is all a scheme... like, the two guys who were arrested and Sessions were some of Trumps earliest supporters... and they actually have a plan... and that Trump is doing all of this to paint Sessions in a good light to everyone so Sessions can then stop the Mueller thing while saying "Hey, listen, Trump has been attacking me forever, clearly we are not on the same side... but this thing I did had to be done anyway."

It's a bit nuts that that is almost more believable than what is apparently happening:D
Yea--- I try to stay away from that stuff b/c its endless. Who the hell knows what is really going on bc very little of it makes sense to me.
Maybe we knew we were getting a jerky egomaniac, but once he got into power... like, REAL power... I think most people hoped that he would improve?

But yeah, as DD said, that last one... that's bad. Not only because those two guys who got arrested were two of Trump's first endorsements, so it looks really bad, but man... the chief law enforcement officer saying that the law shouldn't be enforced if it will interfere with his political party (and, obviously, with the potential of a change in the balance of the Legislative branch and then a possible impeachment).

The President is still the most powerful person on earth. I feel like sometimes we forget that, or dismiss it a bit.

The other part you mentioned, about people not willing to give ground if they feel the resistance is too fierce, is sort of what I said above...

Fourth, I think there is a real element of "us vs them" in politics nowadays, and people are really reluctant to say 'Oh shit, I supported this guy, and now I believe he is bad and has to go' especially because they know that some people will respond by saying "Why couldn't you see that before? It was clear!" and nobody likes having that happen, having someone point out that others knew it was a mistake.

That totally happens.

Reminds me of the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” One principle is to let people save face when wrong. In other words, give people an out when wrong.

But while “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is a classic book to deal with humans, pretty much every principle is violated in today’s political climate.