Shapiro is a very reasonable guy imo. Even if you don't agree with everything he says, he really organizes his thoughts well and backs up every point he makes. Every time Trump tweets something like this---which at face value is absurd for the POTUS to be saying---as bad as it always seems like there is a backdoor for him to squeeze out of. I want your is it possible for someone to step in what appears to be a bucket of shit so many times and it never really sticks to him? We have seen powerful CEOS, political figures, hollywood elite, respected businessman.....say one of these things and it costs them nearly everything. What could touch DT? Omarosa having him using racial slurs on video?
It is baffling. I would normally agree, that there is no way anyone else could survive this... but maybe they could if they went THIS extreme with it, and nobody has had the nerve to try it?
I think there are several elements to how he survives this.
First I think is that some conservatives (I think some here are in this group) hate the guy, but in the end will accept whatever because they just care about the policies that will get enacted with him as President. I do get baffled when he says things that are so clearly a violation of what it means to be President and people still support his Presidency... Mike Pence would do everything that Trump would do, so I am a bit surprised more Republican voters don't just turn on Trump since Pence is in the wings (Republican politicians don't because I think they are terrified of losing their base).
Some of it is also that I think a lot of people in SOME ways don't take him seriously. Like... him being President is just a funny thing that amuses people... and they don't necessarily think it is "important"?
Third, people know he is a bloviating, lying, immoral douchebag, and so they see stuff like this and just say "Eh, more of the same."
Fourth, I think there is a real element of "us vs them" in politics nowadays, and people are really reluctant to say 'Oh shit, I supported this guy, and now I believe he is bad and has to go' especially because they know that some people will respond by saying "Why couldn't you see that before? It was clear!" and nobody likes having that happen, having someone point out that others knew it was a mistake.
Fifth... he is a powerful, powerful man. He isn't a Hollywood executive or a CEO whatever who answers to stockholders and a Board of Directors; he is literally the most powerful man in the world. He is the literal head of our entire law enforcement community, and the man responsible for enforcing the law. He has layer after layer of protection, both literal and figurative. I mean... who is going to "get him in trouble?" I do think that the people who DO have the ability to do anything, as determined by our Constitution... namely, our Legislative branch... are willing to let him do this stuff in order to further their political agenda. Whether or not that is good is obviously a matter of opinion.
Finally, he has been smart in that he simply overwhelms the world with this stuff, and at a certain point people just shrug because there is SO much of it. I think there are several people here like that.
I remember when he said that thing about that he could shoot a person on 5th ave and not lose a vote. At the time it was just such over the top hyperbole. Now... shit, I think a good number of Trump supporters would still support him... "Well, he may have killed someone, and I don't like the guy, but he is making America better, so what can you do" or something?
It is pretty amazing. I certainly don't have any real answers, beyond my opinion, but yeah, I think a lot of us here who DO argue about politics are equally baffled by how he does survive stuff that we would traditionally think would doom a public figure.