Avenatti on Duke

Elite is top 5 in my book. Like the past few Duke rosters.
There’s only a handful of guys any given decade that are obviously head and shoulders above the other guys in their class. There’s usually hardly any difference between somebody ranked #5 and somebody ranked #10. Remember, the guys that do these rankings make like 36K a year. They are not the great basketball minds of our times.
There’s only a handful of guys any given decade that are obviously head and shoulders above the other guys in their class. There’s usually hardly any difference between somebody ranked #5 and somebody ranked #10. Remember, the guys that do these rankings make like 36K a year. They are not the great basketball minds of our times.
Completely agree, and better stated than my attempt.
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Who on that roster was an elite recruit? Towns wasn't even top 5. The twins had to stay for a sophomore campaign. Devin Booker was a 4* recruit. That team was deep and talented with zero transcendent talent.

Also, it seems pretty obvious that Duke's recruiting soared to new heights in the past few years. Stevie Wonder can even see that.

So you’re implying that Nike only pays top 5 players?
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Well, that settles it. Everyone gets a finger wag and a stern talking to since Duke/K were allegedly involved. NCAA is already amending the bylaws, which will be retroactively enforced.
It’s the Carolina Way. Deal with it.
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His take on this is idiotic as hell. If he’s not jarms, he’s definitely a third cousin of his.
I was just thinking that he HAS to be jarms... And I liked jarms but this is a lot like his UNC AFAM posts.
If true and Duke knew about this, clean house, and rebuild. I'll still support the university. With that said, until there is proof, this is no different than the Anthony davis, cam Newton, ext situation.
If true and Duke knew about this, clean house, and rebuild. I'll still support the university. With that said, until there is proof, this is no different than the Anthony davis, cam Newton, ext situation.
Also, quite shocking that a Kansas fan would post this. I mean they were caught on tape trying to buy Zion's services. Lucky for both of us no banners will be lost by this shoe company bullshit.

So Duke had nothing to do with it? It is all big, bad Nike?
This may come as a surprise, but I don’t fault anyone in this situation. I don’t care about quid pro quo’s and I wish Roy would dabble in it.

North Carolina’s entire University conspired to offer athletes fake majors because they assumed they were otherwise too stupid to remain eligible. Yeah, Roy isn’t beyond paying players, lol.
Capel came there then suddenly in 2015 top 5 guys stopped. I've seen numerous mystery recruitment changes. However this is the reason people are focusing on Duke. The moral high ground they've put themselves to, from espn, Vitale, how the total media never focused on them making it feel like they were teflon
So about the time that Krzyzewski went all in for the OADs. I am sure it had nothing to do with Duke out recruiting Kentucky. Obviously they are just out paying Kentucky.
I agree there’s probably no documentation and a fair amount of this might be completely fabricated BS. But I’m not sure why that number would be surprising. Where was Bowen ranked? And DeSousa? Roughly 25/year wouldn’t be surprising assuming they didn’t have to pay 6 figures for each.

Edit to add: I agree this guy is a complete scumbag who has very little credibility.

its not surprising at all....... but its no different than you or me getting on twitter and saying it....... without proof its just p*ssing in the wind.
Not that I'm aware of.

I fixed it

I'm not trying to perpetuate false claims. I thought I remembered it being from an investigation. But that wouldn't have made sense because they were investigating Adidas.

Either way, it amusing that we just assume Duke is guilty based on them out recruiting Kentucky in the time period that Duke adopted the OAD strategy. That's really the only thing you guys are going by.
Hasn't the FBI accused Anthony Davis of accepting money?

not the FBI... that was some chicago tribune guy saying davis' father wanted 200k. but then again if we were paying guys back then.......... why arent we still paying for top 5 players ? We're UK and have SEC money.......
not the FBI... that was some chicago tribune guy saying davis' father wanted 200k. but then again if we were paying guys back then.......... why arent we still paying for top 5 players ? We're UK and have SEC money.......
They are probably trying to. Duke just happens to be the hotter name for them right now. These things go in cycles. You guys surely didn’t believe after 2015 that you’d get 2-3 top 5 players every year until the end of time, did you?
North Carolina’s entire University conspired to offer athletes fake majors because they assumed they were otherwise too stupid to remain eligible. Yeah, Roy isn’t beyond paying players, lol.

Actually, we kind of know for a fact that he least according to the people who are the dirty ones paying these guys.
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We know Kansas pays them. What was Preston and DeSilvo rated?

Lower than 90% of Cal’s boys.

Since we know that the shoe companies are paying the hyped and not-so-hyped alike, we know that the Anthony Davises were paid handsomely. That’s called an axiom.

At least you guys have evolved from cash packages. Maybe you won’t be caught.
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I'm not trying to perpetuate false claims. I thought I remembered it being from an investigation. But that wouldn't have made sense because they were investigating Adidas.

Either way, it amusing that we just assume Duke is guilty based on them out recruiting Kentucky in the time period that Duke adopted the OAD strategy. That's really the only thing you guys are going by.
No worries. I knew you weren't being malicious.
Lower than 90% of Cal’s boys.

Since we know that the shoe companies are paying the hyped and not-so-hyped alike, we know that the Anthony Davises were paid handsomely. That’s called an axiom.

At least you guys have evolved from cash packages. Maybe you won’t be caught.
You have to cheat to be caught. You guys have that down pat.