Ashton Hagans to Kentucky

Why don't you just go by the rule of Okkam's Razor, i.e., by letting the facts explain what happens? Every year Kentucky lands an array of 5 stars and more often than not they leave the next year. In 2019 the guys you're currently raving about--Ashton Hagans and Montgomery--will likely be gone and you'll get excited about the latest wave of top HS seniors committing. I think you'd find that most schools would frown on that, even if the talent were so tempting. I'm sure you've heard the jokes, like instead of Senior Night, Kentucky should have Freshmen Night. It's funny for fans to say but the school administrators are appalled by having that concept permeate their University. And don't be naive about how some of these kids are getting into school. While Derrick Rose and his dubious ACT scores occurred at Memphis, it's not like Cal wasn't the beneficiary.

That's a very lame deflect, but whatever.
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Coach K is a hypocritical shithead.

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Not at all, Kentucky engages in this systematic turnover and Cal revels in it. Speaking of lame deflects, your excuse that Duke also does this doesn't make you look good. Coach K is a hypocritical shithead. So many of the kids he's gotten from Chicago weren't academically qualified. There's a host of a local Chicago sports show who went to Duke and was a student with Seth Davis in their coverage of the team. He laughs about it.

Aren't you just a little bit embarrassed by Kentucky's non-academic approach, or if you had your druthers would you scrap class attendance altogether?

No I'm not embarrassed one bit. I'm not going to begrudge a kid like Bam who came from nothing and mom working two jobs to keep food and lights on in the trailer. You can take the high and mighty stance, and be elitism with the silver spoon in you big mouth that you are.
No I'm not embarrassed one bit. I'm not going to begrudge a kid like Bam who came from nothing and mom working two jobs to keep food and lights on in the trailer. You can take the high and mighty stance, and be elitism with the silver spoon in you big mouth that you are.
But he can't.. because he roots for Loyola and Gonzaga.

Look, the guy obviously has no life. He's been in this thread non stop for like 3 days. This is all he's got, so maybe its time to take it easy on him.
No I'm not embarrassed one bit. I'm not going to begrudge a kid like Bam who came from nothing and mom working two jobs to keep food and lights on in the trailer. You can take the high and mighty stance, and be elitism with the silver spoon in you big mouth that you are.
So not cheating and playing by letter and spirit of the rules is silver spooned elitism? Didn't know that.
But he can't.. because he roots for Loyola and Gonzaga.

Look, the guy obviously has no life. He's been in this thread non stop for like 3 days. This is all he's got, so maybe its time to take it easy on him.
LOL, nice move on deleting your post claiming that Loyola has never won an NC. See. I've educated you in this thread.
LOL, nice move on deleting your post claiming that Loyola has never won an NC. See. I've educated you in this thread.
Its pretty easy to forget something that happened 20 some years before I was born. But I understand since its the only one between both of your teams, you want to hang on to it as long as you can.

Again, you obviously have nothing better to do than try and flame UK in this thread. You've been at it non stop for a few days now. I'm not going to waste any more time with your games. You're not a good poster, you can't spell, and you aren't even a good troll. So I'll sit back now and wait while you quote this post three different times trying to compensate for how bad you feel rooting for two shitty teams instead of just one.

Have a nice day.
But he can't.. because he roots for Loyola and Gonzaga.

Look, the guy obviously has no life. He's been in this thread non stop for like 3 days. This is all he's got, so maybe its time to take it easy on him.
judging from the amount of time he has spent trolling, it is very obvious that @Silent Banjo is a very sad and pathetic person

you guys should just put him on ignore and be done with him
judging from the amount of time he has spent trolling, it is very obvious that @Silent Banjo is a very sad and pathetic person

you guys should just put him on ignore and be done with him
Its getting sad, honestly. I don't ignore people, but just dropped a bomb on him in the post before yours. I hope he finds peace and happiness soon.
Its pretty easy to forget something that happened 20 some years before I was born. But I understand since its the only one between both of your teams, you want to hang on to it as long as you can.

Again, you obviously have nothing better to do than try and flame UK in this thread. You've been at it non stop for a few days now. I'm not going to waste any more time with your games. You're not a good poster, you can't spell, and you aren't even a good troll. So I'll sit back now and wait while you quote this post three different times trying to compensate for how bad you feel rooting for two shitty teams instead of just one.

Have a nice day.
LOL, it was funny seeing you compose a post about being embarrassed and then deleting it out of embarrassment. And what a crock that you should be excused from not knowing things because the event occurred before your time. Do you wonder what all the fuss is about on the Fourth of July because the celebration is over an event that happened way before your time?
LOL, wow, you caught an posting typo all by yourself, and feel great about it. That's the equivalent of swatting a fly and having it mounted on your mantel.
Does starting every post with LOL make you feel like you're smart? I almost feel bad for picking on such a mental midget. Almost.
Does starting every post with LOL make you feel like you're smart? I almost feel bad for picking on such a mental midget. Almost.
LOL, I reserve starting a post with an LOL to mock simpletons like you. The idea of feeble you picking on anyone is novel and hilarious.
So not cheating and playing by letter and spirit of the rules is silver spooned elitism? Didn't know that.

No, YOU and YOUR attitude are the silver spooned elitism. If you haven't noticed things are a lot different in the present world. Were not living in the past with you and Branch McCracken. Bet you "didn't know that" !

Now I'm going to go watch my boys play baseball on a beautiful day and hope that it will combat my low self esteem. lolololol
No, YOU and YOUR attitude are the silver spooned elitism. If you haven't noticed things are a lot different in the present world. Were not living in the past with you and Branch McCracken. Bet you "didn't know that" !

Now I'm going to go watch my boys play baseball on a beautiful day and hope that it will combat my low self esteem. lolololol

He tries to make himself look superior by putting down others. Old dude like him must of went through some things back in his day. Offline he's probably a bitter man that has no friends and kicks his dog.
He tries to make himself look superior by putting down others. Old dude like him must of went through some things back in his day. Offline he's probably a bitter man that has no friends and kicks his dog.
have gone

Definitely a victim of North Carolina's academic fraud scandal.
I'm not sure if you have any friends, but I'm certain that you have a large circle of nodding acquaintances. You must be a great athlete, the kind who can throw a wet blanket the length of a room.

A weak comeback Pops. You're a legend in your own mind but it looks like you lost it a while back. I would tell you to take a knee but you would need help getting that low and getting up.
There's actually a pretty heated but still good back and forth going on over on house of blue right now about the roster turnover. Feels like the majority are frustrated and aren't as optimistic about forecast of the program for the next few years. Though most still have faith Cal still has another really strong multi year run in him at some point.

I don't care how he does it as long as he wins. I don't even care if he cheats to do it anymore. The UNC stuff has made me pretty numb to that sort of thing tbh. Cheating clearly pays.
There's actually a pretty heated but still good back and forth going on over on house of blue right now about the roster turnover. Feels like the majority are frustrated and aren't as optimistic about forecast of the program for the next few years. Though most still have faith Cal still has another really strong multi year run in him at some point.

I don't care how he does it as long as he wins. I don't even care if he cheats to do it anymore. The UNC stuff has made me pretty numb to that sort of thing tbh. Cheating clearly pays.
I'm starting to feel like Cal has created a monster he can't control. We FINALLY get a year where no more than two kids should leave, at the most, and here we are discussing our possible third transfer for next season. Cal has to change something or the NBA has to change something. Not that we won't be competitive.. but we are going to have more years like this than 12 or 15 if something doesn't change the direction we're going in.
A weak comeback Pops. You're a legend in your own mind but it looks like you lost it a while back. I would tell you to take a knee but you would need help getting that low and getting up.
I'm giving you gold and your trying to fob off zirconium. You're like a somnolent actuary on Prozac trying to be jaunty.
Can't tell whether you're creating these typos because you're just dumb or because you're dumb and think it's funny. Anyway, your cringe inducing vapidity is amusing, but in small doses. I fear you might come up with something coherent just out of accident. Thus far you haven't.

No one is smarter than you. Getting back to that helmet, are you wearing it now?
No one is smarter than you. Getting back to that helmet, are you wearing it now?
Your failed wit must be legendary in North Carolina.

I'll return later and no doubt countenance a cornucopia of yawners. Now get to work on them.
Paypal can pay all the players he wants but until the next Anthony Davis comes around they will keep having the same results.