⭐️ 💥 ☠️ 3rd Anal. Very Macho Avatar Challenge! ☠️ 💥 ⭐️

I'm in if I still can. Some bitch gave me a time out for posting a naked pic of Lena Dunham.

That's twice I've been banned for posting a naked pic of Lena Dunham. Neither time was explicit. Just her hanging out in the grass, potentially grazing. Both were very classy. I'm starting to think people don't like seeing Lena Dunham naked.
You should have been perma banned.
I'm in if I still can. Some bitch gave me a time out for posting a naked pic of Lena Dunham.

That's twice I've been banned for posting a naked pic of Lena Dunham. Neither time was explicit. Just her hanging out in the grass, potentially grazing. Both were very classy. I'm starting to think people don't like seeing Lena Dunham naked.
I’d give you a timeout for posting ANY pictures of Lena Dunham.
I’d give you a timeout for posting ANY pictures of Lena Dunham.
cbc that doesnt seem fair GIF by Kim's Convenience
Sorry fellas, I watched that tourney preview from '22 where every talking B1G mouth predicted Iowa over Kansas and I'm pretty sure I laffed myself into a weeks-lont coma...

Good times.

waynes world GIF
The list of participants gets longer every year!

I don’t think we’ve ever had a participant play once and never again (except for those that have just completely disappeared.) Once you’ve played you realize how fun it is!