What is up with your reading comprehension? This has never been an argument about fans. Its about programs. When a fan of a program keeps taking shots with their little pea shooter at a far superior rival program, don't be surprised when the fan of said rival program calls you out for it. Fanhood is besides the point in this ongoing feud, especially when you and your little pie slice try to outweigh all that there is to the contrary.
I'm not sure why you're taking things in that direction. It's not about the level of fanhood.... it's about you continuing to go after a program that literally and figuratively owns yours, looking stupid in doing it, then crying foul/playing the victim when you're called out for it.
With regard to last year, UK's worst in 100 years, what was there really to say? Even though that miserable point guard-less team kicked ut's ass in TBA, it didn't matter. It was a miserable season. Cal made the needed adjustments and things are looking somewhat back to normal again.
I'm 52, Della. I've been a UK fan since knowing what a basketball was. All of your wild speculation of me is nowhere close to accurate.