Which Right Wing or Left Wing Group is the Most Idiotic?

The left is tolerant. That's why they support people who are protest and attack people on the other side of the political spectrum.

Also, transgender people have such a high suicide rate, even when they are "accepted" by their friends, family, and area they live. They need help and being tolerant isn't the answer. Neither is being an asshole. They need serious medical/psychological help.
If you think "the left" in general is supports violence, that doesn't speak well for "the right" in general (see Charlottesville and "some very fine folks"). Don't be dense. Where is all this democratic support for violence? Where are all the casualties ? Both sides have some violent people, but neither dems or repubs support violence (against Americans) as a party policy.

The rest of your post I agree with in general, or haven't researched. But being tolerant to a group of people in general is always better than being an asshole to them if you're concerned about suicide rates.

I don't think using Charlottesville, is a good example to show that the left isn't violent! Sure, the liberal media picked up the tragic death, but that was because someone died, there was dramatic video of the car running over people, but most importantly, it painted the death on the Republicans.

From the very first moment liberal protesters showed up, they were violent. Just go watch the videos of liberals reaching across the line to punch someone. Or the countless times they used a weapon to get a cheapshot. I also remember seeing countless people reaching over the line and grabbing hair.

I'm not saying that what the people were saying wasn't horrible. But from the videos I saw, nearly all of them were of the nazi guys standing there and chanting, but having people constantly take cheapshots af them. What Trump said afterwards was spot on....there was violence from both sides! I'm sure there are countless videos showing the nazi's being the instigator, and that's fine because I'm not defending them. But dont act like the poor liberal protesters were playing nice!
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Fundamentalist Christians top the list... followed by the type of idealistic socialists who don’t consider the full ramifications of what they’re pushing for.
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Isis has been destroyed by Trump by letting his Generals make war decisions where Obama had to approve everything they did. The economy was in shambles under Obama. Trump got rid of all those ridiculous Obama regulations and the economy took off.
Trump administration cancels hundreds of Obama-era regulations. The Trump administration said it was pulling or suspending 860 pending regulations. Of those, 469 were being completely withdrawn. Another 391 were being set aside or reevaluated. These proposed regulations could be revisited at some point or dropped altogether.“I cannot express to you enough how much things have changed when it comes to the regulatory burden, the attitudes towards regulations, in this country, and you are just going to see more of that for the next eight years,” OMB Director Mick Mulvaney told reporters Thursday. “Our philosophy has been that the previous administration fudged the numbers — that they either overstated the benefits to people or understated the costs — and we are going to look at it in a much more pragmatic perspective.”
He gave everyone a tax break and reduced corporate taxes which allowed companies to compete globally. My company had moved our corporate office to Ireland because of the outrageous tax burden in the USA and is now moving back to the USA.

The economy was far from being in shambles under Obama in his second term and leading up to his departure. It was doing well and trending in the right direction. It was trash when he took over. Obama made it markedly better. Deregulating business can be good and bad. The lack of regulation is the entire reason for the near Depression in 2008. Free market capitalism is great until it isn't; then it's catastrophically bad. The effects of Trump's deregulation will not be seen for years. Q2 GDP growth was excellent, we'll see if that continues.

Cutting taxes is cool. The problem? Trump hasn't done shit to cut spending significantly. What the hell, just add more debt. No big deal, every other president has.

ISIS was not long for this world. It was never the power it was touted to be and we were crushing them on the battlefield before Trump showed up. Obama deserves blame for allowing ISIS to sprout up like it did because of the hasty pullout, but we fought them just fine once they became a real threat. Preventing extremist/radical/terrorist groups from taking power in the Middle East has been a losing battle for centuries. There will be another group to take the place of ISIS before long. It's an inevitability in that part of the world.
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Imagine your name is James but you prefer to go by Jim. Technically, Jim is not your name. If you tell somebody you prefer to be called Jim and they keep calling you James, are they not being an asshole?

Imagine you have a dick, but feel like a lady and wish to be addressed as Miss instead of Sir. Technically, your sex is not female. But if somebody insists on calling you sir after being informed of your preference, are they not being an asshole?

There is a person who sometimes comes into my dad's place of work dressed like a man and, more or less, acts like a man. Other times, he comes in dressed as a woman and acts like a woman. One day, my dad asked this person - who was dressed as a man - "are you a guy or a girl today?" My dad was clearly being a dickhead.
You don’t call your mechanic doctor do ya? No, bc that’s ****ing stupid and confusing to anyone around.
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Imagine your name is James but you prefer to go by Jim. Technically, Jim is not your name. If you tell somebody you prefer to be called Jim and they keep calling you James, are they not being an asshole?

Imagine you have a dick, but feel like a lady and wish to be addressed as Miss instead of Sir. Technically, your sex is not female. But if somebody insists on calling you sir after being informed of your preference, are they not being an asshole?

There is a person who sometimes comes into my dad's place of work dressed like a man and, more or less, acts like a man. Other times, he comes in dressed as a woman and acts like a woman. One day, my dad asked this person - who was dressed as a man - "are you a guy or a girl today?" My dad was clearly being a dickhead.
You don’t call your mechanic doctor do ya? No, bc that’s ****ing stupid and confusing to anyone around.

I can't believe that this is even an argument! I completely agree with you here.

It should be simple....if a person was asked this question while hooked up to a lie detector....what would be a truthful answer. Whatever that answer is...that's your answer.
I can't believe that this is even an argument! I completely agree with you here.

It should be simple....if a person was asked this question while hooked up to a lie detector....what would be a truthful answer. Whatever that answer is...that's your answer.

I'm confused by your answer. You realize that most trans people born a man but living as a woman would answer "woman" and pass the lie detector, right?
I can't believe that this is even an argument! I completely agree with you here.

It should be simple....if a person was asked this question while hooked up to a lie detector....what would be a truthful answer. Whatever that answer is...that's your answer.

I'm confused by your answer. You realize that most trans people born a man but living as a woman would answer "woman" and pass the lie detector, right?

Exactly...if they could pass a lie detector then that's what it is. But I think the overwhelming amount of people who want to be called something different would fail this question. But if someone in their own subconscious believes it (which is what it would take to pass the lie detector)..then who am I to correct them?
I'm confused by your answer. You realize that most trans people born a man but living as a woman would answer "woman" and pass the lie detector, right?

I know guys who smoked marijuana and later passed a lie detector test saying they have never smoked marijuana.

6 months later hes a Police officer while his friend who admitted to smoking several years ago was released from the program for his drug history. The funny part is they were best friends and smoked together.

Irrelevant, just thought it was funny.
Exactly...if they could pass a lie detector then that's what it is. But I think the overwhelming amount of people who want to be called something different would fail this question. But if someone in their own subconscious believes it (which is what it would take to pass the lie detector)..then who am I to correct them?

Then I think you misunderstand trans people
Exactly...if they could pass a lie detector then that's what it is. But I think the overwhelming amount of people who want to be called something different would fail this question. But if someone in their own subconscious believes it (which is what it would take to pass the lie detector)..then who am I to correct them?

Then I think you misunderstand trans people

Guilty as charged and I don't feel bad about that. As long as it doesn't affect me, or cost me money, they can do whatever they want. But don't get mad at me when I think its ridiculous that you want me to call you something other then what genetically science says you are.
Guilty as charged and I don't feel bad about that. As long as it doesn't affect me, or cost me money, they can do whatever they want. But don't get mad at me when I think its ridiculous that you want me to call you something other then what genetically science says you are.

You're talking a genetics that produce physical qualities. Genetics also produce chemistry, and its chemistry that causes them to believe other than their physical sex. From you perspective they're not, cuz you can't see what's going on in their chemistry and brain interaction. In their eyes, it doesn't matter what's between the legs, it's what the brain tells them. They don't simply choose, like they would a religion. Its a very strong part of their genetic / chemistry make up.
You're talking a genetics that produce physical qualities. Genetics also produce chemistry, and its chemistry that causes them to believe other than their physical sex. From you perspective they're not, cuz you can't see what's going on in their chemistry and brain interaction. In their eyes, it doesn't matter what's between the legs, it's what the brain tells them. They don't simply choose, like they would a religion. Its a very strong part of their genetic / chemistry make up.

It's not abhorrent to live in a world where people are the sex they were born, not what the "chemistry in their brain tells them to think they are".
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I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm ****ing ******ed but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

I love that meme.
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I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I'm ****ing ******ed but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Apache" and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can't accept me you're a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

I love that meme.
You have the correct avatar and name.
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it does not get any worse then Antifa
you have to wonder and worry that at some point some of their members will go out and commit murder

You're worried that "at some point some of their (Antifa) members will go out and commit murder? How do you feel about the fact that people who are either members or supporters of some of the groups Antifa opposes have already gone out and committed murders?

Vanguard member James Fields (drove the murder car in Charlottesville), Dylan Roof (various pro- Confederate/ racist groups),members of the Atomwaffen like Samuel Woodward, who killed Blaze Bernstein in CA. Also Attomwaffen is at the crux of that Florida murder scenario where one Nazi converted to Islam and then murdered his 2 (Nazi) roommates because they showed disdain for his new "religion". They had a 4th roommate,who has been sentenced to prison for stashing explosives in the apartment...

None of those actual murders cause you to worry,but Antifa does? Not to mention Cruz,who targeted minorities at Parkland, or Atchison the school shooter in New Mexico who had swastika tattoos, and killed 2 Hispanic kids. Even the guy in the Annapolis shooting of last month had Nazi connections.

Antifa has killed no one,and are basically a loose-knit group of people who are connected by their hatred of Fascism. Antifa doesn't even rally- they counter rally.
I realize they are Fox News' latest "leftist boogeyman",but if there were no white supremacist Neo-Nazi Fascist component, then no one would join Antifa. The name comes from Anti-Fascist-that's their entire reason to exist.

I don't agree with their tactics, but they are just responding to the tactics and actions of the groups they oppose. The New American Foundation looked at political violence in the US, and found that since 9-11,right wing extremism has been involved in 70 murders in the US...

"As of March 2018, the New America Foundation placed the number killed in terrorist attacks in the United States (since 9/11) as follows: 103 killed in jihadist terrorist attacks, 70 killed in far-right attacks, and 8 killed in black separatist/nationalist/supremacist attacks.[38] The politically conservative Daily Caller News Foundation using data from the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), found 92% of all "ideologically motivated homicide incidents" committed in the United States from 2007 to 2016 were motivated by right-wing extremism or white supremacism.[39] According to the Government Accountability Office of the United States, 73% of violent extremist incidents that resulted in deaths since September 12, 2001 were caused by right-wing extremist groups."