What it takes to win a title

There have been 3 Duke teams so far with multiple OADs as their core players and the results have been a national title, a 2nd round exit and an Elite 8.

There have been 8 Kentucky teams so far with multiple OADs as their core players and the results have been a national title, a national title game appearance, a Final 4, 2 Elite 8s, a Sweet 16 and a 2nd round exit.

I didn’t count UK’s NIT year because Noel got injured and I believe the 2011 UK team only had Brandon Knight as a OAD.

These results are ridiculously awesome. Give me the freshmen NBA studs all day and I’ll take my chances.
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Having this guy helps.
Sorry man. It’s not personal. You guys can be proud of your accomplishments... the titles, the record vs K. But I think you cheated to get them, so I’ll say so. No big deal. You guys have had a lot of success with Roy.
Those players went to class. Oh, congrats on your 3rd consecutive recruiting title, maybe one day it will translate to a title that matters.

They’re like the new UK. Works for me. Also, it’s cute now K recruiting kids that will go to class for a semester, maybe two. All about that education. Gtfo.
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It has nothing to do with getting an education. OADs don’t have that chance. It has to do with following a major rule... that they are student-athletes. I, like most of the world, think that UNC cheated to ensure their guys weren’t.

It’s okay. You can seriously just ignore when I post about it; I have my view and it won’t change, you have yours and it won’t change, and the NCAA sided with you, so it’s all good. Hell, I just posted yesterday I would totally buy that Lance Thomas received impermissible benefits, and I wouldn’t be shocked if it came out we paid recruits. Not trying to play some “holier than thou” thing... just saying what I think.

I’ll drop it here. Feel free to post all of your great game results and whatever you’d like... it might make you feel better, it won’t change anything I feel, but go ahead.
It has nothing to do with getting an education. OADs don’t have that chance. It has to do with following a major rule... that they are student-athletes. I, like most of the world, think that UNC cheated to ensure their guys weren’t.

It’s okay. You can seriously just ignore when I post about it; I have my view and it won’t change, you have yours and it won’t change, and the NCAA sided with you, so it’s all good. Hell, I just posted yesterday I would totally buy that Lance Thomas received impermissible benefits, and I wouldn’t be shocked if it came out we paid recruits. Not trying to play some “holier than thou” thing... just saying what I think.

I’ll drop it here. Feel free to post all of your great game results and whatever you’d like... it might make you feel better, it won’t change anything I feel, but go ahead.

You should of dropped it a long time ago. You opened the door and we had to check you. You can’t leave well enough alone so I did post a fact about your recruiting prowess. Personally I don’t care how you feel but if you’re going to make crazy statements get ready for some blow back.
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Sorry man. It’s not personal. You guys can be proud of your accomplishments... the titles, the record vs K. But I think you cheated to get them, so I’ll say so. No big deal. You guys have had a lot of success with Roy.

You’re mad about something that’s done and over with, what a waste.
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Those players went to class. Oh, congrats on your 3rd consecutive recruiting title, maybe one day it will translate to a title that matters.

some of you guys act like this happened 20 years ago.

some of you guys act like this happened 20 years ago.

Again you kick ass when the off season rolls around and that title is 3 years removed. Since that title run we’ve been better and that’s with 0 recruiting titles, just sayin.
Again you kick ass when the off season rolls around and that title is 3 years removed. Since that title run we’ve been better and that’s with 0 recruiting titles, just sayin.
congrats on being better since then I guess, kind of an odd thing to brag about being better over a couple of years while still only being .500 against Duke during that time.
congrats on being better since then I guess, kind of an odd thing to brag about being better over a couple of years while still only being .500 against Duke during that time.

It’s not odd. Your boy threw it out there and this is what you get.
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It’s not odd. Your boy threw it out there and this is what you get.

Exactly. If the losers would quit whining, we would quit gloating. It's very simple- surprising a Dukie who is as brilliant at the Dude seems to think he is still hasn't yet figured this out.
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It’s not odd. Your boy threw it out there and this is what you get.
I don't think anyone has ever called the Dude "my boy" before... we disagree on basically everything except we like the same college basketball team. the whole academic scandal thing is tired, people need to let it go and move on.
I don't think anyone has ever called the Dude "my boy" before... we disagree on basically everything except we like the same college basketball team. the whole academic scandal thing is tired, people need to let it go and move on.

I promise I will quit pointing at and laughing at and mocking the people who bring it up as soon as they quit bringing it up.
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I don't think anyone has ever called the Dude "my boy" before... we disagree on basically everything except we like the same college basketball team. the whole academic scandal thing is tired, people need to let it go and move on.

I meant that in a way you 2 follow the same team, that’s it.
You’re mad about something that’s done and over with, what a waste.

Oh, I'm not really that mad anymore... when the NCAA ruled, that shockingly sort of ended it. I mean, that doesn't mean I've forgotten it or anything, but not really that angry anymore; it doesn't really impact my life in any meaningful way, or in a way that makes me angry. I don't live in North Carolina, so I have no interaction with UNC and Carolina fans in any meaningful way. Caring about it... well, that could DEFINITELY be a waste, but what can you do... I think there is something about rules, and the spirit of them, and playing fair. That might be a waste, for sure.

As for the other stuff you posted... huh? A title three years removed doesn't count as a title that matters? I threw out... what that connects to us being even with you guys the last few years head to head? And what's a "recruiting title"...? I don't think anyone hangs banners for those...? I feel like you are just trying to take shots at everything you can think of, but none of them are landing.

It's fine. It's okay. We will disagree. Obviously. Just say "Yeah, we will" and be done with it. The other stuff... it seems like you are just trying to throw shots, and it is a bit... silly.
I don't think anyone has ever called the Dude "my boy" before... we disagree on basically everything except we like the same college basketball team. the whole academic scandal thing is tired, people need to let it go and move on.

I'm hurt, @tw3301 :(

And I bet we don't disagree on everything.

* Bacon is awesome.

* Boobs are awesome.

* Muscle cars are awesome.

* Steaks are awesome.

* Shooting loud guns is awesome.

* Women are awesome.

* Relaxing with buddies is awesome.

* I love my parents.

There. I bet you agree with all of that. I mean, not that you love my parents. You know what I mean.
I'm hurt, @tw3301 :(

And I bet we don't disagree on everything.

* Bacon is awesome. agree

* Boobs are awesome. agree

* Muscle cars are awesome. if you have a micro penis

* Steaks are awesome. only in tube form

* Shooting loud guns is awesome. agree

* Women are awesome. if they keep their mouth shut and spend most of their time in the kitchen.

* Relaxing with buddies is awesome. define relaxing

* I love my parents. one yes, the other... eh.

There. I bet you agree with all of that. I mean, not that you love my parents. You know what I mean.
see responses in bold.
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see responses in bold.

Hah! Love of tubesteak not withstanding, I think we did pretty well, if the only thing on the other side is "politics".

I firmly believe that any number us could sit and have a few drinks and have a great time. There is MAYBE one person on this entire forum I don't think I could do that with. I could totally have drinks with Bert or the UNC guys and maybe even Hail (is he old enough to drink?) and we'd likely have a good time shooting the shit and joking around.

Maybe some other people take the disagreements here more seriously, but I think most of us, and indeed most people, have a LOT more in common than we have NOT in common.
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Again you kick ass when the off season rolls around and that title is 3 years removed. Since that title run we’ve been better and that’s with 0 recruiting titles, just sayin.
And since your last title, we've been better. Eyeroll

You should get used to hearing UNC's integrity bad-mouthed. It's not going away. You're not going to be able to sustain this high a degree of rustled if you keep flipping out and rushing to defend against every mention.
And since your last title, we've been better. Eyeroll

You should get used to hearing UNC's integrity bad-mouthed. It's not going away. You're not going to be able to sustain this high a degree of rustled if you keep flipping out and rushing to defend against every mention.

Thanks for the advice but we will continue to gloat, choice is yours.
I don't recall ever having talked to this guy before, but apparently telling him UNC fans will continue to hear criticism of their academic and athletic integrity get him so hot and bothered he instantly brands you an enemy and starts throwing insults around.

You're one of those really short, "last word" guys, aren't you?
I don't recall ever having talked to this guy before, but apparently telling him UNC fans will continue to hear criticism of their academic and athletic integrity get him so hot and bothered he instantly brands you an enemy and starts throwing insults around.

And I guess your reading skills are overrated so I’ll say it again, we don’t care. I’m laughing at your simple ass so keep it coming.