She must be a democrat. Changing positions with the wind and fake news. Wouldn't know the truth if it hit her in the face. Coach K must have made her cry like he did Thorton's mother.
Tweeting like Trump. Must be a Republic.
She must be a democrat. Changing positions with the wind and fake news. Wouldn't know the truth if it hit her in the face. Coach K must have made her cry like he did Thorton's mother.
Oh sh*%. The train on line 1 is about to derail.Tweeting like Trump. Must be a Republic.
Tweeting like Trump. Must be a Republic.
I am a registered democrat but Hillary was worse than Trump. The crying from the left has turned me off. They forget that Obama appointed two justices to the supreme court. That is what Presidents get to do. They act like a little kid that decides since he can't get his way he will just take his ball and go home. Kids have been separated from their parents at the border for years. These people are breaking the law by crossing the border illegally. Try doing that in Mexico and see where you end up. Every time an American parent goes to jail they are separated from their kids. Where is the outrage from the left for these US citizens? They are all for protecting illegal aliens but not US citizens. I am fed up with the democratic party after voting for them most of my life. They want open borders and to abolish ICE. Trump has reduced taxes, improved the economy, and pretty much eliminated the threat of isis. You don't hear the media talking about anything but these kids separated from parents. If you don't want your kids to be separated from you don't break the law and come to the US illegally.Tweeting like Trump. Must be a Republic.