Watching end of UVA/Auburn again


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Gold Member
Apr 1, 2019
Sorry auburn fans. You were completely and utterly hosed from your rightful spot in the national title game. There is no argument to my post. It is clear as day. I’m sorry.
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Sorry auburn fans. You were completely and utterly hosed from your rightful spot in the national title game. There is no argument to my post. It is clear as day. I’m sorry.

Definitely sucks but thank ya for the post.
Bryce Brown grabbed Ty Jerome before the double-dribble. Foul. Samir Doughty undercuts Guy and doesn't really allow him any room to land. Foul. Tough calls to make, but I don't think they were bad calls.
Bryce Brown grabbed Ty Jerome before the double-dribble. Foul. Samir Doughty undercuts Guy and doesn't really allow him any room to land. Foul. Tough calls to make, but I don't think they were bad calls.

I totally agree.

People saying otherwise are just those never-happy types of fans always griping about stuff.

There was a clear foul before the double dribble (Auburn was INTENTIONALLY trying to foul there, there is no question). So that call is a wash.

And there is absolutely ZERO doubt, and I mean NONE, that Guy was fouled on the corner 3 at the end.
I totally agree.

People saying otherwise are just those never-happy types of fans always griping about stuff.

There was a clear foul before the double dribble (Auburn was INTENTIONALLY trying to foul there, there is no question). So that call is a wash.

And there is absolutely ZERO doubt, and I mean NONE, that Guy was fouled on the corner 3 at the end.
By rule which is the only thing that matters he was definitely fouled, but it didn’t affect the ball not going in. I was pissed that they called it in that situation considering that’s not a call they make 100 percent of the time during games.
By rule which is the only thing that matters he was definitely fouled, but it didn’t affect the ball not going in. I was pissed that they called it in that situation considering that’s not a call they make 100 percent of the time during games.

It's really absurd that a player should shoot three FTs due to contact that had no effect on the shot. I realize it would make it harder to officiate, but that needs to change.

That or do the right thing and swallow the whistle when a fingertip grazes the shooter. Insane how they'll allow guys to be tackled in the paint but you can't breathe on a shooter on the perimeter.
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It's really absurd that a player should shoot three FTs due to contact that had no effect on the shot. I realize it would make it harder to officiate, but that needs to change.

That or do the right thing and swallow the whistle when a fingertip grazes the shooter. Insane how they'll allow guys to be tackled in the paint but you can't breathe on a shooter on the perimeter.

It's really not.

When a shooter can tell that he is going to get hit or bumped, it's just natural to shoot the ball differently. They get defensive.

Which OF COURSE is going to lead to WAY more misses.

If they actually did what you are proposing and eliminated that foul call, every defender in basketball would just NAIL the shooter after he lets the ball go.

Every shooter in America would be so worried about being run into or being hit on the way down, they'll shoot the ball differently. Because that's what is natural. If you think you are going to get hit or bumped, THATS what you're worried about, not the shot.

Just think about things guys, it's really not hard to figure out why that rule is in place.
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