You are embarrassingly stupid on this issue.Oh no, not bail!
You are embarrassingly stupid on this issue.Oh no, not bail!
Just shows how phony their outrage over January 6th is.Her tweet is still up. They don't arrest people for walking around holding up posters.
The sitting VP posting bail for rioters destroying cities across this country.Oh no, not bail!
Just shows how phony their outrage over January 6th is.
The sitting VP posting bail for rioters destroying cities across this country.
And you are ok with it huh?
Dude, you lost. Maybe its time to realize that and **** off.
You don’t have to convince anyone of your idiocy. The Capitol is still standing, Joe's diner is burned to the ground. Fvcktard.“Joe’s diner is as important as the Capitol”
“Bail, so the accused can go home while they await their court date to face their crimes, is evil”
-Ghost’s dumb ass
The FBI should definitely be charged with treason. I agree.“Abject treason is cool because like it wasn’t A LOT of treason, it was just a dash of treason”
Not at all. I missed where he did that. Don't need the video, I have seen that 200 times. the facts and context about the policy would help, but again I missed that...can you link?Showing a video and providing facts is hypocritical.
His takes are backed by science. He doesn’t just make things up. Hundreds of studies have linked vaccines to autism.
I don’t know much about the fluoride issue, but I know his take is based on studies. One thing’s for sure…drinking fluoridated water isn’t preventing cavities. 😆
It is very concerning RFK is anti vaccine. He's not dumb at all, just shouldn't be giving advice or spreading misinformation on anything medical.
same goes for sex change operations for illegals in prison I guess.“Abject treason is cool because like it wasn’t A LOT of treason, it was just a dash of treason”
Yeah you would guesssame goes for sex change operations for illegals in prison I guess.
It's about time it started climbing again. Has been ass for 2 years now and still has a long way to go to get back to where it was in late 21, early 22.$tsla
I've said this before, but the average American doesn't care about the GDP, stock market, unemployment rate, or any of that. It's fun to flex it when "your guy"(Trump or Biden) is in office. Most average citizens don't even understand that stuff.
What they do understand is since 2021 30% more families are relying on food banks. Even more than during covid. 1 in 5 or 1 in 6 are relying on assistance for food.
Check the news and the current administration is talking about how great the economy is. Then you have a blue haired guy from California telling you it's not a real problem. They just have to cut back on their $14 daily mocha latte from Starbucks, $9 avocado toast and maybe cancel on of their 15 streaming subscriptions.
Meanwhile, the family from Appalachia has nowhere they can cut expenses from. They were struggling before and now it's even worse.
Can Trump help any of this? It's gonna be hard. About the only thing he can do is encourage energy production and reduce regulations. That could help lower costs. Child tax credits could help.
You're really not taking this loss well at all. Are you talking to someone? Like a professional someone?Oh nice. I can’t wait to see all the stuff Trump isn’t responsible for that he’ll get credit for. That was fun the last time.
The FDA is considering taking whatever that OTC decongestant is that they found out doesn’t work off the shelves. When they do that, I bet Trump will take credit.
That one is a tiny thing, but dude loves taking credit for the accomplishments of others and handing off blame to anybody but himself.
Can’t wait.
That hideous mural must've come out of the $1.5ish billion campaign fund. 😬 Delete. Return to sender.
OSINT has a history of jumping the gun on stories, but they are right more than wrong. Well just have to wait and see if cat turd reports on it.Is this real????
You're really not taking this loss well at all. Are you talking to someone? Like a professional someone?
I don't think you are good. Right now you're being propped up by your own delusion. Once reality really sets in, you're going to go through a very dark depression. And that's not healthy for you or anyone around you. I strongly suggest that you reach out to a professional who can carry you through these dark days ahead of you.L
I’m good. Thanks for you concern. I’m a little bummed that Americans have to wait 4 more years for prosperity and are setup to lose some rights because of Christian influence on GOP policy, but what are you gonna do. When Republicans crash and burn with control of the Senate, House, and Presidency America will ultimately come out of it stronger, so that’s not terrible.
Trump getting bodied by Putin again is mildly concerning. They might be able to keep him away from world leaders, though. We’ll see.
There does need to be a separation of church and state. This countries forefathers made that clear. I don't care what religion you practice or what you believe, however it needs to be left out of legislation and government.
The only thing in the constitution regarding the separation of church and state is that the government cannot infringe on your first ammendment right to religion. It says nothing about using your religious beliefs to influence policy decisions. This is where the old saying "elections have consequences" comes into play. Though I do agree that policies should be for the better of the country as a whole, not made for your own religious beliefs. Sometimes they're both, sometimes they're not.There does need to be a separation of church and state. This countries forefathers made that clear. I don't care what religion you practice or what you believe, however it needs to be left out of legislation and government.
Is the Ten Commandments still in the Capitol Building?We should make it a point to mention that while the GOP pisses on George Washington’s grave while reciting the Lord’s Prayer.
Is the Ten Commandments still in the Capitol Building?
no one is reporting this per my google search. If this was true it would be a pretty big story.OSINT has a history of jumping the gun on stories, but they are right more than wrong. Well just have to wait and see if cat turd reports on it.