Post Something Controversial ITT

Should be illegal to give tickets for speeding unless they were recklessly driving or going like 15+ over. 1 MPH? Would have definitely said some choice words.
Worst I’ve ever got was for going 74 in a 65. It was in the middle of nowhere, later identified as “Hope,” N.J., which made me even more irate.

Probably would’ve just given up on life if I got a ticket for going 1 over.
I was very patient that day receiving the ticket. If I didn't have a history of jail stays, I may have responded different. I just ate it. Also I heard Memphis jail is the worst. No interest in visiting. and I know I have a smart mouth and Memphis police have a short tolerance. . Again, I just ate it.
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I was very patient that day receiving the ticket. If I didn't have a history of jail stays, I may have responded different. I just ate it. Also I heard Memphis jail is the worst. No interest in visiting. and I know I have a smart mouth and Memphis police have a short tolerance. . Again, I just ate it.

Police down south seem like real pieces of sh*t, if I’m being frank. What kind of guys get into policing down there?
Police down south seem like real pieces of sh*t, if I’m being frank. What kind of guys get into policing down there?
I don't know about others. but Memphis police is something else. They really aren't to be messed with. I'm not saying Memphis cops are any different, but they scare the heck out of me.

*my wife is funny though. She deals with them all the time due to her job, and the way her 5 foot nothing stands toe to toe with them makes me nervous and hard at the same time.
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The biggest POS cops around here are from up north. Lol

Aren’t you in NC? Do police stations get a lot of transplants? I always assumed they were mostly picking from the pool of local D3 athletes who didn’t have what it takes.
Aren’t you in NC? Do police stations get a lot of transplants? I always assumed they were mostly picking from the pool of local D3 athletes who didn’t have what it takes.
Our police department and sheriff's department has a lot of transplants. And like I said, the assholes are mostly northerners. As far as the ones with the most complaints against them. I have direct access to that information and know a lot of them personally. I still side with them over the assholes who break the law.
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I've gotten numerous tickets and been in numerous wrecks but have been let off for serious stuff a ton of times. It is like back when I was wild they didn't want to mess with the hassle of the more serious stuff.
People live life by a code they develop for themselves.
How is there not equal blame on the person driving 20 over the speed limit? 20 over is serious enough in NY that you could lose your license and face jail time. In other states, it’s a misdemeanor.

Because you drive fast, you want to absolve yourself of any blame. ‘Well, if they just got out of my way, everything would be fine’ doesn’t cut it.
I was wondering about that being a NY thing, ive gotten pulled over goin 25 over and got off with a warning, at like 17 yo at that.
I put him somewhere between a koala bear and newborn deer in terms of danger
I can’t remember for sure, but I’m pretty sure that koala bears are chlamydia ridden freaks that rape like crazy. Somebody fact check this. Regardless, don’t underestimate your opponent.