Place to put my Nonsense Thread.

The app also exposed the top 10 cities with high percentage of transgender in US. The top spot belongs to San Francisco with the highest proportion of 0.70%. Followed by Austin 0.69%, Portland 0.62%, Seattle 0.62%, Boston 0.61%, New Orleans 0.58%, New York 0.54%, Columbus 0.52%, Salt Lake City 0.50% and Atlanta 0.47%.
I'm not grasping at anything, it's factual information bruh.
I responded in 7 seconds because I’ve already seen the video( as has probably everyone over the age of 10) you old man you. Next you’ll send me some boomer meme from ‘14, and think it’s hysterical. 😂 Stay sharp Kev. Think Vegas is frying your brain out there.
I responded in 7 seconds because I’ve already seen the video( as has probably everyone over the age of 10) you old man you. Next you’ll send me some boomer meme from ‘14, and think it’s hysterical. 😂 Stay sharp Kev. Think Vegas is frying your brain out there.
Guess I should've known you've seen every tranny video on the interwebs.
Guess I should've known you've seen every tranny video on the interwebs.
It’s a YouTube video that went viral. Lol like I said you’re grasping at straws.

This is what I envision has happened to you since you’ve moved to Vegas:

Did you guys watch team woke lose to the fvcking french last night?
SHit is getting tiresome. They kneel in protest of racism, inequality, etc, etc....then go and sign their million dollar contracts...****ing hypocrites---every one of them. If it means that much---then why acept the $$$ , made possible by the country you live in? Ya know, the same country you are protesting....****ing stupid.