Place to put my Nonsense Thread.

And got scolded all the effin way to jail aboit how lucky i was he wasnt gonna get me for indecent exposure, and put me on the sex offender list. And im thinking i dont feel so lucky sitting back here with my arms behind my back for pissing on the ground smh.
Cops like that piss me off....I'd feel like a fool running someone in, for pissing on a car tire. Dude go save a drowning cat or something...
Yea Man kinda is what it is.

Hell i went to jefferson county jail for being passed out drunk riding in a car bc the dude in the back seat didnt ditch his effin can when we got pulled over and the only reason we got pulled over is bc he thought we were lost bc apparently the driver missed a turn and turned around smdh, then he immedietely sees the open container so he woke me up (i looked up and first words were i gotta piss bad, and that cop let me piss on a dumpster at a gas station😂) then proceeded to break out the jewelry took us all in.

Lickily i was soooooo faded i passed out again while they were trying to process me so they let me sleep on these benches and i didnt even have to go to a cell/drunk tank and my buddies got checked.......thouroughly.

Ahhh college, you fun cruel bitch. Wish it was a state and you could just move there.

The driver got bracelets too but he got something different than AI he wasnt drinking. he had shake or paraphanalia all in the floor boards and shit smh hence the thorough search.
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Wow. This guy really is a tool. Get a tall Asian, and three short white dudes and the same will also be true.

He made reference to some sort of study. It looks like he was just illustrating whatever that study said (I have no idea what the study is that he was talking about).

I guess picking a tall guy wasn’t the greatest illustration? Is that the issue?
He made reference to some sort of study. It looks like he was just illustrating whatever that study said (I have no idea what the study is that he was talking about).

I guess picking a tall guy wasn’t the greatest illustration? Is that the issue?

If it's a study asking about women's preferences, you can go ahead and dismiss it. There's a huge difference between what women say they want, and what they actually want.

Women are attracted to height, yes. But more importantly, confidence, money (i.e. a good provider), and status. Race is irrelevant.

As it is, the average Asian man is making $20,000 more than the average white male counterpart. So, they would have a leg up in being able to provide for a woman, if nothing else.
If it's a study asking about women's preferences, you can go ahead and dismiss it. There's a huge difference between what women say they want, and what they actually want.

Women are attracted to height, yes. But more importantly, confidence, money (i.e. a good provider), and status. Race is irrelevant.

As it is, the average Asian man is making $20,000 more than the average white male counterpart. So, they would have a leg up in being able to provide for a woman, if nothing else.

The study probably showed that Asian men on dating websites get less clicks than otherwise equal White counterparts. It would be foolish to think race doesn’t factor in to people swiping right or left.

Again, I don’t know what the study did or didn’t do, or what conclusion it reached or was trying to reach. I don’t see a problem with the professor attempting to illustrate a point from the study by calling up a White guy. I don’t think the White guy was picked because he was tall; it looked like the professor just called up a random White guy who happened to be tall.
Nah bruh. It’s not our fault they wouldn’t surrender. Don’t start nothing, won’t be nothing.

They were planning to surrender after the first one but we were having so much fun we went ahead with the 2nd one.