Place to put my Nonsense Thread.

I have rainbows and reefs. Never wear them. Or my slides. I prefer my Tom’s or I have an awesome pair of adidas boat shoes (on the beach or lake. If it’s not rocky I’d rather just be barefoot.
The i40 bridge should be open soon. The did an ultrasound (@hailtoyourvictor ) and found a few hundred flaws, but shouldn't delay the brand new repaired bridge with a huge bandaid.

You will appreciate this. The middle one is the shitty Brent Spence Bridge between Cincinnati and Covington. 😆

The only person KILLED during the capitol PROTEST was an unarmed white woman shot by an, as yet unidentified, officer. Three protestors died of natural causes and an officer died three days later of a heart attack.
Storming the government building where Congress works is worse than breaking windows and stealing tv’s.

I’m sorry that most of the crime was property crime. A dozen people were shot in or around protests or riots. Per protest, that’s not many. Per riot, that’s not many. Remember, your premise was that reporters in random cities should be more worried about a fraction of protestors committing crime late at night in public streets than they should about a mob rushing into the place where they work.

I’m not surprised you don’t get this.
Those videos don’t really prove anything though, right? There are kids who think regular sex education is blasphemy. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t teach kids about safe sex and STI’s. Likewise, her objection to teaching students about gender identity or sexuality isn’t best decided by her feelings on the matter. Furthermore, there shouldn’t be anything political about gender identity/sexuality.

Current events are also very important to discuss in schools. It’s the best place to discuss them. The BLM movement, like it or not, is a significant current event. Schools shouldn’t just ignore it because it’s controversial. Again, black lives mattering shouldn’t be political.

Are schools replacing core education elements or topics with social justice propaganda? Unlikely.

Right wing activists might get less attention because they’re more wrong than Left wing activists. Unbiased thought is unlikely to be in the exact middle of the two at any given time. Pivoting back to education, what Right wing topics are struck down in schools? What are the Right wing talking points that aren’t discussed? Capitalism gets a lot of attention in school. I presume immigration is covered in historical and current terms. Nationalism/isolationism gets its shine. Religion is a no-no and gun ed is probably a bad idea. Is that it? Religion and guns?

CRT does have merit. It’s simply looking at history through a different lens. It doesn’t replace or supersede the existing core history topics. It doesn’t and sh
Gas prices started rising while Trump was still in office. Economist consensus is that OPEC’s restrictions on supply and the winding down of the pandemic (increased demand) have caused the uptick in gas prices.

I’m curious. Which Biden policies do you think have caused gas prices to increase? Or is this more of a, ‘well, he’s President so it must be his polices causing it’ thing?
Cancelling the pipe line, PLUS stopping of further exploration and leases on federal land, (or water).
Donald Trump facilitated the third largest national debt increase in US history. In his 4 years, the national debt increased nearly $8 trillion. In Obama’s 8 years, the national debt increased about $10 trillion. Trump would have only needed 5 years in office to surpass the national debt increase under Obama. If you’ve forgotten, Trump was a Republican and Obama was a Democrat. I could go back further and discuss more Presidents, but you would not like how the results shake out. It has been a longggg longgggg time since the Republican party has practiced fiscal conservatism.

1.3 x 4 = $5.2 trillion
5.2 < 8
Congress spends, not the President. Give him the line item Veto then blame him/her!!
What you don’t understand is that increasing their effective tax rate increases tax revenue on a magnitude much larger than the impact on our wallets from their price increases.

I’ve explained a similar concept to you before with the minimum wage stuff.

Let’s say the cost of everything we consume is 20% influenced by the cost of oil. Let’s say we increase the tax on oil companies by 10% and they in turn increase the price of their oil by 10%. 10% x 20% = 2%. Go crazy and say 10% of your expenses go to gas, so that’s an additional 1%. Our expenses would increase a whopping 3%. The government would make more money by taxing the corporations an extra 10% than they would by increasing our taxes 3%.
WHO owns corporations?
See i dont understand the big deal about national debt. They talked about it in the 90s when it was only in the billions about how it was scha. Huge problem, now its in the trillions, but i dont understand why it even matters.

Do other countries not owe us a shit ton of money that their never gonna pay back? Hell all of europe sans germany owes us their existence.

we are never gonna pay off our national debt and no one is ever gonna cone looking to get the money we owe them back, so whats the point in even keeping up with it.

actually im way to uninformed to even carry on a convo about national debt bc it seems like a pointless fairy tale that people like to complain about.
Congress seldom talks about national DEBT., usually talk about DEFICIT! Like saying you have the faucet turned on in the bathtub, but reduce the flow. STILL overflows the bathtub!!
But the part u covieniently left out is now every corporation that rely on gas for distribution now has a new 3% expense which they will compensate for by raising the prices of whatever they produce/sell.

Raising the price of gas will raise the price of pretty much everything sans maybe ur local farmers market.
Takes fuel to run tractors, combines, trucks etc.
All Lives Matter isn’t racist. It’s dumb. BLM means that all lives matter, including Black lives, because the problem was that Black people were being treated like their lives matter less.

Since it’s redundant to say all lives matter, because nobody was saying they don’t and nobody was saying Black Lives Matter more, All Lives Matter is a waste of a statement. At the height of this, it was an intentionally provocative statement with no purpose behind it other than to conflict with BLM
I was just pointing out that in the context of US government spending, $10 million is zero dollars. Jeff Bezos is a very wealthy guy. His wealth is a small fraction of the country’s wealth. If he wouldn’t notice $10 million missing or $10 million in damage, the US government isn’t going to care about $10 million. So who cares what it gets spent on.
a trillion here and a trillion there and pretty soon it adds up to REAL money.
I would wager that 99% of Americans have no concept of what a trillion dollars is. Just a number!
How society treats you, in terms of race, depends a lot on appearance. If we’re being honest with ourselves, how White or how Black they look is a big factor.
I had a black department manager for a time at Ford, who used to talk about "grocery bag" parties as a youth. IF you were darker than a grocery bag, (light brown), you were not allowed in.
He also commented that Japan was MUCH more raciest that the USA
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