OT threads are done

Well sh*%, there goes my idea to invite 4 esteemed (UK hacks, Lurker, Bert, Jimbo and Kevin the mod) posters to "The Pink Flamingo" on Nov 6th to watch the big game.

Oh well. Maybe some other time. Your loss guys.
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Well sh*%, there goes my idea to invite 4 esteemed (UK hacks, Lurker, Bert, Jimbo and Kevin the mod) posters to "The Pink Flamingo" on Nov 6th to watch the big game.

Oh well. Maybe some other time. Your loss guys.

@JimboBBN would be too drunk to taste that chicken.
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So you're saying you're in?
Of course.

The only reason I can think of why Bert would ignore Jimbo is because Jimbo said Duke is a better program than Kentucky.

I think it had something to do with gay Mexican communists who worked in the Hilldog campaign.

Or maybe it was about Duke. Honestly don't remember.