Okay, who is more hated nationally/overall, Kentucky or Duke?

Who is more hated?

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UK fans are having a hard time with today's reality. UK for decades past were content that though they would hold no real bragging rights in other sports they would lead the SEC as the conference bell cow on the national CBB stage.

However, the paradigm has shifted. UK is no longer able to back the hype in CBB past the preseason predictions. They field inexperienced teams that struggle in the early season and fail to mature enough to be a force to reckon with in postseason.

They still spend more than anyone in the conference and probably the nation, but the difference is not enough to offset the quality coaching from others. This leaves UK fans feeling empty and frustrated.

I personally think they need to recruit a few 5 star players, but use their money to buy the best transfers on the market if they want to recapture their past glory.

But their rosters haven’t been young the last few years, and they HAVE been getting top transfers.

They were doing better with young teams. And I’ll bet they’ll do better with this young team than those from the last 3-4 years.
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But their rosters haven’t been young the last few years, and they HAVE been getting top transfers.

They were doing better with young teams. And I’ll bet they’ll do better with this young team than those from the last 3-4 years.
As always, I’m just trying to help.
Like I said, there are a ton of fans out there, which makes it hard to generalize. But sometimes an idea will catch on and spread like wildfire, at least within an online community. For example, half the posters at Rafters (plus some here like ol’ Bert) truly think the NCAA and SEC refs are conspiring against Kentucky, as laughable as that is. There’s a persecution complex that I don’t see in other fanbases.

And I have no problem with having pride in your program’s history, but all-time status and the current state of the program are two different conversations. Imagine a Yale football fan boasting about having more titles than Alabama. Or for a less extreme example, what if UCLA fans invaded this board circa 2019 to tell everyone they were the GOAT? You’d probably be a little amused and annoyed, right? But they could say the same thing you are….”we have 11 MFing titles, rank highly in all major categories, never had a long stretch of irrelevance, etc…who cares about recent years?”
you still didn't give me an example if someone wanting attention, then complsining about getting attention. Do you have an example?

Yale football and UCLA basketball? What does that have to do with UK? UK went 38-0 in 2015, won a title in 2012, went to final 4's in 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2015. Got within a whisker of the FF in 2017 and 2019, so to me, UK is still one if the best programs in the current era. I don't understand how you think UK belongs in the Yale football and UCLA basketball club, that’s not even debatable.

What programs would you say have pulled ahead of UK since 2015? Any team you list, was well behind UK prior to 2015 and hafe had thrir fair share of struggles too. KU has had a good run, but they haven't done enough to put them ahead of UK on the all-time scale. Who else?

But again, please give me an example of these UK fans that want the attention, then complained about it when they got it.

I hope you don't think Ihm being argumentative. I know UK has lost a lot of its prestige over the last 3 years and I have been ready for Cal to leave for a long time now, but in my opinion, it takes more than a bad 3 year run to move UK off that top line.
you still didn't give me an example if someone wanting attention, then complsining about getting attention. Do you have an example?

Yale football and UCLA basketball? What does that have to do with UK? UK went 38-0 in 2015, won a title in 2012, went to final 4's in 2011, 2012, 2014 and 2015. Got within a whisker of the FF in 2017 and 2019, so to me, UK is still one if the best programs in the current era. I don't understand how you think UK belongs in the Yale football and UCLA basketball club, that’s not even debatable.

What programs would you say have pulled ahead of UK since 2015? Any team you list, was well behind UK prior to 2015 and hafe had thrir fair share of struggles too. KU has had a good run, but they haven't done enough to put them ahead of UK on the all-time scale. Who else?

But again, please give me an example of these UK fans that want the attention, then complained about it when they got it.

I hope you don't think Ihm being argumentative. I know UK has lost a lot of its prestige over the last 3 years and I have been ready for Cal to leave for a long time now, but in my opinion, it takes more than a bad 3 year run to move UK off that top line.

I wasn’t talking about moving them off the top line and I admitted that the Yale example was extreme. The point is that there’s a difference between GOAT and best program currently. Sports, like anything else, is a “what have you done for me lately” business. I think two of my teams (KU b-ball and KC Chiefs) have a great argument for being the best in their sport right now. But if they started to pile up some mediocre seasons, I wouldn’t be able to say that. I definitely wouldn’t go around beating my chest like Yet Another UK fan after a first round loss or losing season.

If you want examples of what I’m talking about, start with his posts. And I like Lurker, but he starts attention whore threads all the time, then labels people obsessed/jealous if they take the bait. JC makes a lot of boastful posts/attacks, then gets really defensive if you counter. Bert loves attention and loves to trash talk, but if you fire back he’ll whine like a baby and put you on ignore. Etc, etc.

Why is UCLA a bad comparison, btw? They’ve never had a long stretch of irrelevance and they’ve got a billion titles. Went to three straight final fours a little over a decade ago, won a title in the 90s, etc. Now that they’re consistently relevant again, they should probably be the ones beating their chests.

You could make an argument that Kentucky’s been a middle of the road program since 2015. No final fours, not a ton of tourney wins, and their average Kenpom rating is 18 in that span. Now they’ve had a few really solid teams in that stretch, but a lot of middle of the road programs have too.

Not talking trash…just saying. Kentucky still has a great argument for GOAT. Although, if UCLA continues what they’re doing, that conversation gets pretty interesting.
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I wasn’t talking about moving them off the top line and I admitted that the Yale example was extreme. The point is that there’s a difference between GOAT and best program currently. Sports, like anything else, is a “what have you done for me lately” business. I think two of my teams (KU b-ball and KC Chiefs) have a great argument for being the best in their sport right now. But if they started to pile up some mediocre seasons, I wouldn’t be able to say that. I definitely wouldn’t go around beating my chest like Yet Another UK fan after a first round loss or losing season.

If you want examples of what I’m talking about, start with his posts. And I like Lurker, but he starts attention whore threads all the time, then labels people obsessed/jealous if they take the bait. JC makes a lot of boastful posts/attacks, then gets really defensive if you counter. Bert loves attention and loves to trash talk, but if you fire back he’ll whine like a baby and put you on ignore. Etc, etc.

Why is UCLA a bad comparison, btw? They’ve never had a long stretch of irrelevance and they’ve got a billion titles. Went to three straight final fours a little over a decade ago, won a title in the 90s, etc. Now that they’re consistently relevant again, they should probably be the ones beating their chests.

You could make an argument that Kentucky’s been a middle of the road program since 2015. No final fours, not a ton of tourney wins, and their average Kenpom rating is 18 in that span. Now they’ve had a few really solid teams in that stretch, but a lot of middle of the road programs have too.

Not talking trash…just saying. Kentucky still has a great argument for GOAT. Although, if UCLA continues what they’re doing, that conversation gets pretty interesting.
Oh I certainly agree that UK is not currently a top shelf program, Cal has really shit the bed badly and his holier-than-thou attitude really rubs me the wrong way. So yeah, UK is a notch below several programs right now.

But the programs making all the noise right now, are not too far removed from some darker years. Heck, UConn was garbage from 2014 until the 2023 title, Baylor and UVA, they have never been anything more than also-rans, Villanova was an early out almost every year until those two title runs and have returned to mediocrity since.

You brought up UCLA and said they never had a long stretch of irrelevance, I strongly disagree. They won it in '95 and with the exception of a couple recent sweet 16's, they have been a ghost. I believe they had a couple final 4's 10 years ago, but that's not current state of affairs.

You're crapping on UK, but saying UCLA should be in a group above UK. Well, compare the two programs, it's not close.

As far as what UK has done since 2015, come on, that Fox/Monk/Bam team was incredible. Got beat on a last second shot by the eventual champions. Then, the 2019 UK team lost in OT in the E8. To me, that’s not exactly the definition of irrelevance.

You brought up Lurker and Bert. Well, I've never seen Lurker go ape shit, or do more than post a couple of comments when it comes to this stuff. He's always been even keeled, so I'm stunned to see you list his name. I know Bert personally, you would like him if you met him, I really don't think he fits the description of what you said. Neither of these guys talks out of both sides of their mouths. I still don't see a shred of proof of the original accusation, which is that UK fans demand attention, then get mad when they get it. Bert and Lurker don't do that. Neither does JC.

Every fanbase has their fans that talk smack even when they’re standing there with black eyes and broken legs. Della does it. UK owns UT, swept them last year, but Della still comes on here and flies that UT flag like UT owns UK. There is a KU fan that will defend every KU discretion until death, but I can't recall who that is. The Louisville fans that come on here are hilarious. Even during the Katina Powell stuff, the Pitino/Sypher stuff, the Adidas stuff and the Dino Gaudio blackmail stuff, they STILL talked smack. Then there is UNCfaninKY, need I say more?

I think I have proven my point here, but we do agree, UK is not where it used to be currently, but you know as well as I do that all it takes is one Final 4 and that changes.
Just so we're on the same page, what has been said by UK fans that indicates they don't want the attention?

I'm on RR almost daily and I think we can agree That's the hotbed for UK fans online, but I don't ever see anyone complaining about the attention UK gets. But maybe I'm not understanding what you're saying.

Indiana has a large fanbase? One that rivals the BBN? I never thought IU had an above average sized fanbase.
1. I really need to explain UK fans, ON HERE, who have complained, or picked at people always talking about UK?----Really?

2. Are you being serious about IU having a large fan base? --"Above average"? You are kidding, right? Outside of BBN, no one travels as well as the Hoosiers. Pretty common knowledge. PLus, huge alum base all over the country. IU also has the largest student section in all of CBB---over 7.000.

"Above average"?---Certainly you are trolling here.
Every fanbase has their fans that talk smack even when they’re standing there with black eyes and broken legs. Della does it. UK owns UT, swept them last year, but Della still comes on here and flies that UT flag like UT owns UK. There is a KU fan that will defend every KU discretion until death, but I can't recall who that is. The Louisville fans that come on here are hilarious. Even during the Katina Powell stuff, the Pitino/Sypher stuff, the Adidas stuff and the Dino Gaudio blackmail stuff, they STILL talked smack. Then there is UNCfaninKY, need I say more?
Hi Jeff,

Who's flag should I be waving? I am a UT fan. According to UK fans It's what you have done in post season and UT has clearly out performed UK lately in the Dance.

I got news for ya, smack talking is what fans do. It is the whole fun of opposing fan groups conversation. However, Bert is a cry baby just like exit described him. UK fans do post a lot of thread about UK and open the conversation to UK issues.
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I wasn’t talking about moving them off the top line and I admitted that the Yale example was extreme. The point is that there’s a difference between GOAT and best program currently. Sports, like anything else, is a “what have you done for me lately” business. I think two of my teams (KU b-ball and KC Chiefs) have a great argument for being the best in their sport right now. But if they started to pile up some mediocre seasons, I wouldn’t be able to say that. I definitely wouldn’t go around beating my chest like Yet Another UK fan after a first round loss or losing season.

If you want examples of what I’m talking about, start with his posts. And I like Lurker, but he starts attention whore threads all the time, then labels people obsessed/jealous if they take the bait. JC makes a lot of boastful posts/attacks, then gets really defensive if you counter. Bert loves attention and loves to trash talk, but if you fire back he’ll whine like a baby and put you on ignore. Etc, etc.

Why is UCLA a bad comparison, btw? They’ve never had a long stretch of irrelevance and they’ve got a billion titles. Went to three straight final fours a little over a decade ago, won a title in the 90s, etc. Now that they’re consistently relevant again, they should probably be the ones beating their chests.

You could make an argument that Kentucky’s been a middle of the road program since 2015. No final fours, not a ton of tourney wins, and their average Kenpom rating is 18 in that span. Now they’ve had a few really solid teams in that stretch, but a lot of middle of the road programs have too.

Not talking trash…just saying. Kentucky still has a great argument for GOAT. Although, if UCLA continues what they’re doing, that conversation gets pretty interesting.
I do start a lot of shit threads. It's not all about UK.
Most recently summer sports, UT, Aubrun, IU and Big 10.

*Dang I can't remember the last UK thread.
There are ways to talk shit without shit-talking. I think most have that here.

There's mutual respect for others that love the sport and their teams as much as I do.
Funny thing is---most shit we complain about others doing, we do the same thing.. 🤣 ..

I love this board. Some people are to easy to get pissed off. Take shit waaaaaaay to serious. A lot of times when I post something, I know exactly who's gonna respond, and how....Like shooting fish in a barrell...
1. I really need to explain UK fans, ON HERE, who have complained, or picked at people always talking about UK?----Really?

2. Are you being serious about IU having a large fan base? --"Above average"? You are kidding, right? Outside of BBN, no one travels as well as the Hoosiers. Pretty common knowledge. PLus, huge alum base all over the country. IU also has the largest student section in all of CBB---over 7.000.

"Above average"?---Certainly you are trolling here.
Do UK fans on here get passionate? Sure, but can you give me an example of anyone complaining about attention after clamoring for it? Also, are you sure all other fanbases are immune from doing what you're talking about???

On the IU fanbase thing, sorry man, I just never thought about it. I rarely run across IU fans and I don't see many on social media. Plus, there's a reason you see UK, duke, uNC, yankees and Dallas Cowboys games on prime time tv… every game at that, but I rarely see IU getting prime time spots. I'm just going off what I have been seeing, I'm not putting IU down.
Hi Jeff,

Who's flag should I be waving? I am a UT fan. According to UK fans It's what you have done in post season and UT has clearly out performed UK lately in the Dance.

I got news for ya, smack talking is what fans do. It is the whole fun of opposing fan groups conversation. However, Bert is a cry baby just like exit described him. UK fans do post a lot of thread about UK and open the conversation to UK issues.
I never said you should fly another teams flag, I just used you as an example to prove my point. I have no problem with you doing what you do on here, but it seems us UK fans get a bad wrap for doing exactly the same thing you do.

But success is measured in final 4's and titles on here, UK has been to two recent E8's and had a great shot to win both games, but on here, that doesn't matter, UK didn’t reach the FF either time, so it might as well have been a 2nd round loss. Same for UT, they have never been to a FF and on top of that, UK has scoreboard on UT. I get it, UT had a better run than UK did last year, but it doesn’t matter, they didn’t reach the FF.
Funny thing is---most shit we complain about others doing, we do the same thing.. 🤣 ..

I love this board. Some people are to easy to get pissed off. Take shit waaaaaaay to serious. A lot of times when I post something, I know exactly who's gonna respond, and how....Like shooting fish in a barrell...
Hey, just an FYI, I'm not up in arms or anything, I'm just having a conversation. I'm not trying to start anything, so please don't think I'm being a dick.
I never said you should fly another teams flag, I just used you as an example to prove my point. I have no problem with you doing what you do on here, but it seems us UK fans get a bad wrap for doing exactly the same thing you do.

But success is measured in final 4's and titles on here, UK has been to two recent E8's and had a great shot to win both games, but on here, that doesn't matter, UK didn’t reach the FF either time, so it might as well have been a 2nd round loss. Same for UT, they have never been to a FF and on top of that, UK has scoreboard on UT. I get it, UT had a better run than UK did last year, but it doesn’t matter, they didn’t reach the FF.
UT has been better than UK for more than a year. Regardless, I think Exit was suggesting that UK fans start way more threads about UK than the next three most represented fan bases by a long margin. Furthermore, UK fans open the discussion on UK in ways that invite criticism and Bert is a cry baby.
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Funny thing is---most shit we complain about others doing, we do the same thing.. 🤣 ..

I love this board. Some people are to easy to get pissed off. Take shit waaaaaaay to serious. A lot of times when I post something, I know exactly who's gonna respond, and how....Like shooting fish in a barrell...
Man without a doubt we have the best fans. To come here and debate with the best of the best. Knowing everyone remembers everything and they ain't giving an inch. It takes a certain kind of diehard fan to be able to do that.
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UT has been better than UK for more than a year. Regardless, I think Exit was suggesting that UK fans start way more threads about UK than the next three most represented fan bases by a long margin. Furthermore, UK fans open the discussion on UK in ways that invite criticism and Bert is a cry baby.
I can't disagree that UK fans start threads on here more than any other fanbase and some certainly do 'home-board', but that's not the accusation that was made. Show me where these UK fans clamored for attention, then complained about it. I have been asking for examples. Maybe it has happened, but being a UK fan has nothing to do with it, it's an individual thing. I can guarantee you I can find people from other fanbases on here that will fit the description of any example y'all can give.

The fact that UT has performed better in certain cases, does not mean UT is a better program, not now, not ever. Y'all need to get to at least one FF before you can start trying to make that claim. UK swept UT last year, so your argument is toast.

But I still like you Della. 😁

Oh, as far as Bert goes, I think he's midunderstood on here. I know Bert personally, I know his wife, I know his two kids, his son-in-law and his granddaughter, they are some of the best people I have ever met. In person, Bert is a great guy that likes to laugh, you'll just have to trust me on that.
I can't disagree that UK fans start threads on here more than any other fanbase and some certainly do 'home-board', but that's not the accusation that was made. Show me where these UK fans clamored for attention, then complained about it. I have been asking for examples. Maybe it has happened, but being a UK fan has nothing to do with it, it's an individual thing. I can guarantee you I can find people from other fanbases on here that will fit the description of any example y'all can give.

The fact that UT has performed better in certain cases, does not mean UT is a better program, not now, not ever. Y'all need to get to at least one FF before you can start trying to make that claim. UK swept UT last year, so your argument is toast.

But I still like you Della. 😁

Oh, as far as Bert goes, I think he's midunderstood on here. I know Bert personally, I know his wife, I know his two kids, his son-in-law and his granddaughter, they are some of the best people I have ever met. In person, Bert is a great guy that likes to laugh, you'll just have to trust me on that.
Ok, you want an example. Bert is your example of a UK fan that spouts off arrogantly about UK boastful after a win then angrily, pouts and blames the refs after a loss all the while putting people on ignore when they give it back to him. How do I know this? Bert has me on ignore as we speak. JC is a hyper sensitive UK fan that will defend UK at a moments notice against all comers. I went out of my way once to show JC that his defenses against me regarding UK were usually my counter punches and that I did not initially start the ruckus. The difference between Bert and JC is that JC can be reasonable and Bert is not.

I like you too Jeff. 😊
Ok, you want an example. Bert is your example of a UK fan that spouts off arrogantly about UK boastful after a win then angrily, pouts and blames the refs after a loss all the while putting people on ignore when they give it back to him. How do I know this? Bert has me on ignore as we speak. JC is a hyper sensitive UK fan that will defend UK at a moments notice against all comers. I went out of my way once to show JC that his defenses against me regarding UK were usually my counter punches and that I did not initially start the ruckus. The difference between Bert and JC is that JC can be reasonable and Bert is not.

I like you too Jeff. 😊
Okay, but are you saying this behavior is just limited to UK fans? I bet you have similar battles with Alabama football fans.

I don't think what you described is just a UK fan thing, seems like it's a couple guys that hate losing more than anything else.

Heck, I see UofL and uNC fans on here doing that very thing. UNCfaninKY is a perfect example.

There's a duke fan that posts on here that goes off the chain every time he posts too. Seems like the other duke fans don't want to claim him. I think his old handle was Gary, but I can't recall for sure.
1. I really need to explain UK fans, ON HERE, who have complained, or picked at people always talking about UK?----Really?

2. Are you being serious about IU having a large fan base? --"Above average"? You are kidding, right? Outside of BBN, no one travels as well as the Hoosiers. Pretty common knowledge. PLus, huge alum base all over the country. IU also has the largest student section in all of CBB---over 7.000.

"Above average"?---Certainly you are trolling here.
I talk a lot of shit about IU but there is no doubt you still have a huge contingent of meth addicted, toothless mouth breathers. ;)

Ok, you want an example. Bert is your example of a UK fan that spouts off arrogantly about UK boastful after a win then angrily, pouts and blames the refs after a loss all the while putting people on ignore when they give it back to him. How do I know this? Bert has me on ignore as we speak. JC is a hyper sensitive UK fan that will defend UK at a moments notice against all comers. I went out of my way once to show JC that his defenses against me regarding UK were usually my counter punches and that I did not initially start the ruckus. The difference between Bert and JC is that JC can be reasonable and Bert is not.

I like you too Jeff. 😊
Yes, I'm reasonable until I see opinion/speculation or delusion that is void of any facts that is directed UK's way.
"Better than UK for over a year" is pushing the envelope there considering the results last season.
Yes, I'm reasonable until I see opinion/speculation or delusion that is void of any facts that is directed UK's way.
"Better than UK for over a year" is pushing the envelope there considering the results last season.
As usual that was me responding to Jeff's comment and not me initiating something.
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UK would have a lot bigger number on that list but there are a lot of olds that don't know how to internet.
Looks like Duke in a Landslide based on that chart. Of course, they have had Dickie V hyping them for 30 years or so.
Cal's performance over the last five years has been absolutely inexcusable.

Soft teams made up of weak, poorly evaluated and poorly developed players. An antiquated drudgery of an offense in love with the long two. Inexcusable at Kentucky and every bit of it is Cal's fault. All of it.

When your high-lite is sweeping Tennessee you know things are bad. Real bad.

Apparently Cal has hired some guys to save him from himself. He went out and got some real basketball players. Shot selection in Canada was a revelation, the offense flowed like crazy. Another facade? I'll never forgive him for what he did to Kentucky basketball over the last 5 years. Not even a championship will wash that funk away for me...I mean it sure as hell will freshen it up but that damage has been done.
Cal's performance over the last five years has been absolutely inexcusable.

Soft teams made up of weak, poorly evaluated and poorly developed players. An antiquated drudgery of an offense in love with the long two. Inexcusable at Kentucky and every bit of it is Cal's fault. All of it.

When your high-lite is sweeping Tennessee you know things are bad. Real bad.

Apparently Cal has hired some guys to save him from himself. He went out and got some real basketball players. Shot selection in Canada was a revelation, the offense flowed like crazy. Another facade? I'll never forgive him for what he did to Kentucky basketball over the last 5 years. Not even a championship will wash that funk away for me...I mean it sure as hell will freshen it up but that damage has been done.
I take Canada with a grain of salt...Cal teams always look dominant on these trips. Why? Beause the talent gap is overwhelming. Not so much in the SEC..
UK would have a lot bigger number on that list but there are a lot of olds that don't know how to internet.
That and well, Kentucky isn't the nost educated place in the country either---That and most of the state is dirt fukin poor. Even if they could afford the internet, I doubt they'd know how to use it.
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That and well, Kentucky isn't the nost educated place in the country either---That and most of the state is dirt fukin poor. Even if they could afford the internet, I doubt they'd know how to use it.
Almost all UK fans live in KY, lived in KY, went to KU or had a family member who was a hardcore UK fan that converted them.

These things apply to Duke's fanbase too but Duke has a bunch of fans who grew up in other parts of the country and became fans since they saw them play on TV all the time or they wanted to be contrarian and stick it to their friends who are IU, UK and KU fans by cheering on a different team.

Duke's been the bigger brand since most American households had TVs in the 1980/1990s even though UK is the better program historically.
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That and well, Kentucky isn't the nost educated place in the country either---That and most of the state is dirt fukin poor. Even if they could afford the internet, I doubt they'd know how to use it.
Also, many people in Kentucky follow the program with a deeper involvement than twitter. Our fans research, not just what’s the simplest way to be spoon fed info in tiny snippets. We eat the marshmallows AND the cereal.
Testament to the age range of the Duke following. Not a real sophisticated group exactly. Lot of Johnny Come Latelys. Most probably still go to keggers.
Maybe, some of the old folks have just forgotten about when y'all use to be good?