I saw Indiana's Memorial Stadium on the previous page and it brought up memories from last month.
Went to the MSU - IU game as part of an Indy trip as half the group were Spartoons. Felt like I was at a minor league baseball game.
- tv timeouts were a trip, those of you in attendance who are state of Indiana teachers please stand up to be honored
- dude trying to catch footballs in the end zone being shot from a gunz machine was funny
- halftime was a treat. "Olympic" style competition between Indiana band member and "Purdue student" acting like a goof
Band playing right up to the moment MSU snaps the ball. Siren going off anytime MSU had the ball on third down. Jokingly told my msu peeps that they might pump in some "hut hut" when IU was on offense to get offside penalties.
Been to dozens of games at Michigan Stadium and to a handful of games at Spartan Stadium and never see the hokey stuff in those buildings as I saw in Bloomington.
Went to the MSU - IU game as part of an Indy trip as half the group were Spartoons. Felt like I was at a minor league baseball game.
- tv timeouts were a trip, those of you in attendance who are state of Indiana teachers please stand up to be honored
- dude trying to catch footballs in the end zone being shot from a gunz machine was funny
- halftime was a treat. "Olympic" style competition between Indiana band member and "Purdue student" acting like a goof
Band playing right up to the moment MSU snaps the ball. Siren going off anytime MSU had the ball on third down. Jokingly told my msu peeps that they might pump in some "hut hut" when IU was on offense to get offside penalties.
Been to dozens of games at Michigan Stadium and to a handful of games at Spartan Stadium and never see the hokey stuff in those buildings as I saw in Bloomington.