I have no idea what you are talking about with the 'won 6 in a row but this year split', and then youre spewing some cliched stuff you've heard about michigan being live by the 3 etc, when they have the #1 rated defense that completely dominated Iowa.you're funny going into last season had won 6 in a row and 6 of the last this season they split. the difference in last nights game
Michigan went 10-30 for 33.3%
Iowa went 1-16 for 6.3%
Michigan 40 rebounds Iowa 37 rebounds
Michigan 4 blocks Iowa 4 blocks
Michigan 7 TO's Iowa 11 TO's
Michigan 8-12 FT's Iowa 10-18 with most of them after the games was pretty much over
no the game was lost because of 3 point mades and nothing else.
Michigan 10-26 from 3 Minnesota 2-12 from 3
now the qyestion is can Michigan keep hitting as many 3's as they have been
live by the 3 and die by the 3 and right now Michigan is living by the 3
there was a post about how Iowa's offense came from 25% from the FTL
these are the results of the last 3 years between michigan and iowa:
UM 74 Iowa 53
Iowa 74 UM 59
UM 77 Iowa 71
UM 74 Iowa 59
UM 75 Iowa 68
Iowa 86 UM 83
I think that one HUUUUUUUUGE (and i mean YYYYUGE) win against michigan at home has lead you to delusions of grandeur about how good Iowa is.