*Official* B1G In-Season Thread

OMG you found one play where he created for himself? Lol. You’re so triggered by the fact Cline is one dimensional.
I literally linked like 5 videos with specific examples of plays just like that yesterday. You ignored it though.
No way Painter and Purdue were bad enough to lose at both Minnesota and Northwestern. Program is too good for that. Big Ten champions.
Feel bad for Law. Heck of a player and sucks he went out that way. But LOL at the folks who think it was dirty by Carsen.
I wasn’t here for the Elston play you guys are referencing but are people trying to insinuate that Carsen was intentionally hurting Law? Like seriously or just trolling? I can’t tell.
LOL at all the saltiness and straw-grasping on this page.
Nah. Just typical to hear crickets from Purdue fans. If it were an MSU or IU player that did this, y’all would have been crying about it non stop. Not surprised to see you all think it’s perfectly fine.
Will be interesting to see if Edwards admits his mistake or lies during the press conference.