New NCAA Rules

Im really curious how the undrafted thing works. How can a college coach recruit without knowing if his player is going to return or not if he goes undrafted?

Also, who determines “elite” ?
if the players can't get money from the agent then what is the point of having an agent in college? I don't understand what the agent does for the college athlete while they are in college???
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They are also going go start taking infraction evidence/testimony from 3rd parties without their own NCAA investigation. Sort of enacting subpoena power by proxy. So all of this court testimony and FBI evidence.. they can now just piggy back off of that stuff and hand down punishment as if it were there own findings.

T's & P's if your program is caught up in this FBI investigation.
This will not end well. We're on the verge of a disaster. And a tournament consisting of mid'major schools.
Gonna get ugly.
I know some don't care, but Calipari had this to say on Paul Finebaum today.

“Right now, it really doesn’t matter,” he said. “None of these rules are going into effect unless the NBA and Players’ Association come together to do something with the One and Done. If they do that, I’m hearing that won’t be until 2022. So you and I are going to discuss stuff here that we should be discussing in 2021."

"They’re saying a player can go in the draft, and if he’s not drafted, go back to college. So Paul I ask you this, a kid leaves and the scholarship is given away, he wants to go back to school and there’s no scholarship, what do we do? Does he transfer? Does he have to sit out? What?"

"I think we’re at such the beginning stages and we have three years before this has to be finalized,”
said Calipari. “There’s so many things that need to be answered. Thank goodness we have time to do it, but I’m thinking we’re kind of wasting our breath because it’s a ways away from doing all this stuff.”
Im really curious how the undrafted thing works. How can a college coach recruit without knowing if his player is going to return or not if he goes undrafted?

Also, who determines “elite” ?
my thoughts exactly. They just opened pandoras box completely.
Love that kids can come back, but have recruiting questions.
15 ovs seems crazy unnecessary, imo.
Yikes at Only the elites..

Hallmark Pacifier

It's not nearly as crazy as it first sounds. How it breaks down is a kid is allowed to take 5 officials during his junior year, 5 during senior year and the final 5 during college career in the case of a transfer situation. Colleges currently get 24(?) Official visit tickets every 2 years. Now, that number has been bumped up to 28 over the same 2 year span, I believe . Also, a kid can only visit the same school 1 time per year.

So it's not like a kid could take 15 trips all in the summer leading up to his senior season. Actually, this is one of the few things that I am really liking about the new rules. As it stands now, a player from an extremely poor family is really confined to only being able to really consider schools within driving distance. Since before, they only got 5 officials, I'm sure some poorer family's were probably sometimes apprehensive about using one of those valuable 5 spots on a school that up until then they hadn't visited.

Now, this will allow them to be able to be seriously curious about a school that's over 1k miles away. Also, I think your going to see coaches who have a great....for a lack of a better term....charm factor, really being helped out by this new rule. Currently, it seems most of the serious recruitment process happens after the July evaluation AAU events. Of course, kids are always taking unofficial visits, but it seems most have been saying that 5hey planned to really get serious after the July period.

Now, you may see more kids start to get serious sooner since their able to take 2 officials to their top 5 if they'd like. So coaches who excell at building relationships may have an upper hand here over coaches who come off more rough, or like a stern fatherly figure?
Like most NCAA regulations, this is well-intentioned and a nightmare to implement. I get why they're restricting agents to "elite" players (easier to police, and elite players have less incentive to accept cash since they're more likely to get a fat basketball contract later), but they didn't even consult with the NBA or USAB on designating players as "elite." That's just a lack of competence. Someone on that committee has Adam Silver's number, or can get in touch with Michele Roberts.

The changes re: official visits are nice. Returning players will present a lot of scholarship problems. Be prepared for more and later transfers from top-end schools, and carrying 12-13 scholarship players at times. Gonzaga and Kansas will have a field day with all the transfers.
I know some don't care, but Calipari had this to say on Paul Finebaum today.

“Right now, it really doesn’t matter,” he said. “None of these rules are going into effect unless the NBA and Players’ Association come together to do something with the One and Done. If they do that, I’m hearing that won’t be until 2022. So you and I are going to discuss stuff here that we should be discussing in 2021."

"They’re saying a player can go in the draft, and if he’s not drafted, go back to college. So Paul I ask you this, a kid leaves and the scholarship is given away, he wan

ts to go back to school and there’s no scholarship, what do we do? Does he transfer? Does he have to sit out? What?"

"I think we’re at such the beginning stages and we have three years before this has to be finalized,”
said Calipari. “There’s so many things that need to be answered. Thank goodness we have time to do it, but I’m thinking we’re kind of wasting our breath because it’s a ways away from doing all this stuff.”

You have no idea how much I hate that I agree with Calipari....