NCAA Basketball: 10 most hated players all-time in the sport

Eh. "At" probably isn't the word I should have used. But they're smiling. I'd never take time for a photo-op and smiling at the Dean Dome, unless I was trolling someone.

I think Jerome and Guy just trolled the **** out of you
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Those two would never have played for Duke. Too much class and integrity.
If Guy had played at Duke he would have been hated. Kind of funny how all these kids keep coming to Duke to play for K. And their parents support them. Wonder why?
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Marcus Smart should def be on there. Dude was the definition of a punk ass bitch

Agreed. He had several controversial incidents. He deserves to be on the list. Some of the guys like Laettner and Grayson Allen are absolutely warranted. No argument. But I see someone like Aaron Craft on the list and I'm taken back. Is he hated because he out-hustles most everyone 95% of the time?
I'ld almost put Ben Hansbrough ND on the list. He was taunting UK fans at Rupp. Our players shut him up the 2nd half and won the game. 2010
Happy to see ku doesn’t produce d bags like those listed
If anybody wants to see if Devendorf is still a dickhead, his old ass is playing in The Basketball Tournament.
Craft and Hansbrough were annoying, but most hated?

No “most hated” list is complete without Jason Sutherland from Missouri.
He played at Misery.

He was only on national TV twice a year.
I am serious as death Mossy.

I am damned tired of being called a racist because of my white skin and the area in which I live. I am not a racist, I never was a racist and I never will be a racist.


Bert, you get called racist so much that you are tired of it?! Wow.

Hm. News flash: if you get called racist a lot, it isn’t because you are white and from Kentucky. Lots of white folks in Kentucky who aren’t racist. Lots of people of different skin colors are racist. Lots of people from different places are racist.

Maybe there is another reason you get called a racist so much that you are damn tired of it?

Hey, who was it who saved Bert’s epic rant about how he is racist and hates Mexicans? @Quavarius you remember? Was it @UL_1986
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My fav part of this? The black guy in the white shirt who is just grinning like a mofo the entire time:)
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